chapter 7: Its on.

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I was up at 6:00 the next morning, although I hadn't slept very well. I had spent most of the night plotting my revenge.
I had developed a plan to get him back, not physically, but mentally. I'd have to ask Norman to help me research him, see if we can dig up something he doesn't want anyone to know.
Libby and I had fallen asleep with the puppies on top of us. We had all come up with a plan for them. To keep suspicion off of all of us, we were going to take turns watching the puppies in our rooms. Xander and Xavier would spread the word about them discreetly to other students without the teachers finding out. We would take care of the puppies until they all had homes.
Although I was going to have a tough time saying goodbye to the little girl. She had crawled onto my chest and slept there the whole night. As I brushed my teeth the next morning, she sat on my feet, refusing to move. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a bright green sweatshirt with converse shoes and went to leave the room. She followed me to the door, but I stopped her,
"No, little girl, you have to stay here." She whined, but sat on the floor just inside of the door. I giggled, "good girl." And shut the door.
The morning was cold, and there was fog every where on the campus. It looked as though it was crawling up trees. I headed to the cafeteria to grab some food and then I was going to shop for some pet supplies. But the second I saw the bulletin board, I felt a new rush of anger pass over me.
It was a simple piece of paper that had these words printed on it;
Welcome our new fraternity brother!
And guess who's smug grin I saw on it? That's right. He smiled like he had found a cure to cancer. So accomplished. Boy, was he about to have a rude awakening, because no one does that to Alice Chain and gets away with it.
I walked over to the breakfast line and grabbed an egg and veggie omelette with an Apple and went to sit down. Not many other people were in the cafeteria at the moment, but I saw Norman sitting at a corner table all by himself. He had his computer lap top in front of him while he ate a bowl of what looked to be oatmeal. With no where else to sit, I walked up and took the seat across from him.
"Good morning, Norman." I stated, smiling. When he heard my voice and saw me sitting across from him, he looked like he couldn't believe his eyes.
"Uh, uh, h-hi Alice!" He perked up, but his hands started shaking terribly, and he dropped his fork on the ground. He laughed nervously and asked,
"W-what are you doing here?"
"I'm eating breakfast, I hope you don't mind me sitting here?" I questioned. He shook his head violently from side to side.
"No, not at all!" I smiled and ate some of my omelette.
"So, who was that boy you were talking with yesterday?" I asked. His smile dimmed, but didn't leave.
"Oh, him? That's Carl. We've been friends since high school." He didn't look to be proud about that.
"I think its nice, having a friend for that long," I stated. He smiled and took a bite of his oatmeal.
"So, uh, how was your date?" He asked. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked down at my plate.
"It wasn't real. He drove by and threw eggs at me just to join a fraternity." I explained. He stared at me for a moment before saying,
"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."
"Dont be sorry, Norman. You didn't do it." I replied. We remained silent for about ten minutes before he said,
"Alice?" I looked up from my food and smiled.
"Yes Norman?"
"I-I don't mean to sound insensitive, you, well...would you, maybe, want to have lunch sometime?" He looked hopeful. I smiled politely and looked down at my food.
"I appreciate the gesture, but I don't think I'm ready for a romantic relationship yet."
"Oh...ok." he blushed a new shade of red. I felt really bad, but couldn't lie to him. Then, I remembered the plan.
"Yes?" He asked, looking up.
"I need to ask you for a favor..." I trailed off. He smiled and nodded.
"I'm plotting my revenge against the boy who did that to me. I'm going to need help researching his past history for any dirt. Can you please help me with that?" I asked. He stared at me for a minute, then looked down and nodded.
"Ok, I can do that."
"Thank you, meet me at the library after school on...Thursday and show me what you found, ok?" He perked up a bit and nodded.
"Ok, see you then!" He got up and went to the conveyor belt. I sighed and finished eating my breakfast.
I started outside towards the edge of the campus where town was, when something caught my attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see something hiding on the corner of the science building. I turned to it and walked over.
When I reached the end of the sidewalk, I found myself staring at a painting. A ground mural, to be exact. It looked like someone used a can of black spray paint to make it. It was oddly familiar.
The girl in the mural had dark hair and small features. I felt like I had seen her before...
She was the girl who asked Terence what the time was! Ah, that's where I know her from. I wonder why someone made a ground mural of her, I asked myself. Maybe she made it herself. While I was contemplating these ideas in my head, I didn't notice how close to the frat house I was. But I did notice the second I saw Connor step out onto the sidewalk, happy. I scowled at the thought of his joy and watched as he walked across the street and onto the campus. He approached a group of girls who sat gossiping by a big oak tree. I smiled as a devious plan popped into my head.
Time for some payback, Mr. Stone, I thought to myself.
I disappeared around the corner and took out some purple eyeshadow from my purse along with some blush. I applied it heavily to my left cheek. After blending it together and smoothing it out with a touch of mascara, I was pleased with my creation. It looked like someone had taken a bat to my face. Show time.
I waltzed back around the corner to see where he was. He was still talking to the group of girls. They were giggling and nodding as he talked to them. I took out his pamphlet from my bag and hunched over slightly, walking up to him with caution. I could hear him speaking to them,
"Yeah, then he was all like, dude, we need you to-"
"Uh, um, sweetie?" I said in my smallest and most meek voice as possible. He turned around with surprise. He smirked when he saw me,
"Oh, hey Alice. How'd you sleep?" I looked at the group of girls, who were now staring with curiosity at my face. I smiled mentally and looked up at him.
"I-I got your homework done, but it's in my handwriting."
"Please don't hit me!" I exclaimed, making my hands shake and bringing them up to protect my face. The girls were now frowning and looking in between Connor and I.
"What are you-"
"I swear it won't happen again! Please, don't beat me like last night!" I let a few fake tears slide down my cheek. He was in complete confusion right now. I was in control, which is what I wanted.
"I don't know what you're talking about-"
"Oh, you don't remember coming back to the apartment shitfaced and angry? Because I remember..." I let my face fall into my hands and pretended to sob. I made my chest hitch. By now, the girls thought they understood what I was implying and they all got up to comfort me, a few of them staring daggers at him. One girl wrapped me in a hug,
"Dont worry, we promise he'll never touch you again." I hugged her back, looking over her shoulder at him. By now he understood what was going on, and he was not happy. I smirked slightly to the side, but continued pretending to be sad. Yes, I thought to myself, you just ruined a month or so of dating for him! I felt content with myself. The girls sat down with me on the grass and talked to me about all the programs I should join. Some of them told me to call them if anything happened again. I felt absolutely glorious, until I had to go get the pet supplies.
That's when I realized how mad he probably was. I kept looking over my shoulder as I walked to the nearest store, which was Wal-Mart.
But the second I walked in, I looked in the little security TV they have right when you got in the door, and guess who I saw right behind me. Before I had the chance to run, he had gripped my arm and pulled me to the towel section. Once there, he let me know he was furious.
"What the fuck was that?!?" I smirked and crossed my arms.
"Whats the matter? Ever heard of payback before?" I asked. That's when he really scared me. He smirked and straightened himself out. He was tall, and his shoulders were broad, and his chest...
No, no! Stop it Alice! I scolded myself. He took one step closer, to which I responded by stepping back. He took another step forward. I took another step back. He did this until I was backed against the rack of towels. He set a hand on the rack next to me, straightening the arm out and stared down at me.
"I don't think you know how this is supposed to work, so let me tell you. I joined the fraternity, but you decide to get mad and vengeful. Now, I get a revenge shot in turn. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but I will get you. In the end, I will always get you." He whispered the last sentence in my ear. His steamy breath ran down my neck, making me sweaty. He then smiled, stood up again, and walked out of Wal-Mart. The second he stood up, I missed the moisture from his breath.
What's wrong with you, he's your new enemy, I told myself. Right? Right. He is my enemy. He may be cute, but he's toxic. I sighed and went to the bathroom to wipe the crap from my face.
Once it was cleaned, I walked back out to the pet isle. After I arrived there, I realized something; there are a lot of different kinds of foods for them.
I decided on a bag of Purina puppy chow. After that was taken care of, I went to find a few dishes for the food to go in. Wal-Mart's selection was a little tight, but I ended up with two red bowls for food and two blue ones for water.
I walked up to the counter to greet an elderly woman in the uniform. She smiled and asked,
"Will this be all?" Her teeth were the color of a school bus. I nodded and looked down at my things.
"Yes ma'am "
"Ok, that will be...$17.88, please." I nodded and handed her a $20.
"Keep the change, have a good day."
"Thank you, you too, ma'am." I bagged up everything and started back to Princeton. As I walked down the lonely street, I thought,
What is he planning to do? Should I be worried? But then I remembered our so called, 'date', and the fear left entirely. No, you should not be afraid, I told myself.
You didn't start this, but it's on.


Hope you liked it and please enjoy the next one,bye! :D.

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