chapter 53: Three months later.

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(Alice's P.O.V...:)

"Yes, sir, I'll be right back with your coffee." I cleared my throat and strolled back to the front counter and handed Jimmy the order.
"Table 6."
"Alright, Alice." He hung it on the board.
A lot has happened since I left Ireland. I've been to France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, and Spain looking for Mr. Marsh. My hopes have been slowly dying with each failure. I finally decided to settle down in the small town of Da Haan, in Belgium. The cafe near the beach has long hours, but I don't mind. People here are so friendly. And no one ever frowns.
My apartment building is just down the street, and every morning I walk to work. But my favorite part of the day is when I get off of work. That's when I get to go to the beach and sit down in the sand.
That's where I think about Mr.Marsh. I don't know where he is, but I hope he'd happy and staying out of trouble. I also think about Connor. Sometimes I wonder if I should just go back, but then I remember Brana and my hopes fly away. He has probably tried to forget me. I know I would.
"Hey Alice, my brother's visiting town, if you'd like to meet him."
"That's ok, Maya." I replied. All of my co-workers think I moved here to get away from the rush of Manhattan. That's the way I like it.
The door rung and Carmen passed by me,
"You got a customer at table 2."
"K." I nodded and walked off, adjusting my work dress. The tables and booths were alive with people chatting and eating. The dinner crowd today was a lot slower than yesterday's, but I still needed to say excuse me several times.
I finally reached the table and flipped open my notebook without looking down.
"Welcome to Beachside, what would you like today?"
"Alice?" A familiar voice said. His voice was barely audible. I lifted my head with wide eyes and felt my heart stop.
Connor stared back up at me with tears brimming the rim of his eyes. His face had slight stubble over it and he wore a black dress shirt cuffed at the elbows.
I stood there, unable to move, unable to speak. Connor stood up and set a hand gently on my cheek. I whispered with a tear rolling down my cheek,
"How'd you find me?"
"It doesn't matter," he said, shaking his head, "I will always find you." I felt a sea of relief wash over me.
With him being there, I knew he wasn't angry. I knew he wasn't with Brana. I knew he cared about me as much as I cared about him.
I collapsed into his arms, sobbing into his chest and wrapping my arms around him. He stroked my hair and tears of joy streaked his face. People in the diner stared, but I didn't care. All that mattered was that he was here.
My boss came and tapped my shoulder.
"What's going on? Who is this?" He asked impatiently. I pulled away from Connor and wiped my eyes.
"H-he's a good friend of mine."
"Well, he'll either need to take a seat or leave, we have a business to run."
"Yes, sir." I said. He walked off. I turned back to Connor with my renewed smile.
"My shift ends at 7:00. Would you mind waiting?"
"Of course not." He said. He sat back down in his seat and said,
"I'd love some food."
"What kind?"
"I don't care. Surprise me." He smiled. I giggled and walked off. As I rounded the desk corner, I checked the time. 5:00.
Only two more hours...then what?


I slipped my coat on over my dress and cleared my throat. goes nothing.
I played with my hands all the way to his table, where he sat waiting. As I approached, my heart pounded harder.
Breathe. Don't forget to breathe.
He saw me coming and stood up, smiling. He was also dressed in black pants and shiny shoes along with his dress shirt. He offered me his arm. I took it and we started out the door. As the night air hit us, I took in a deep breath. Connor smiled and asked,
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, it's just a little chilly." We walked along side the beach. It was shimmering under the stars and gleamed against the boats in the small harbor. I bit my lip and asked,
"So...where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere you go." He stated. I smiled and looked down.
"Well...where are you staying?"
"At the hotel on 27th ave." He said, looking down to me. I frowned and shook my head.
"No no no, that won't do. You can stay at my apartment."
"Apartment? You have an apartment?" He questioned, baffled. I giggled and said,
"Well, yes. I needed somewhere to stay." He shrugged and nodded.
"Ok. How far is it?"
"Just a little more up the street." I replied. He nodded and sighed.
"Ok. After you show me where it is, I'll run and get my stuff."
"Sounds like a plan," I stopped at the door step in front of my building. It was white brick with a terra cotta roof. He looked at the building and asked,
"What's your apartment number?"
"Ok, I'll be right back." He turned around and started walking. I waited until he was out of sight. Then, I whipped around and sprinted up the stairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and ran to my bathroom.
The apartment was simple. The kitchen sat right inside the door with a table and chairs set next to my balcony. The living room was on the left side of the kitchen, and my room with the bathroom was on the left right when you walked in.
I threw off all of my work clothes and turned the water on. After cleansing myself with minty toiletries, I wrapped a towel around myself and went out to my bedroom. I started throwing things over my shoulder as I sifted through all of my out fits. A dress?
No, it looks like your trying too hard.
Sweat pants and a t-shirt?
No, then you aren't trying!
Ok, a zip up sweatshirt and plaid pajama shorts?
Yes, thats perfect!
I threw on the blue zip up shirt with my pink pj shorts and combed through my wet hair. Then I walked bare foot into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. I watched the clock for a minute.
What if he doesn't come back?
I sighed and started washing dishes. The soapy water soothed my insecurities. Behind me I heard the clock tick away the time.
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
I chewed on my lip and swayed slowly as I hummed , Carol of Bells in my head.
The door latch clicked and my front door slid open. Connor walked briskly in and shut the door.
"It's chilly toni-" he paused mid sentence when he saw me. I'm surprised his jaw didn't drop to the floor.
I smiled and waved to him.
"Do you need help with your bags?"
"You look..." He trailed off, leaving the room empty. I giggled a little and tucked some hair behind my ear.
"Thank you. Here, you can put those in here." I grabbed one of his bags and led him into my room. He set his bag down on the dresser, looking around the room.
"This is nice."
"Thanks. It's the best I could get with my budget." I set his bag on the bed and cleared my throat.
"I'm going down to do some laundry, do you want me to wash anything?" He looked up and shook his head.
"No, I'm good."
"K, you can watch TV or something if you want." I grabbed my laundry bag and hoisted it over my shoulder. I opened the door and went down the stairway to the small laundry room. After I had thrown it in, I hopped back up the stairs and walked in.
Connor was sitting on the couch, reading his passport.
I walked about halfway to him and stopped.
"Hi." He replied, not looking up from his passport. I bit my lip and crossed my arms.
"What are you doing?" Teens walked by outside, shouting and rough housing. I stood still.
He stroked his thumb over the picture and sighed to himself.
"You know, I used to know who I was. Before we met." His smile was sad. I stared at him.
"And now?"
"Now? Now I realize that person was a fairytale ago. And what's even worse is I knew I was a good person." Then he paused and looked up at me. His face was raw with emotion. I wanted to reach out and hug him and never let go.
"But you made me a better person," he said, "and I drove you away." A tear rolled down his face. I walked to him and stood in front of him. I set a hand under his chin and shook my head.
"No. It wasn't you, it was me. I left...and you know what?" I paused. He managed to say,
"What?" I smiled and wiped the tears away. Then I whispered,
"I was wrong. That was the worst thing that's happened to me, since I was that scared 3 year old." I stared into his eyes. They seemed now, more than ever, to shine like an emerald sea. He smiled and took my hand from under his chin into his.
"I love you, Alice." His words made me believe. When Mr. Marsh said it, I had doubted my feelings for him. But not with Connor. No. My feelings were clear.
I moved forward and sat on his lap so I was facing him. His eyes latched onto mine. I smiled and said in a soft, quiet voice,
"And I love you, Connor."
He smiled and set a hand lightly on my cheek. He stroked his thumb across is. I closed my eyes and leaned my head into his palms. He set his other hand on my other cheek and pulled my head into his, so our foreheads were leaning on each other's. I took a deep breath and slowly whispered,
"Yes?" He whispered back. I pulled away slightly and gazed deep into his eyes. He gazed back, entranced. I bit my lip and whispered,
"I want you to touch me." He seemed to understand. His smile slid into the mischievous smirk I knew so well. The hand on my left cheek took some hair that was in my face and slowly tucked it behind my ear. Then, he slowly traced down the skin of my neck and to my shoulder. From there, he slid the hand down my arm until it was near my left breast. Then, cupped it in his hand and squeezed firmly. All the while I can feel his 'member' growing ever larger. I tossed my head back and surpressed a moan. He smirked and whispered in my ear,
"How's that?"
"Mmmm...more." I breathed out. He used one hand to grasp my hair and latch his lips onto mine. He kissed me roughly and then bit down hard on my bottom lip, demanding entrance. I moaned and balled his shirt up in both my hands. His other pushed my bottom up so I was on my knees, hovering over him. Then, he quickly pushed me aside so I was laying on my back on the couch.
With my hands still on his shirt, I pulled him on top of me, then rolled us over so I was on top. I quickly pushed him down and said huskily,
"What do you want, Connor? I want to make you say my name." He moaned and smirked.
"I want you to touch me."
"Mmm, I have a better idea." I said, nibbling on his ear lobe. I unbuttoned his dress shirt as quickly as possible, him helping me. His chest was like a beautiful cascade of muscles. I kissed down to his belt and unbuckled it. Then, I slowly pulled it out of the loops of his pants. Then, I unzipped the zipper and pulled out his member. He moaned at the contact. I smiled and licked the bottom of it, going slowly from the bottom up. When I reached the head, I wrapped my lips around it. Connor brought his hand down and pushed me down on it, sending it to the back of my throat. I gagged, but the regained my control and slowly moved my head up and down against his hand. He moaned and arched his back.
"Dear god, Alice," is all could say. He let go of his tension in one quick rush. I quickly swallowed and kissed back up his chest to his chin.
He grabbed my hair in one hand and used the other to roll us around, but we kind of toppled to the floor. I didn't make a big scene, though. We were too busy attacking each other's faces to notice.
He moved his lips from my mouth to my neck and bit down hard. I moaned loudly. He sucked harshly on my neck while grinding his re-erected cock against my core. I bit my lip and moaned through my lips. He smiled and gripped the brim of my pajama shorts, ripping them down. He slowly rubbed circles around my clit, making me gasp for air. He then gently pushed the head of his member inside me, preparing me.
I quickly nodded and wrapped my arms around his back and underneath the shirt that still hung off of him. He leaned his forehead against mine and pushed the rest in, filling me up in one quick motion. I tossed my head back and bit my lip at the sudden pleasure. He let out a low grunt and grabbed handfuls of the carpet.
He began thrusting at a steady pace, creating a little friction. I moaned loudly and said,
"Oh god, faster, please." He nodded and sped up, grabbing now a fistful of my hair. I clenched my jaw and tried to level my breathing.
Then he hit it.
The good spot.
My pupils dialated and I dug my nails into his back. He grunted loudly and managed to say,
"Found it." Found it? He knew about the spot?
I guess he must have, because without me telling him, he picked up the pace even more and hit the spot every time. I felt the tension building.
"Connor!" I practically screamed. My excitement caused my walls to clench around him. He groaned out,
"Do that again, Alice."
I bit my lip and did it two more times.
"Like that?"
"Mmm-hmm." He managed. I did it a few more times before I felt like I might explode.
"Connor, I-I-"
"Oh, me too, Alice." He thrusted two more times before I couldn't hold it anymore. I let myself go all over him. He finished inside me before collapsing on top of me. He breathed heavily against my hair, and I tried to catch my breath.
He pulled out of me and rolled to the side, still breathing. After a minute, I sat up and stood up, my zip up sweatshirt barely covering my butt. I walked over to the little side table I had right outside my bedroom and played with the gloves I had there. Connor got up and stared at me. I could see him in the wall mirror. I cleared my throat and sighed.
"Well, that was...amazing." I bit my lip and looked down. Connor walked slowly across the room to me. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against his bare chest. I closed my eyes and kept my hands on the table.
Connor placed a gentle, slow kiss on my neck from behind. Then another. And another. His hands slowly went from my hips upwards and under my sweatshirt. They crawled up until the were just under my bra. I set my head back slightly and whispered,
"Shh." He said, taking his hands out from under my shirt and turning me around. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips again, pressing me up against the wall. I moaned and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He caught me and walked us into the bedroom, throwing me on the bed. He quickly crawled over me and unzipped my sweatshirt, revealing my bra. I then pushed him aside and straddled his waist. After I threw the sweatshirt aside, Connor sat up and unclipped my bra. He cupped my bare breast in his hand. I moaned and pushed him back on the bed. After he was laying down, I grinded my bare core against his member. He bit his lip and moaned. I smirked and flipped some hair out of my face.
"What do you want, Connor. Tell me."
"I want you to ride me," he moaned, grabbing my legs with both hands. I smiled and slowly pushed myself onto him, making him groan. Once it was all the way in, I slowly rocked myself back and forth.
"Does that feel good, Connor?"
"Fuck yeah," he grunted tossing his head back. I used his chest for support and went faster.
"God, you're so big, Connor."
"This feels so good, baby." He moaned out. I smirked and bounced faster. The tension built up again. Then I remembered the clenching. I smiled and clenched myself around him. He bit down on his lip and moaned out,
"Shit, just like that."
"You want that, baby?"
"Yes!" He groaned. I rode him as fast as I could, clenching every time I came up. I finally reached my tipping point.
"Oh god, Connor, I love you."
"I love you to-" but he was cut off mid sentence by his tension breaking. I squirted all over him while our juices mixed. Then I pulled myself off of him and laid with my arm across him. He smiled in satisfaction.
He fell asleep first. I listened to his snoring for a while. After thinking, I laid my head against his chest with only one thought in mind;
Life has never been better.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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