chapter 41: Date 1.

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Ok, so I'm not even sure if I would call it a date, or whatever. I mean, Connor was my enemy, right? Enemies don't go on dates....
Enemies don't carry things for you either...
Shut up!
Ok, maybe we aren't enemies anymore....or are we? No? Ugh! Feelings are too complicated. Why can't we all just stop having them? It would make things a lot easier.
But, unfortunately for me, they were everywhere as I sat in the dorm room, deciding what I was going to wear. My options were between a red floral shirt with a dark Jean jacket and matching Jean shorts, or a white tank top that said, 'flawless,' with Jean shorts and a fedora.
Do your hair, then decide.
Good idea.
I hopped in the shower and rinsed off with my cocoa butter shampoo. Then, I sat in front of the mirror and combed out my elbow length dirty blonde hair with my gigantic brush. I put my hair in a messy bun and stared at myself.
Hmm....I'd go with the floral shirt.
I slipped on that outfit with some black Uggs and checked my phone screen; 11:37. I sighed and plopped down onto the bed, leaning my head against the wall.
Am I really doing this?
Someone knocked on the door to my room, so I hopped out of bed and answered it with more ambition than I had meant. I flung the door aside with a huge smile.
"Hey-" but I was met with Norman's huge eyes and nervous smile. I stepped back a little, but kept the smile on. "Norman, hi. What's up?"
"Oh, well-I, uh, I-I just came by to see how you were doing? What, with your health and all....oh! Uh, sorry...I didn't mean it like that...." He trailed off, his cheeks turning a crimson color.
I smiled and hugged myself.
"That's very sweet of you, Norman. I'm fine." I told him. My calmness only made him blush more. We stood akwardly for a few minutes, then Norman piped up and asked,
"So...what are your plans for today?" He smiled at me with hope. Images of goldfish popped into my head.
I coughed into my fist and said,
"I'm going somewhere with somebody." I wanted to stay vague about who. His eyes dimmed and he nodded quickly.
"Oh...ok. well, I guess I'll be going now."
"Bye, Norman." I said as he started walking away. He tried walking backwards while waving, but he ended up bumping into the wall. I shut the door and sighed, closing my eyes.
I can already tell today's going to be different.
I walked down the steps at 11:58, just incase he was already down there. I didn't want to look eager. I took a seat on the steps and played with my sleeves. Today was warm, and the snow had become glossy as it melted into the ground. I sighed and stared ahead of me.
He arrived in a green range rover at 12:05. He honked the horn a few times so I knew he was there. I rolled my eyes and giggled to myself as I opened the passenger door and sat down in the leather seat. I strapped in and looked up at him, which took a little of my breath away.
"Hey, you look nice." He said, smiling. I felt a light blush cover my cheeks.
"Oh, thanks. You look nicer." Nicer? You idiot! I scolded myself.
He was wearing a white and light green plad shirt with a white beanie and light blue jeans. The shirt and beanie really brought out the velvety richness of his hair and made his eyes sparkle. Like emerald beauties...
"Thanks, but I think you look better." He said, tilting his head. My cheeks got hotter. I tucked some hair that fell from my bun behind my ear and shrugged.
"So...where are we going?" I asked him. He smirked, gosh dang it, and replied,
"You'll just have to wait and see." He started the engine and we drove towards our destination. I sat back in my seat and folded my arms across my chest.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. He smiled and started,
"I already told you-"
"I know, but if you were just tired of trying to win, you would've told me that and then stopped talking to me. But instead, you've been carrying my things all week. And now you're taking me somewhere to do something? It all feels very....fishy." I finished talking and turned to him. He nodded and stared at the road ahead of us, thinking.
"The night we took you in for the prank, I wanted nothing but revenge. But after you had the heart attack-"
"That wasn't your-"
"I know, Alice. I'm not saying it was. But it was still scary when we realized you weren't alright...did you ever talk with the paramedics?" He asked, not looking over at me. I frowned and stared ahead of us.
"They told me you gave me CPR."
"Yes. When I was doing that, the only thing I remembered thinking, was what would happen if you died. And I could never forgive myself for that. I also remember a feeling I had..." He trailed off and shook his head.
"God, I sound corny."
"I don't mind." I stated, looking down at my lap. He smiled and said,
"I've never felt that way about anyone. Ever." He pulled into a fairly packed parking lot. I smiled when I saw where we were and pointed at the sign.
"Mini golf?" He smiled and nodded as he got out of his seat.
"Yeah, is that ok?"
"Sure. I've never golfed before." I stated as I unclicked the seatbelt and got out of the car. He frowned and looked at me like I was crazy.
"What? You must be joking!" He exclaimed. I shook my head and giggled.
"No. Why, is that bad?" I questioned. He shook his head and said,
"Dont worry, I'll show you how." We were walking side by side by this time, and I felt a little self-conscious by how close our hands were. I decided to intertwine my hands together in front of me.
We walked inside to the front counter. A young woman with bleeched hair pulled into a ponytail and a cheeky smile looked up as we walked in.
"Hello, just the two of you today?" She asked. He nodded and handed her $20. She cashed it in and said,
"What color ball would you like?" I frowned and looked at Connor.
"She's going to give you a colored ball. What color do you want?" He explained to me. I thought for a minute and said,
"Do you have a yellow one?"
"Yes, here you go. And you?" She asked, turning to Connor.
"Blue, please." She nodded and gave us each a club and our balls.
"Have fun." She said. Connor pulled me along with him to a set of giant doors that led back outside. We came to a giant golf course that had all sorts of diffrent things. I stared with my mouth open. Connor smirked and said,
"Where do you want to start?"
"I don't even know..." I trailed off, looking over at him. He laughed and led me to a random one. It had a giant clown head at the end that acted as the hole. He set his ball down on the end and swung the club. It hit the ball and sent it flying towards the head. It landed in the mouth and the clowns nose lit up.
He turned to me and said,
"Your turn."
"I don't think I'm going to get it in on the first try." I stated. He shrugged and laughed.
"Thats ok, just try your best." I nodded and set the ball down like he did. But when I swung, the ball lazily slid to the side. I felt my cheeks blush and I giggled.
"Don't be sorry, here, I'll show you how to swing..." He walked up so he stood behind me and wrapped his arms so they sat on the outside of mine. Then, he cupped his hands over my hands and made me grasp the club differently.
"Just remember, it's all on the hips." He made me sway my hips from side to side. I couldn't help but giggle.
"There are kids around here, you know." I blushed. He chuckled and stepped back.
"Alright, try it." He instructed. I shrugged and lined my aim up with the head. Then, I swung once and the ball flew into the head. I smiled wide and jumped up and down.
"Oh my gosh, I did it! Woo!" I giggled and we started to the next hole.
We walked up to one that had random clouds everywhere. He set his ball down and said,
"So...did your parents visit you in the hospital?" He hit the ball, but it bounced around. I looked down and shook my head.
"No." He looked up from his ball and frowned.
"Why not?"
"They were busy." I said that because it was easier than explaining. He smiled to himself and nodded.
"I know what that's like." He hit it and the ball went into the hole. I frowned as I set my ball down.
"Really? What do your parents do?" He stepped back as I hit the ball and it coasted down towards the hole.
"My mom's one of the best interior designers in Ireland. She's usually gone on business."
"And what about your dad, what does he do?" I asked, hitting the ball past the hole.
Dang it.
He looked down at his club and sighed.
"My stepfather's a government official. He's gone often, too."
"What about your real father?" I asked him, looking up. He looked back at me and shrugged.
"Never met him." When he said that, my conscience wanted to slap me. You freaking idiot!
"Oh...I'm sorry." I said, hitting the ball again. This time, it dropped into the hole. He picked up his ball and shrugged.
"There's nothing to be sorry about. My mother and him met at a party, had a one night stand, and never talked again."
"But you must want to meet him-"
"There are a lot of things I want, Alice. But that doesn't mean I'll ever get them." He stated coldly, looking up at me. I stared back for a few moments. Then, I nodded and picked up my ball, walking with him to the next hole.
" you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked him, changing the subject. He shook his head and replied,
"No. Although my stepfather's hell bent on getting one from my mother."
"How do you feel about that?" I asked him, looking up at him. He smiled and said,
"I think it's gross. What about you? Do you have any siblings?" He set his ball down on a course that had a waterfall at the end. I leaned against my club and sighed.
"No, but I would love to have a sister." He frowned up at me and said,
"Why? Most people I know hate their sisters."
"Well, I'm not most people." I stated. He smirked as he hit the ball, sending it to the edge of the waterfall. Then, he stood up and shook his head.
"No, you aren't like most people. You're much more stubborn." He smirked down at me. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his right arm.
"Oh, shut up! I call it determination." He smiled and rubbed the spot where I hit him.
"Call it whatever you want, but I'm calling it stubborn." He took a swing and the ball landed into the hole. He smiled and turned to me. I smiled at myself and set the ball down.
"Ok, whatever, but I'm going to call it determination..." Then, my vision became blurry. I blinked a few times to see if it would clear up. It didn't. I heard him say in the distance,
I dropped the club and felt myself swaying a little. I set a hand on my head and said,
"I-I don't feel so good..." He set his hands on my shoulders.
"Alice? Are you ok-" but then I felt my legs slip out from underneath me and I went crashing down. Once I hit the soft green of the course, I fell into a deep sleep.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :D.

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