chapter 29: A day in New York.

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Monday was not going to be a class day. Instead, everyone who was going on the trip to New York would be leaving and stay for two days before Christmas vacation.
Libby and the twins would be going with me, so Libby and I agreed to pair up for the rooms. Debbie was also coming, so I would probably be leaving the room several times, but I didn't care because it was new York. The bus would be leaving at 7:00am, so Libby and I both got up at 5:00 so we would be able to shower and pack. Libby took the first shower, so I went straight to my suitcase when we got up.
I packed my revenge clothes, pajama pants, three tank tops, two pairs of jeans, a dress, a night gown, and three sweatshirts with two pairs of shoes. Once all of my clothes were in my pink and purple polka dotted suitcase, I waited patiently on my bed for Libby to come out of the bathroom. After another 15 minutes, the door opened and Libby stepped out smelling like a fruit field.
I walked in and stepped into the shower, latherimg my hair with my mint ice shampoo. Then, after I had brushed my hair and sprayed myself with cotton candy perfume, I got dressed. Today my out fit was a purple sweater with black hearts on the arms and skinny jeans with my black and white converse.
I helped Libby pack her things, then we went to the boys room to make sure that they were up. They both looked up from their suitcases and smiled at us.
"Good morning." They said in unison. Libby and I looked at each other, then Libby told them,
"We'll be waiting at the gates for you guys."
"Ok." They said. We shut the door and started towards the gates.
The gates are just what they sound like, gates that sit at the front of the campus right next to the administration building. Libby and I sat on a bench that was very near the gate and waited for other people to show up. It took a while, but people started slowly showing up, and before very long, everyone who was going was waiting by the gates. In all, it ended up being like 30-40 people, including the chaperones.
I saw Mr. Marsh, who tried making eye contact. It took everything in my power to refrain from looking in his direction. I didn't know if I was still mad at him, but I know I didn't want to make it akward. I hadn't been attending the after school sessions, and I'm sure he was sure that I was still upset with him.
Connor showed up with his clique of people, all rough housing and laughing. I glared at him, then smiled at the revenge Libby had plotted. I turned to her and asked,
"Did you remember the lap top?"
"Yeah, I think so." She checked her bag and nodded. I looked over to Connor and saw him carrying his lap top in a bag around his shoulder.
"Are you sure you can gain access?"
"Yes, Debbie's done it before." She reassured me. I smiled to myself.
The two charter busses pulled up, so everyone started filing on.
To my dismay, Connor and Mr. Marsh got on two separate busses. Great, it can be akward, or hatred filled.
Libby and Debbie started towards Connor's bus, so I sighed. Hatred filled it is.
Libby and Debbie sat by each other on the crowded bus. I sat on the other side of the walkway by a girl who had her head phones on. Connor and his group sat in the very back, laughing and shouting.
After two chaperones gave us a pep talk, the bus driver started the engine and we started on our two hour journey to New York. I tried reading something, but then I got a headache. Connor started talking about Ireland, and with nothing else to do, I listened in;
"Well, it's really green over there. And there's always rain."
"What about the chicks, dude?"
"Eh, if you've seen one you've seen them all." They all started laughing. I smirked to myself and thought, you haven't ever seen someone like me before.
Libby fell asleep on Debbie's shoulder, so I decided to try and do the same. But my neck started to hurt after a while, and I became bored. And what happens when you're bored? Your mind wonders.
Mine happened to wander to the place I called home for so long. My tiny, almost microscopic square of the world. And I began to think, what would have happened if that little girl didn't speak about me? It was a frightening thought, but a very true one. I never would have left that basement. I finally forced the thoughts from my head.
We arrived in New York at 9:30am. I knew this not because we saw a sign that said, 'welcome to New York,' or because we arrived at the hotel. But because we got stuck in horrible traffic.
We had to wait for a solid 3 hours before we came to the hotel. Everyone was in a hustle to get our room numbers, but the lady handing them to us called out,
"There is a girl who does not have a roommate, is there anyone available?" I looked at Libby and Debbie. They nodded and I raised my hand.
"I am."
"Good, here is your room number, thank you." She smiled and gave me a little card that said,
'510, fifth floor.' I sighed and got my suitcase down from its spot above my head and started off the bus. When I reached the lobby, I saw a girl sucking on a lollipop with straight brown hair walking up to people and asking,
"Are you room 510?"
"No." People said. I walked up to her and explained,
"Uh...I'm in 510 with you." She stared at me for a moment, sizing me up. Then she said,
"Ok, let's hurry up and get there." We both waited by the elevator and started up to our room. We reached a wooden door with our number on the front of it. I took out my room key and started to open it while she eye raped a boy in the room next to us. When we walked in, I set my suit case on the bed while saying,
"I'm Alice."
"I'm Leah. Hey, do you mind if I invite him later? Thanks." She didn't wait for my response. She simply threw her things on the bed and left. I sighed and surveyed my room.
It was fairly large with beige carpet and walls. There was a huge flat screen in the front of the room with two king size beds. I sighed and set my bag next to the bed closest to the window and opened the curtains. I had a beautiful view of the next building over.
My phone started to ring, so I picked it up and said,
"Hey, Debbie and I are going to get out hair and make up done for the Broadway musical tonight, wanna come?" Libby asked. I smiled and nodded into the phone.
"Yeah, I'll be right there."
"K." We hung up and I walked down the hallway towards the lobby. I took the stairs so I could find out where Connor's room was. I found out he was on the third floor, right down the hall from Mrs. Haggle, the history teacher. She was at least 67 and wore tons of make up. I smiled and kept walking down the stairs.
I waited in the hallway for Libby and Debbie to show up. A homeless man came into the lobby and asked me,
"Do you know where I can buy a peach tree?" I shook my head and tried not to giggle.
"No, I'm sorry." Then, he walked off to the next person. Libby and Debbie walked to me and we started out to the street.
I never realized how many people were actually in New York. They were everywhere we stepped. Luckily, the beauty shop was only about three blocks away.
It was a place called 'Be beautiful!' The lady at the front counter smiled at us and said,
"What can we do for you three?"
"We would like our hair redyed, and she would like a facial with her bangs done, please." The lady nodded and sent Libby and Debbie with a different stylist and she led me to a chair.
"Alright, Julio will be with you shortly, ma'am." Then she walked off to the front counter. After a few minutes, a man with a pink scarf and ear piercings sauntered over to me and asked,
"Alrighty, what can I do for you today, sweetheart."
"Uh...I-I'm actually, not really sure...just something that looks good would be nice."
"Ok-e-dokey, I know just what to do." He took me to the sink and rinsed out my hair while he talked to me,
"So, what's the occasion?"
"Oh, it's my boyfriend's birthday and I wanted to do something special for him."
"Oh, girl, I know something else you can do. You know what men really like?"
"What's that?" I asked, smiling.
"When you play hard to get..." I spent the next hour and a half laughing with Julio about the things he's done and what I could do to spice up my relationship. All the while he curled my front bangs, did my mascara and applied foundation. When he was finished, I looked absolutely awesome. I giggled as he helped me out of the chair.
"Thank you, Julio."
"Oh, no problamo sweetie. You have a good day now!" He called behind me. I paid at the front and met up with Debbie and Libby, who both had matching red hair. Libby stared at me and smirked.
"Connor is in for it tonight." I giggled and we walked back into the street. We checked the time, 3:59pm. We had about two hours to get ready for the musical, which we were all instructed to wear formal clothes for. We all walked back to the hotel, which took twenty minutes, and returned to our rooms to get ready.
Leah was doing her make up in the mirror by the dresser, so I grabbed my dress and went to the bathroom to get ready. Since my hair and everything was done, I slipped on my dress for the evening. It was dark blue with sparkles on the hem and it cut off just above my knees with noodle straps. Then I sprayed myself with more cotton candy perfume and slipped on my flat white dress shoes. Libby knocked on my door. When I answered, I found her and Debbie wearing the same purple dress with black lipstick.
Libby frowned and asked me,
"You're not going to wear those shoes, are you?" I frowned and looked down at them.
"Why? What's wrong with them?"
"Your legs aren't defined enough, that's what! Here, put these on." She handed me a pair of 8 inch black heels with sparkles all over them. Oh god...
I slipped them on and walked around the room to the mirror. They did make my legs and butt look better, but they hurt my feet. I turned to Libby and said,
"Do I have to wear these?"
"You have to catch Connor's attention, then, he'll be absolutely sure to answer the face time request later." She explained. I sighed and nodded.
"Ok, let's go down to the lobby." We all took the elevator down and waited for other people.
By now it was dark out, and the lights were on. Libby, Debbie and I all stood in a corner and talked about random things.
Then, Libby smiled and said,
"He's checking you out."
"No! Don't look at him, just keep looking at me." I sighed, then I saw a mirror behind Debbie's head. I saw Connor looking in my direction, wide eyed. His formal wear for the evening was a light green dress shirt that contrasted nicely with his red hair and black skinny jeans.
I smirked and then Libby said,
"He's walking over, don't lose control, ok? Just stay cool."
"K." We pretended to continue our conversation until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I then turned around and smiled when I saw Connor. He smiled and said,
"Hey, you look nice." I complimented him, luring him into false security. He smiled and nodded.
"Thanks, you too. Blue looks awesome on you."
"Oh, thanks. What do you want?" I asked. He looked at Debbie and Libby, then said,
"Can I talk with you for a moment?"
"Yeah, sure." We walked to just outside the doors. I leaned against the wall and smiled.
"Ok, what?"
"Well...I just wanted to ask if you were still mad at me?" The way he asked it made me think of how cute it was the way he tilted his head. Yes, yes I'm still mad.
"I guess not."
"Well...that's good. I, just wanted to say I haven't told anyone about when I found you by the wall." I stared back at him and smiled.
"Thanks, neither have I." Everyone started coming out and getting on the charter busses. I smiled and said,
"Well, I'll see you later." Then, I walked on the bus that Libby and Debbie had gotten on.
I hadn't seen Mr. Marsh all day, which made me relieved. Then, I started feeling guilty about our last confrontation. You didn't have to call him an asshole. He tried to apologize... I'm going to have to apologize soon. But for now, as we rode towards the musical, I thought about my new revenge.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :3.

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