chapter 13: Clubbing.

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"Xander and Xavier just texted me, you're going to be our DD?" Libby asked. I had just settled down in the dorm, petting Dixie, when Libby called me. I nodded into the phone.
"Yes, I am." I replied.
"You realize that means you can't drink all that much, right?" She asked, sounding shocked. I frowned and asked,
"Why would I want to anyways? Alcohol is bad for your liver, you know." Lobby sighed on the other end of the phone.
"You also know this means you're going to need to dress up a little, right?"
"Why?" I asked her.
"Xander and Xavier don't go to crappy clubs, only the classy ones. I'll help you get ready when I get off work. I'll see you at...7:30, ok?"
"Ok." I replied. She hung up the phone and I sighed to myself. Dixie climbed on my lap and stared up at me. I scratched her behind the ears.
"You know, I should get you a collar, so I can take you on walks." She barked once and wagged her tail. I giggled and asked,
"Do you want to run to the pet store?" She wagged her tail some more. I picked her up and set her inside the pocket of my sweatshirt. She stuck her head out and whined. I sighed and looked down at her,
"I know it's cramped, but it's only while we're on the campus, ok?" She whined one more time before snuggling back into the pocket. I slipped on my shoes and started down the street to Pet Co. It had started to get dark outside, but not a lot. The whole campus was enveloped in colors. The trees were orange and yellow, the grass was green, and the sky was a beautiful blend of blue and purple.
Several people passed by me on the street, but only one of them gave me a feeling of utter disgust.
And he was heading towards me as though I was a small child he was very upset with. He pulled me to the side of the sidewalk in the grass. I felt extremely vulnerable, due to the fact Dixie was in my pocket.
He pointed a finger at me and said,
"Youre going to pay for that little stunt you pulled."
"It wasn't a stunt, Connor. I wasn't planning on that."
"That doesn't matter, Alice. Don't think I won't get you for that, because thanks to you, I have to explain about the red mark on my face to everyone." He pointed angrily to the spot where I slapped him. I smirked and replied,
"And to all your future girlfriends why you can't have kids." I smiled. He smirked in that pompous way of his and asked,
"You think you're really funny, huh? Well...just remember one thing."
"Whats that?" I asked. He smiled and took a step towards me. I didn't move because I was afraid Dixie would make a noise if I did. He leaned down and whispered in my ear,
"I will always get you. And just for the record, we both know you liked it." He walked past me then, brushing against my shoulder. I shuddered to myself. That ignorant jerk! Who does he think he is, telling me that!? Even if he was right...
No! I didn't like it! That was a stolen kiss, and it won't ever happen again. I, it can't! Connor=bad! Connor=bad!!!
I shook my head and continued to Pet Co. When I entered, a woman in uniform walked up to me and smiled,
"Hello, ma'am. How may we help you today?"
"Do you know where the dog collars are?" She nodded and pointed to the back,
"Take a left around the corner and it's right there."
"Thank you," I replied. I walked around the corner to where she told me they were and found rows upon rows of various collars. I picked Dixie out of my pocket and held her in my arms.
"Which one do you want to try?" She barked once I got to the purple ones and we decided on a little purple one with little silver hearts all over it. I purchased it and we made it back to the dorm room with little trouble.
Libby arrived at 7:30 right on schedule.
"Huh, work was hectic today. One of the waitresses had an emergency and I had to take all her tables!"
"I'm sorry to hear that." I said. Dixie laid curled up in my pillow. Libby took out two dresses,
"Which one do you think Debbie would like more?" She asked. I pointed to the blue one in her left hand.
"That one will compliment you." She smiled and nodded. Then she reached inside her bag and pulled out a dress for me to wear.
It was a short black baby doll dress with a pink strip around the waist. Then she handed me two black dress shoes.
"I picked it up on the way here, you're gonna wear it." I smiled and took it from her.
"Thank you, Libby. It's nice."
"I hope it fits, I had to guess your size." She stated, taking off her apron. I got up and closed the bathroom door, undressing myself and slipping the dress over my head.
It was maybe one size too big, but the short sleeves hung off my shoulder and flattered me. Although I have to say I wasn't too fond of the cleavage coming from me.
I slipped on the dress shoes and stepped out of the bathroom, smiling.
"What should I do with my hair?" I asked Libby. She tilted her head and said,
"I think you should just leave it down."
"Really?" I asked. She nodded and I let it down, sweeping it all to one side of my head.
Libby got herself ready and we headed down the stairs to the parking lot. When we got there, we discovered that the twins were already waiting for us, along with two girls I had never met before. One had outrageously curly hair that seemed to stick out everywhere. The other one had normal blonde hair, but the biggest lips you've ever seen. They both giggled when the twins made jokes. Libby sighed and clapped her hands.
"Alright, Debbie will be here in a minute with her car, then we can go."
Everyone cheered and the girl with the curly hair turned to Xavier and asked,
"Who's she?" Xavier smiled and looked at the girls.
"Aubrey, Diana, this is our DD tonight, Alice. Alice, this lovely lady to my right is Aubrey."
"And this luscious babe to my left is Diana," Xander introduced her. I smiled and nodded slightly.
"It's nice to meet you." They both looked at me and smiled.
"It's nice to meet you too, Alice."
"Yes." They replied. We heard an engine rev and turned to see a black Cadillac Escalade making its way down the street towards us. It pulled up along side us and Debbie stepped out, putting an arm around Libby. Libby giggled and leaned her head against Debbie. Debbie smiled and handed me her keys,
"Don't crash into anything." I nodded and tucked some hair behind my ear. Xander and Xavier hopped in the back with their dates and Libby sat with Debbie in the back too. I buckled my seatbelt and started the car. I turned slightly and asked,
"Where to?" Xander stretched and set his arm around Diana.
"Go to white beach. They have Eddie Lemon performing tonight." I frowned,
"You mean, the Eddie Lemon?" Xavier nodded.
Eddie Lemon had been touring all over the U.S.A and Canada for the past year. He was known for singing, but he also liked to rap too. He was also a notorious partyer. I started towards the highway that would take us to the club. Aubrey smiled and asked from the other end of the car,
"Hey, Alice, don't you have a date?" She looked at me for an answer. I smiled and shook my head.
"No, I'm just the designated driver to night." Diana gasped.
"Well, you have to have at least one drink, ok?" She smiled at me. The sun started to go down and was slowly replaced with city lights.
We arrived at the club at 8:35. The club sat right on the beach. I could see the ocean waves crashing over the sand.
We all got out of the car and walked into the line. After waiting for twenty minutes, we got in. True, all of us were underaged, but the x twins had strong connections and we were all allowed in.
At first, I thought it was quieter than I expected it to be. But that changed the minute we entered the dance floor/ bar. People were all over the place, drinking and grinding on each other. Debbie and Libby wondered off to the bar to get a drink while Aubrey and Diana took the twins off to dance. I sighed and decided to wonder around and see what I wanted to do.
Several people shoved past me, and many men asked me to dance. I politely declined and continued walking into the sea of sweat and cheering.
Suddenly, the lights on the stage dimmed, then turned blue. Eddie Lemon looked out into the crowd and screamed,
"Let's get this place moving!" Everyone cheered, although I doubted that half of them understood what he was saying. The music started playing a song he had done with lil Wayne called, 'she takes me low.' Everyone cheered to the beat and he yelled into the microphone,
"I'm going to need someone to fill in my spot so I can rap, who's up for it!?!" Several people, men and women, were throwing themselves at the stage, begging for a chance. He tapped his chin and said into the microphone,
"Hmm....I'll! Cutie in the baby doll dress." He pointed in my direction and a spotlight shined on me. I frowned and tried shaking my head, but the crowd pushed me towards the stage. I sighed and walked up the steps to Eddie Lemon. He handed me a microphone and asked,
"Whats your name, lovely?" I squinted into the bright lights and said,
"Alice Chain." He smiled and asked,
"Do you know the words?"
"Yes." I nodded. He smiled and nodded to the DJ. The DJ nodded and started up the beat. I waited until the beat indicated my part and sang,
"Yeah, she takes me so low, low, low. And she ain't doing it slow, slow, slow..." The song ended after a little while, and Eddie shouted to the crowd,
"Let's hear it for Alice!" Everyone cheered and whooped. Eddie smiled and set an arm around me.
"So, Alice, want to get a drink? I'm buying." Remembering my promise, I stammered,
"Uh, that's ok Eddie Lemon-"
"Please, it's no trouble. C'mon." He walked me off the stage. I started towards the bar, hoping I could lose him in the crowd, but he tugged on my hand,
"No, not that way."
"But the bars that way-"
"For the regular guests. Follow me to the V.I.P part of the club." He took me to a spiral staircase that led to the roof of the club. A large black man in a tight black t-shirt stopped me at the top,
"I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't-"
"It's ok, Toni. She's with me." Eddie told him. He smiled and stepped to the side, letting us into the roof. There was a metal railing that wrapped around the top, but other than that, it was just the stars and the club lights. A pool with glass over it acted as a dance floor. Some women danced, others just stood to the side and talked like they were attending a cocktail party. Eddie Lemon dragged me by my hand to the bar. The bar tender smiled and nodded,
"What can I get for you, Mr. Lemon?"
"I'll have a white Russian, and a Manhattan for the lady, please." He nodded and started mixing up the drinks. I tucked some hair behind my ear and hugged myself.
"I can only stay for one drink, I'm the designated driver tonight and-"
"Wait, you're just here to drive your friends around?" He asked, a shocked expression on his face. I nodded. He touched his chest with one of his hands,
"I'm truly hurt that no one would be taking you out," the bartender handed him our drinks. He gave me a glass that looked like coca cola. "Because if you were mine, I'd take you out, every night." He winked and took a sip. I smiled and stammered,
"I-I really should be getting back-"
"Whats the rush? I can make you feel like a woman," he smirked in a wickid way and pulled me closer to him by my waist. I shook my head and set my hand against his chest, pushing away,
"I'm going to leave, now."
"You're not leaving, yet. The party's only beginning-"
"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice that made me freeze. Eddie turned around, only to be pushed away from me. "She said no, asshole. Beat it." Eddie Lemon sighed and got up, disappearing into the crowded dance floor.
I never thought I'd be so relieved to see Kendall in my life. I sighed and rubbed my eyes,
"Thank you."
"What in the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be studying, remember?"
I'm only blending in, I haven't had anything to drink, I swear." He looked at the glass in my hand.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really. I didn't drink out of this." I stared at him. He finally sighed and nodded,
"Fine, but don't do anything stupid, got it?"
"This is a mission, nothing more." He glared at me one more time before walking off with two Asian men in tuxedos. Huh, wonder why he was here.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :3.

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