chapter 39: The shocker.

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The doctor said that he would stay over night, but the injuries would be treated and he would be as good as new in the morning. Nevertheless, I decided to stay the night with him. He didn't want to say it, but I could tell that he was afraid. He fell asleep after a little while, but I had to find a comfortable place on the chair.
The doctor tried to convince me not to go to school the next day, but I insisted. You need to find out who was in the ground mural.
I slept for two hours and then made my way back to my dorm at 5:47 a.m. It was slow going, but the ridilin pill helped me all the way back.
When I entered the room, I noticed that Libby wasn't there.
Hmm...she must be with Debbie or something.
I shrugged it off and took out my grey sweatpants to wear with the red sweatshirt Mr. Marsh had given me. My hands trailed up to the necklace he had gifted me for Christmas. I played with the chain, letting it fall between my fingers, and I smiled. Then, my thoughts went to our moment. He way he held me, carressed me, kissed me....
No no no! You push those away right now!!! My mind scolded me. I shook my head and slipped the sweatshirt over my head. My books and book bag were in my locker at the science building, so I left the dormitory and started towards my locker at 6:30. But as I got about half way there, I realized that something was horribly, terribly wrong.
A group had gathered in the middle of the sidewalk, an ambulance was sitting on the curb. I walked behind the people, then, I stared.
Oh no...please god, no.
My heart stopped, and I felt my cheeks turning crimson with rage.
They had lifted her into the ambulance before I could get a good look, but there was no denying it.
Libby had become the fourth victim of the cereal rapist.
This is the point where I knew I had to find him, no matter what.
Take time to come up with a game plan, I told myself as I headed for my locker.

[Study hall...:]

It was study hall, but I still had no plan. The only evidence I could've had that would have presented any type of clue was the ground mural, which of course, was now gone.
Xavier and Xander were both furious about Libby being victimized, and they had gone off to search for their own list of possible suspects.
I already knew that she wasn't a cheerleader, but I knew that she liked to hang around there with Debbie and another girl who was on the team.
Is that enough for a connection...
In my mind it was. I checked my watch for the time.
Time for psychology.
I sighed and started walking down the hallway towards the classroom. My chest ached, but the ridilin helped mellow me out, so I didn't really focus on it. I was able to walk with a little more speed, but my hip movement caused my spine and Rib cage to move too, so I winced every ten steps or so from my chest. They had to make a small incision next to my left breast, but it was barely visible, thank god.
When I turned the corner, I saw Connor walking by himself. He had a few bandages on his hand, and his eyes looked like some one smeared mascara circles on them, but he seemed like himself other than that. I tried to walk past him, but the minute I passed him, he caught up to me.
"Alice?" I stopped and pretended like I didn't notice him until just then.
"Oh, Connor, sorry. I didn't see you there."
"It's ok. How are you feeling?" He asked with a small smile on his face. I stared back with confusion.
Why would he care?
"I'm doing better, thank you."
"Thats good. Can I carry your books for you?" He asked, gesturing to the books in my hand. I hugged them a little closer to me.
"Oh, no that's ok-"
"No, I insist. You need less stress, doctors orders." He reached under my arms and took the books from me. I couldn't help but smile a little.
This has got to be some sort of trick...
"Yeah, no problem." He said, walking beside me. After a few minutes of walking, I pointed to him and asked,
"How's your eye?"
"The doctor says it should be fine by next week," he said, smiling. His smile was contagious, because I smiled too. We were left in an akward silence for a few moments, then he said,
"I'm sorry about your friend." The mention of Libby made my muscles tense and my heart sink slightly. I nodded and looked down.
"She didn't deserve that." He added. I nodded and crossed my arms.
"No, but whoever did it is going to pay." I looked out in front of us. He tilted his head and asked,
"Who's going to catch him?"
"I will." I said, looking over at him. He frowned like he didn't believe me.
" do you plan to do that?" He questioned. I shrugged and said,
"I don't know, but I'm going to find him. Whatever it takes-" then, my chest seized up again, causing a rush of pain to sweep over me. I stumbled back into some lockers and gripped my chest.
"Alice, take it easy." He set the books down and stood next to me, setting a hand behind me to keep me from slipping to the ground. His hand was warm, like the summer sun....
Summer sun? That's not cheesy....
"I'm ok."
"Your sure?" He asked, looking down at me. I nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath.
"Why are you doing this?" I heard myself asking him. He frowned and said,
"Carrying my stuff? Asking if I'm alright? Did they bust up your head too much or what?" I felt like a complete bitch when I said that last sentence. He shrugged and replied,
"It's my fault you had a heart attack, and I guess I just feel like I owe you." His words made my heart soar, but my brain didn't want to believe it. I nodded and said,
"It isn't your fault I had a heart attack, Connor. I don't blame you." After I told him that, he smiled, shrugged, and said something that I never would have expected.
"Well, I guess I'm also tired of trying to win."
"What?" I asked him, stunned. He smiled, not smirked, and looked me in the eyes. They look like spring fields of grass against the frosty windows...
"It was wrong of me to throw eggs at you, Alice. Especially since I didn't know you then. If I had just taken the time, I would never have done that to you." His smile was sincere, and his eyes said all that I needed to know. I stared back for a moment.
We neared the classroom, and all I could think to say was,
"We'd better get to class, huh?" He looked ahead of us, then smiled.
"Whatever you want." I felt myself blushing. Still, my brain wanted to protest,
You're blushing for him!?!
We entered psychology a few minutes ahead of time. Connor followed me up the steps to my seat, then he set down my things. I tucked some hair that had escaped from my messy bun behind my ear.
"Well....thanks for carrying my stuff for me." I smiled slightly. He smiled back and nodded.
"Anytime." Then, he walked back down the steps to his side of the room. I felt my heart beat regulate again.
That was nice.
Debbie came stomping up the steps and sat down in her spot.
"Who would have done that to her, Alice!? I know Pedro wouldn't....wait, would he? Never mind. But really...." She chatted my ear off while we waited for class to begin.
Mr. Marsh walked in the room, mercifully in time to keep me from killing Debbie. I don't mean to sound insensitive, because I know that Libby is her girlfriend, but holy crap! You don't need to tell me the exact same thing over and over and over again! I heard it the first time!
But I did feel a little bad for thinking that. Mr. Marsh started class by leaning against the counter and saying,
"Today, you may notice that Libby Thatcher is missing. She will not be coming back for a few weeks due to the horrific ordeal she has been threw. The headmaster wants all teachers to remind you not to travel at night. Please take extra precautions until this man is found. Now, let us begin."
I couldn't stop thinking about Libby. How she smiles. The way she is always laughing.
How can someone just do that to her? Then my mind started scolding me again.
She would have been safer if you had not had that stupid heart attack!
Stop it...
You're so worthless....
You can't even protect your friends! You aren't meant for love of any kind...
I felt the tears streaming from my face, but no sounds came from me. I just stared ahead with blurry eyes. Then, Mr. Marsh's voice brought me back to reality.
"Miss. Chain?" Back to miss. Chain in class.... I looked up and tried to meet his eye.
"Y-yeah?" I asked, my voice cracking. His face went immediately from teacher to concern.
"Are you ok?" He questioned. I heard myself sniffle and I wiped my eyes.
"I'll be f-fine..."
"You can step outside if you have to." He said, offering some comfort. I felt my face twist up like a lemon.
Oh god, don't cry in front of everyone... I simply got out of my chair and headed down the stairs. It felt more like a walk of shame with everyone staring at me with critical eyes. I rushed past Mr. Marsh to the door and bolted out as fast as I could. Then, I dug my face into the sleeves of my sweatshirt so people wouldn't hear me and sobbed.
Why didn't you help her Alice?
I didn't know-
That's no excuse, you worthless tub of nothing! My conscience screamed at me. I dropped to my knees in front of a locker and cradled my face with my hands.
Then, I heard footsteps approaching me. I quickly looked behind me to see who it was.
Mr. Marsh stared down at me and said,
"Alice, what's wrong?" He took a step closer. I turned away from him and tried to calm myself.
"I...I-I I-just w-wanted to help li-Libby..." I trailed off and cried into the sleeves again. He walked forward and set his hand on my right shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze.
"It wasn't your fault, Alice." I sobbed a little more while he stood in place, silent. Then, he held his hand in front of me.
"Come here." I frowned to myself, then looked up at him.
"Come here." He repeated. I took his hand and he pulled me up into his chest. It was hard with muscles, and I could hear his steady heartbeat against my rapid one. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, pulling me tighter against him. I set my hands on his chest and balled his grey t-shirt up in my hands, sobbing softly. He stroked my hair with his left hand, rocking me gently from side to side.
"Shh, it's going to be ok, Alice." Just hearing him say those words made me feel better. He made me feel safe, secure. Once I calmed down enough, I sniffled,
"You should go, th-the rest of the class is waiting-"
"They can all wait, Alice. Right now, I'm only worried about you." He pulled off a little and stared down at me, setting the hand that was stroking my hair onto my right cheek below my eye. I stared back up and said,
"Thanks, I really needed a hug." I sniffled some more. He smiled gently and nodded.
"Let me see you smile." He said, wiping some tears from my cheek away with his thumb. I giggled a little and smiled. He smiled back and said,
"That's what I like to see." I giggled a little more and sniffled again. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
The sensation of his lips brought warmth and comfort to me. Then, he pulled away and said,
"Are you ready to go back?" I nodded and took a deep breath.
"Yes, I am." He nodded and walked to the door, holding it open for me as I walked in.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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