Hear the Truth (Part 3/4)

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I told you I wouldn't be late this time :)



//CHAPTER 13.3


A haunting truth, a bitter sting,

Echoes of deceit that cling.

The facade shattered, illusions fade,

Revealing darkness, in the shade.


Warning: Swearing I think

Orange, after taking another deep breath, began to explain.

"I...I'm really sorry Blue, but...but we did have a...a large family. But...they aren't around anymore." The other Rainbow Friend began cautiously. Blue nodded.

He did, in fact, already know this. That was what Red had told him, when he had asked a few days ago. But it seemed that Orange would be willing to talk about it with him, which he was relieved about.

"Do you know where they went?" Blue asked eagerly, "Can we go find them?"

Orange had a very strange expression on his face as he slowly shook his head. "Blue, that's the thing. They can't come back. They're...they're dead. They have been for a while."

Blue's hand slowly fell from Orange's shoulder as he realized.

They were dead. His family was dead, and he hadn't even known them.

Blue felt his hope to ever meet them go out like a candle in the breeze.

"O-oh..." He breathed out, not quite sure what emotion to feel. He thought that he should feel sad, but instead, he didn't.

He didn't really know what he was feeling.

Empty. That was it.

Orange also seemed to be pained when thinking about it. Blue finally met his gaze, and realized the burden that Orange had been carrying.

For how long, he didn't know.

He stayed silent for a minute, unable to think properly as he struggled.

"Can...you tell me...tell me what happened to them." Blue asked, but phrased it as more of a statement as he moved to sit next to Orange.

He was aware that his voice sounded flatter than usual, more distant, but at the moment, he couldn't bring himself to put the same life into it that he usually did.

Orange also sat down next to Blue. He was oddly quiet, as if it was still hard for him to speak about it.

"I shouldn't..." Orange mumbled half-heartedly, pulling his legs against his chest.

Blue waited for him to speak anyway, but Orange didn't. After a minute, Blue looked at him again, about to prompt him to speak.

But Orange had his face buried in his claws. He was silent for a moment, until Blue saw his small shoulders shaking. He realized as his heart dropped even further that Orange was crying.

"Orange..." He said softly, feeling a rush of pity for the smaller friend. "It-it's okay..." He said, trying to reassure him.

But in reality, Blue knew that he couldn't properly comfort Orange. He didn't know what Orange had been through. Blue didn't even know what he was struggling so hard to say.

Orange finally looked back up at Blue, his face streaked with tears. "It was us, Blue." He said finally.

Blue fell silent, feeling dread creep up on him. "...what do you mean Ora-" Blue started, but Orange cut him off, his voice stronger now.

"It was us. We killed them."

It was at that moment that it seemed to click for him. The world around him seemed to fade away as he came to terms with what that meant.


He killed his family.......?

Blue sat there, trembling as he looked at his own hands.

This was his fault.

He...did this to them. He did this to his friends. The Rainbow Friends were all alone, wasting away in this damned place...and they deserved it all along?

Blue covered his own face, now deeply disappointed in himself.

"W-what....?" He whispered, taking the crown off of his head. He gazed at it, feeling tears gather in his eyes.

Orange solemnly shook his head from where he was sitting. "I...I am so sorry..." He said, as if trying to comfort him.

"Fuck..." Blue whispered, simply stared at his crown, feeling his world crumbling around him.

It couldn't be true. He would never do that.

Blue couldn't even imagine doing that...to...to others.

He paused for a moment, thinking about how his Predator Form still enjoyed the feeling of killing things. How it loved blood.


No, it couldn't be true.

It couldn't.

He was a good person. He knew he was.

"Orange, you must be confused. I...I would never do that. Purple, Green, Yellow...even Cyan. None of us would do that." Blue said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Orange's head snapped in his direction, "Blue..." Orange started, but Blue was the one to cut him off this time, standing up abruptly.

"You probably hit your head in the crash. That's it. You don't know what you're talking about." Blue said firmly, putting the crown back onto his head.

Orange also stood up, speaking again, "Blue I didn't get into a crash-" He started, sounding desperate, but Blue turned away, wiping away the rest of his tears.

He pushed all of thoughts about what Orange said out of his mind.

He would never do that.

Orange was confused.

That was all.

"Like I said, you're just confused. Let's go." Blue said coldly, picking Orange up again in his arms, but doing it more roughly this time.

"No, Blue! I-I need your help, if you just listen for one moment. Please, I need to go back there, Blue please!"

Orange continued to squirm in his grip, yelling out protests, but Blue ignored him. How dare he try to accuse Blue of murdering his own family?

What kind of sick animal did Orange think he was?

It wasn't the truth. It wasn't true.

But even as Blue walked back towards the Playplace, he knew that things would never be the same for him again. 


Oops my finger slipped while writing this.

Anyways, sorry it was short but it was necessary.

Buh-bye, and may you have a great day/night!

Next Chapter: Hear the Truth (Part 4/4)

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