chapter 42: Sunday.

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My face was against something soft. And warm. That's the first clue I had that told me I wasn't on the golf course anymore. My second clue was the familiar humming of the ceiling fan...
I sat up in my bed in the dorm room and looked around. It was dark out, but I was glad to see that I wasn't in the hospital. But I was a little surprised when I looked over at Libby's bed and saw Connor sleeping soundly on it. His beanie rested on the bedside table, but he was still wearing his outfit from earlier.
My head throbbed as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and leaned on my elbows, letting my head fall into my hands.
What happened? I yawned and reached into my top drawer, taking out the ridilin pill and biting off half of it. Then, I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I saw myself in the mirror, I saw that my hair was down and brushed through. I stroked my hair and thought, did Connor brush my hair? Wtf?
After I brushed my teeth with the crest toothpaste, I stretched and walked back out to the room. He was lightly snoring in his sleep, and I couldn't help but stare at him for a few minutes. His face was peaceful, and his hair was messy in a cute way. I smiled to myself and went up to check my phone.
When I unlocked the screen, I saw that it was 7:00a.m. I also saw that I had an unread text message. So I opened it up and read,
=do you still want 2 paint my house with me?= from Mr. Marsh. I looked over to make sure Connor was still sleeping. He was in the same position. I turned back to my phone and typed,
-Sure, what time?- he texted back two minutes later,
=ASAP:)= I smiled and replied,
-b right there.:)- I set the phone down and grabbed a plain blue tshirt to paint in with some sweatpants. I changed in the bathroom and put my hair in a bun. I knelt down beside Connor's sleeping body and whispered,
"Thanks for yesterday." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, then I left for the bus stop.
The bus dropped me off at the end of Mr. Marsh's street. I hopped off and started walking towards his house with the thoughts of yesterday still fresh in my mind.
It was really sweet. But did I have to faint right in the middle of everything? Really? Then, I thought about Pedro. The threats he had on me. The tape...the tape!
Oh my god!!!
He probably has Mr. Marsh's whole house wired with cameras! This thought made my heart beat faster. It picked up pace as I got closer to his house, which looked beautiful in the early morning.
I walked up the little walkway and rung the doorbell. Just keep calm...just keep calm.
He answered the door and smiled with his dazeling beautiful teeth. My eyes became wide when I saw his bare arms showing out of his white men's tank top with some black basketball shorts. They had muscles coming out in all the right places, and I felt light headed.
"H-hi..." I felt my usual buzz from the ridilin pill and leaned against the doorway. Mr. Marsh set his hands on my shoulders and asked,
"Are you going to be ok?"
"Yeah, I just..."
"Here, sit down for a minute, I'll get you some water." He helped me to the couch and set me down gently.
"Wait here." He left to the kitchen around the corner. I took a quick glance at the corners and ceiling of the room. I don't see any cameras... Then I looked out the window. Nothing...
"Here, are you still feeling light headed?" He asked, handing me a glass and sitting next to me on the cushy sofa. I took a sip and shook my head.
"No-" but I was interrupted by a familiar bark... "Dixie!" I squealed in delight as she leapt onto my lap and licked my face. She had gained a few pounds, but other than that, she was the exact same. I hugged her until I couldn't hug anymore. Then, I set her on the floor and stood up.
"I think I'll be ok. Let's go paint."
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" He asked, standing up and setting a hand on my shoulder. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yes, I'm ready to paint." He smiled and led me out to the yard where he had set out a few buckets full of tan paint next to a ladder. He handed me a brush and said,
"Let's start with this side, and we'll work our way around."
"Ok." I nodded and set the brush into the paint. Then, I pulled it out and started brushing it slowly over the siding until it was smooth. He got up on the ladder and started painting.
"So...what's new?" He asked, smiling. I was too focused on the paint to understand what I was saying, but my brain went with the first thought,
"Connor took me mini golfing yesterday." It was almost instant silence. He stared at the siding, then he looked down at me with a frown.
"Was it a prank?"
" was more like..." I trailed off, then said something neither of us expected, "it was more like a date." His eyes lost their shine and his smile disappeared.
"Oh...I see. Isn't that strange?" He asked, painting the siding. I nodded and coughed into my fist.
"Yes, it is. I fainted while we were there." I said. He looked down with his paint brush in hand and asked,
"What happened when you woke up?"
"I was in my room. Then you texted me, and here I am." I stated, looking back up at him. He turned away when I went to look him in the eyes. He just kept painting. I bit my lip and frowned.
"Are you ok-"
"I'm fine." He said in a flat tone that told me to stop talking. His mouth was closed, but I could tell his jaw was clenched shut. He painted the siding like it had offended him. I decided to just paint my part until he wanted to talk.
After about twenty minutes of painting, I finally piped up and said,
"Did you pick the color out?"
"Uh-huh." He said, still not looking down at me. I looked back down at my bucket and dipped the brush in it again.
"It's a pretty color." I set the brush against the house and continued stroking. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.
"I've always had a passion for painting. So I took into account the rock siding in the front and the lawn when I chose the color." He kept painting. I nodded to myself, but didn't reply because he had the same tone. We finished the first two sides by 10:00 and we started walking to the backyard for the third side. I was about to start painting again, when I felt something cold hit my back; paint. I turned around to face Mr. Marsh, who was now smirking knowingly at me.
"Oh really?" I asked, turning to him. He nodded slowly. I took my brush and dabbed the front of his shirt with it. He gasped and stepped back, then he smirked evilly and said,
"You better start running." I giggled and sprinted to the front yard, him hot on my trail. He flung the brush at me, getting some on my sweatpants. I screeched and cut through the house to the backyard. I grabbed my bucket and flung it all at him as he ran around the side of the house. His entire face and shirt was covered in the tan paint. He spit some of it out of his mouth, and then used his hands to wipe his eyes.
I stood in place with the bucket, giggling. He pointed a finger at me and said,
"I'm going to take a shower. When I get out, all of this better be done, understand?" His tone made me feel all...tingly. I smirked and replied,
"Or else what?" Then, my heart picked up. He started to turn away. He stopped at the doorway on his way in and said to me,
"Or else you'll be punished." He went inside, but let Dixie out into the yard. She frolicked over to me, her tongue hanging out. I stood in place, unable to move.
Punished? What does he mean by, 'punished?'
I shrugged it off and started casually painting the siding, using his bucket of paint. About twenty minutes went by, and I had about half of it done. By now I had completely forgotten what Mr. Marsh said. I was just standing on his porch, right next to his outside table and chair set, painting.
All of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me.
"I thought I said to have it all finished by the time I got out of the shower?" I turned around to see Mr. Marsh standing with his arms folded across his chest. He wore a black t-shirt that showed off his flattering muscles. Something about his stance and the way he was staring at me made me all fidgety. I turned back to face the wall and said,
"It's almost done-" but he quickly came up behind me and grasped my bun firmly in his hand, pulling it back in the way it wasn't supposed to go. My neck protested, but I grabbed the chair in front of me to keep me from falling backwards. He lowered his mouth next to my ear and said,
"I told you I'd punish you if it wasn't done, and it isn't. Now, you have to face the consequences." Even though I wasn't in a very comfortable position, I didn't protest him. Something in me actually...wanted him to punish me. Ugh, stupid hormones...
He brought me to the counter and pushed me forward so my hips were against the counter and my back was facing him. Then, he pushed my head down so I was now bent over the counter. I grasped the counter edge in front of me like my life depended on it. He swiftly pulled down my sweatpants just enough so my panties were showing. Right now, I was wearing my pink and white striped matching bra and panty set. He took a magazine that sat on the counter next to me and rolled it up. He set one hand just above my butt on the small of my back.
"I want you to remember this, the next time you disobey me." He said in a way that was almost like a growl. I felt something wet pool inside me.
Then, he started.
He lifted the magazine high enough to get momentum and then slammed it down hard on my behind, creating a loud slap! I let out a noise, but it wasn't necessarily what I thought it would be.
Now, I'm not an idiot, I knew he was spanking me. But I was expecting some sort of cry, or scream. But it wasn't. Instead, I moaned. Like a pleasure filled moan, the moans I experienced when he kissed me. And what surprised me even more, was that the burning sensation didn't bring pain.
It made me want more, which ended up happening.
He brought it down again and said,
"I want you to say my name!" He instructed me in a calm voice that sent even more chills and tingles through me. I frowned and said,
"What-" but he brought it down on my butt again, causing yet another moan to escape me. I gasped for air.
"Say it!" He ordered me, letting the magazine hit me again. This time, when it hit my butt, I gripped the edge of the counter tightly and arched my back.
"I can't hear you!" He yelled, whacking me again. More glorious, twisted pain shot through me.
"Simon, hit me again!" I begged. Instead, he spun me around so I was lying on my back on the counter, him standing in between my legs. I was breathing hard as he stared into my eyes and pulled back on my hair with one of his hands. I arched my back and moaned slightly.
"I think you'll need a worse punishment, won't you baby girl?" He asked it in a steamy voice that made me want to moan again.
Baby girl? He didn't wait for me to respond, he just placed his lips against mine and kissed roughly. He took my hands and pinned them to the sides. Butterflies flew through me as he trailed kisses up my jaw line and then bit down my neck to my sweet spot. Then, he bit down hard on the sensitive skin, making me moan again.
But then, my intamite time with him closed when a knock came to the door. It was loud and echoed through the house. Mr. Marsh stood up a little and sighed. Then, he turned to me and said,
"To be continued." He walked away towards the door, and I slipped my sweatpants back on over my now red butt.
After a few minutes, Mr. Marsh came back and said,
"It's a man named Kendall. He says you are needed for something."
"Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you."
"It's fine." He said. I blushed and started to walk away, by he gripped my arm and said,
"I'll see you in class tomorrow." I turned to him and smiled.
"Yes, Mr. Marsh." I gave his hand a slight squeeze, then I walked out and hopped in Kendall's car. I covered the right side of my head with hair to hide the hicky that was now planted there. He started driving towards the NASA headquarters where the bomb would be built. Then, my phone started ringing. After Kendall said I could answer it, I picked it up and said,
"Hey, it's me." Connor said into the phone. The sound of his voice made the soreness on my butt light up, which I thought was odd. I sat up a little and crossed my legs.
"Hi. What's up?" I inquired. He coughed into the phone and said,
"Well...I know yesterday was kind of a disaster, so I'd like to do something else on Friday night with you." His voice made me smile. I nodded into the phone and said,
"Sure, where are we going?"


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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