chapter 9: Slipping away.

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The night brought little sleep for me. Both because I was trying to find the right prank, and because Libby was chatting with Debbie all night. Her first call was an argument over how unfaithful to Debbie she was, the next one was how much they missed each other, and so on. I was a sleepy mess by the time morning came, but I got up with my alarm clock anyways. I threw on a pair of blue jeans with a purple adidas sweatshirt and threw my hair in a messy bun.
Xander and Xavier stopped me in the hallway before I went off to physics.
"Good morning Xander. Good morning Xavier." I smiled at them. Today, they wore matching green t-shirts with white pants and black converse. They both smiled and bowed their heads.
"Good morning Alice. We bring good news." Xander explained.
"Splendid news."
"Wonderful news."
"Beautiful news."
"Extraordinary news-"
"Ok, I get the point, what is it?" I interrupted. They looked at each other, smiled, and replied in unison,
"We gave away a puppy." They made me smile.
"Which one?"
"The little brown one with the black stripe on his back."
"To one, Miss. Vanessa Compton."
"Bodacious babe." They high fived and laughed. I giggled at how funny they sounded. I nodded,
"Good work, boys. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a class in ten minutes." They nodded and stepped aside, letting me pass. I walked out into the gloomy day. The sky was colored Smokey grey, and the sun was not that visible. I smiled nonetheless. Because today was the day for vengeance. It was a day to mess with Connor. I stepped into physics with confidence in my step. Norman must have noticed, because he smiled as I sat down and asked,
"Why so happy?" I giggled and replied,
"Oh, no particular reason. Why aren't you so happy?" I asked. He shrugged.
"I don't really have a reason to be." Just then, Connor walked in the room, grinning as always. He looked over in my direction and smirked. I looked down at my books and pretended he didn't exsist.
Physics went by without preamble, and for a brief moment, I thought the day would be nice for once. But, my hopes were short lived.
Biology came around, which usually doesn't cause problems for me. No one I know is in this class, except for Heather and Madeline, but I don't sit by them. They sit on the left side of the class, right beside each other. I sit in the third row back from the front on the right side. We had a test recently on the biology of genetically modified plant species, and our teacher, Mrs. Frederic, was currently handing them back to us. She ranted on as she did so.
"I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that I only have two students in this class who passed with A's; Zachary and Alice."
"She probably cheated," Heather whispered to Madeline, who snickered in response. Mrs. Frederic turned to face them,
"Ladies, please keep your comments to yourself." Heather flipped the bangs from her face and smirked.
"If she's so smart, maybe she should explain the lesson to us."
"Dont be coy, Heather-"
"No, it's alright, Mrs. Frederic." I interrupted. Everyone in the room turned and faced me. Mrs. Frederic seemed surprised to hear my voice.
"Are you sure, Alice?"
"Yes, with your permission, of course." I stated, looking over at Heather. She smirked at me and crossed her arms across her plastic chest. Mrs. Frederic nodded and took the seat at her desk. Everyone waited for me to make a move. I sighed, got up from my desk, and went to the board.
"You see, it's all very simple..." I explained everything from how genetically modified plant species are more likely to not have as many diseases and how they can provide more nectar for different insects. Everyone listened with interest, except for Heather. She only became more and more angry as I went on with the lesson. When I had finished, I turned to Heather and smiled.
"And that is why, Heather, I deserve the A I got, and you deserve the F- you received." I sat back down in my seat. The entire room erupted with clapping and cheering. Heather wasn't ready to give up.
"How do we know she wasn't reading one of Mrs. Frederic's text books up there?" She looked at me. I gave her flat eyes and said,
"You're just jealous that I use my head for something other than make up!" Half the class ooooed. Heather scoffed and replied,
"Well, at least I know what make up is! You look like Chewbacca and Voldemort had a kid." More people oooed. I sighed,
"You're one to talk, Heather. At least I don't look like a clown raped my face."
"That is enough, both of you, to the headmaster's office!" Mrs. Frederic exclaimed. Heather looked at me and scowled. I sighed and got up out of my chair, heading out behind her. When we reached the hallway, she started heading in the opposite direction of me. I frowned and called out,
"Heather! The headmaster's office is this way!" She turned around on her heel and shouted,
"I ain't going to her office! I'm an adult, I can make my own choices!" She then turned back around and continued walking away. I sighed and walked towards her office wondering if I should do the same and just skip out.
But I was not a coward like Heather. I had said hurtful things, and I had to take the punishment. I knocked on her giant wooden door and waited for a response. After a minute, I heard the voice that sounds like tires on a glassy pavement,
"Enter." I opened the door, revealing Mrs. Piper. She was about 78 years old and nearly deaf. I waved.
"Hello, Mrs. Piper."
"What?" She squaked. I cupped my hands around my mouth and half shouted,
"Hello, Mrs. Piper!"
"Hello, Miss. Chain. What brings you here?" She asked. I sighed and said,
"I was sent here because of complications with Heather Smith."
"What kind of complications?" She asked. I explained everything to her, repeating myself frequently. After it was all explained, she smiled and nodded.
"I wouldn't trouble your pretty little head, dear. You are excused." I smiled and walked out. Great, all this commotion had made me late to trigonometry.

{After trigonometry...:}

I had plenty of homework to do for my first three classes of the day, so I headed off to the lunchroom to grab some food while I did it.
I grabbed a piece of pepperoni pizza with a small salad and sat at a corner table by myself. I had finished the first three pages of my physics homework when Oliver showed up and sat across from me. He was wearing big sunglasses with a fake mustache and a fedora.
"Hey Alice."
"Hi. Why are you wearing a disguise?" I questioned. He smirked and shrugged.
"The boss says I have to be more subtle."
"Well, you're sticking out like nails on a board." I stated, taking a bite of the food. He laughed and nodded.
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He laughed and then leaned on the table.
"So, what happened with the headmaster and all that crap?" He asked, smiling. I bit my lip and shook my head.
"Nothing to be concerned about, just this girl in my class, that's all."
"Ok, then I guess I'd better get going, huh?" He smiled and went to stand up. I stopped him,
"Wait, Oliver!"
"Yeah?" He asked, staring at me. I knew that Oliver and Terence were much more talented in breaking into places than I was. They could get me into the frat house with little trouble. I sighed and said,
"I need your help with something."
"Sure, what is it?" He asked, crossing his arms. I sighed and explained,
"I need you and Terence to come to my dorm at 12:00 tonight."
"I'll explain later, just please be there, ok?" He nodded and tilted his hat.
"Ok, we'll be there." He smiled once more before walking off outside.
The rest of the day went by smoothly. I had somehow managed to get all my homework finished before Terence and Oliver knocked on the door. I had dressed myself in black jeans with a black sweater and black boots. I had a black ski mask for when I got inside. When I opened the door, Terence stepped in while holding a tool box. Oliver stepped in and smiled.
"Ok, who's place are we breaking into?" I smiled and replied,
"The frat house-"
"Are those puppies!?!" Terence half shrieked half cheered. He quickly handed Oliver the tool box and went to the puppies box, picking up the little black one.
"Aww.....look at him!"
"I see him, big guy, I see him." Oliver stated, watching Terence hugging the little black one. It nuzzled on his shoulder and started to lick him. He smiled widely and looked up at me.
"Can I keep him?" Oliver shook his head, but I giggled and nodded.
"Yeah, you can have him. But we have to do this, first." He nodded with happiness and set the puppy gently in the box, standing up and taking the tool box back.
"I'm gonna name him Agent." Oliver rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Lets hurry up and do this. You still have classes in the morning, kiddo." I nodded and we all headed outside to the front stoop of the dorm. Oliver asked,
"Which house is it?"
"That one!" I pointed to the house and we made our way over, looking at the door. After trying the knob once, Oliver slipped a card in the door and made it open in less than a minute. We tip toed inside the house, which was silent. It looked like any other regular house, except it was a lot dirtier. Beer bottles littered the dining room table and clothes were everywhere you stepped. We made our way to the upstairs bedrooms and started looking for Connor. After three tries, we stumbled into the room he shared with another boy. His roommate was passed out on his bed, beer bottle in hand. Connor was sleeping in his bed, cozy under the sheets. Oliver took out some Pam cooking spray and sprayed it on the floor in front of his bed. After that was finished, Terence and I replaced his axe shampoo with pig blood. He was going to have a surprise in the morning. The last thing we did before leaving, was we took all of Connor's shoes and threw them in the trash can, which was filled with slimy food. With our work completed, we left the house and walked back to the parking lot. I sighed and smiled at Terence and Oliver.
"Thanks you guys."
"Yeah, no problem, kiddo."
"Yeah, guess we'll be going- wait! I almost forgot Agent!" Terence bolted up the steps to my dorm, knocking over a couple people. Oliver sighed and shook his head.
"You know, you probably shouldn't have done that."
"Maybe, but if it makes him happy, then why not?" I asked, giggling. Terence never got married or had kids, which always made us kind of sad. His mother died a few years ago, and he came all the way back from his assignment in Russia to attend her funeral.
Oliver smiled as Terence reappeared with the little black puppy rolled up in his coat jacket. He was talking to it the way most woman talk to babies.
"Aww, who's a cute wittle puppy? Hmm? You are, yes, you are!"
"Alright, buddy, we've got to go now."
"Ok, bye Alice!" He called back to me. I waved and watched them as they piled in the car and drove off down the road. I sighed and walked back to my dormitory. As I laid my head down on the pillow, I thought of my sweet revenge that would be placed the next morning. Alice:2, Connor:2


Hope it didn't suck, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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