chapter 26: Camp shopping.

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The rest of the week was a mixture of stress, confusion and awkwardness. I didn't make eye contact with Mr. Marsh during psychology, and I ignored him as he tried to speak with me after class.
Connor wasn't very talkative, and he hardly looked in my direction. My mind was mixed with my feelings and I was utterly confused. Do I like him, do I hate him....ugh! Stupid hormones! Screw you!
My main focus for the remainder of the week was spent on homework and planning for the camping trip. I know, some of you are wondering, camping in the winter? Don't judge, because the chances are, you've probably never tried it.
I mean, neither have I, but hey, I'm being open-minded and optimistic. Plus, we aren't sleeping in tents, but a camper.
Libby and I had planned on going after school on Friday, but something came up with Debbie, and she had to cancel. The only other person who was going that was available was Norman, so he agreed to shop for supplies with me.
I waited patiently at the parking lot of his dorm. I wasn't quite sure what his car looked like, but it didn't matter. I sat on the edge of the curb, reviewing myself.
Today, I was wearing a bright green and yellow top with a Jean jacket and matching jeans with light brown boots. I had put my hair in a fish tail braid with no make up.
While I waited for Norman, I thought about how much I missed Dixie. Dang it, he might not let me see her again...or he could give her away! This thought made a tear push at the edge of my eye. But I pushed it back as the front door to the dorm swung open, and Norman stepped out in a sweater vest and khaki pants. His bright red hair was neatly combed and he smelled like old spice. He smiled when he saw me and waved in his usual way.
"Hi Alice!"
"Hey, Norman. You know we're just going to Wal-Mart, right?" I asked him, smiling. He looked down at his clothes and then nodded.
"Yeah, I know. It's just cold out here, that's all." I nodded and stood up from my spot on the curb. I smiled and folded my hands in front of me.
"So, which car is yours?" I asked him. He smiled and pointed to a dark green Buick. We both walked up to it and hopped in, buckling up. Norman stuck the key in its ignition and turned on the heat.
"Alright, off to Wal-Mart!" He sighed, starting towards the store. We didn't talk much, but I could tell he wanted to. So I smiled and sighed.
"So...what's been up with you?" I questioned, smiling at him. He smiled back and shrugged.
"Not much. I got an A- on my physics exam."
"Really?" I asked him. He nodded and sighed.
"Yeah, I was so mad, I felt like I could punch something." I giggled and nodded, making him blush.
"Yeah, that's how I feel sometimes." I said, giggling in the middle. He smiled shyly and turned the corner.
"Here we are," he pulled the car into the parking lot and parked in a spot three spots from the front. We both got out and I stretched my arms and yawned. Norman smiled and said,
"Yeah. Alright, do you have a list?" I asked him. He fumbled with his pant pocket for a moment, then he pulled out a piece of folded up notebook paper. He handed it to me while smiling.
"Thats what Libby gave me." He explained. I nodded and we both started inside. Once there, Norman grabbed a cart and I unfolded the paper. Here's what the list said;

5 pillows.
Graham crackers
Hot dogs
Ground beef

I nodded and pointed in front of us.
"Lets get the meat first."
"Sounds like a plan," he stated, pushing ahead of me. We approached the meat and started looking around for the hot dogs and ground beef.
"There it is!" Norman exclaimed, reaching for the ground beef. The floors must've been slippery or something, because Norman slipped and fell into the meat, hitting his head on one of the shelves. I tried not to giggle as I walked up to help him out of the processed food.
"Are you ok?" I asked him. He nodded while holding his head with one hand.
"I'm ok, thanks."
"Alright, let's get the marshmallows and chocolate now."
"K." He said. We walked past the various isles and started throwing the stuff into the cart. Suddenly, my phone started playing Kendall's ringtone. I sighed and looked at Norman.
"I gotta take this."
"Go ahead, it's fine," Norman stated, nodding his head and leaning against the cart. I opened the phone and held the receiver to my ear.
"Hello, Kendall."
"Alice, what's this I hear about you slapping your psychology professor and calling him an asshole!?!" He sounded beyond angry, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"It's a very long, complicated story."
"Well, whatever the reason is, you need to cut that shit out, missy. Or so help me god....I'll move you to a different college." He threatened. Now, I'm not going to lie, my heart skipped a beat when he said he'd move me. But, I didn't let him know that.
"Ok, Kendall. I'll try."
"You'll try, or you will?"
"I will, Kendall."
"Good. Stay outta trouble, Alice." And on that happy note, his end of the line went dead. I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed. Norman smiled and asked,
"No, more like a boss." I stated, being vague about it. Norman didn't push it too far, so we continued on to the pillows. As we headed towards the check out, I heard my phone going off, Libby. I smiled at Norman and then picked it up.
"Alice! I just thought of the perfect revenge!!!" She practically screamed in the phone. I pulled the receiver slightly away from my head and giggled.
"Ok, what is it?" The whole time Norman was paying for and bagging everything, Libby was explaining the plan she had concocted, and a devious smile krept onto my face. When she had finished, I simply said,
"Libby, you are a genius." And I hung up. Norman smiled and we started out to the car. After we had put the bags in the trunk and Norman came back from putting the cart away, I turned to him and asked,
"Norman, would you mind taking me to the mall?" He smiled nervously and pushed his glasses to the top of his nose.
"Y-yeah. Sure thing." He started the car up and we drove to the mall. As we did, Norman frowned and said,
"Um, so I, uh, heard that you got in a fight with Mr. Marsh?" He glanced over to make sure he hadn't offended me.
"Yes, I suppose you could call it that."
"Why?" He questioned. I bit my lip and stared forward at the road.
"You saw the posters?" His cheeks turned crimson as he nodded.
"He thought it was true, so I snapped and did some things that I regret." Something unintentional in my voice told him to drop the conversation, which he did promptly. We drove the rest of the way there and parked in the middle of the parking lot. I quickly got out, Norman following me like a puppy.
"Where are we going?"
"I need to grab some feminine products, you can go do something else and I'll call you when I'm done." He didn't ask anymore questions, he just nodded politely and walked off towards Spencer's.
I quickly took the escalators to the top of the mall and walked around the corner to Victoria's secret. The moment I walked in, I was greeted by many provocative clothing. Each one allowed me to run my revenge senario through my head. A tall woman in skinny jeans with the name tag, 'Kate' on her shirt approached me with a bright smile.
"Hello, welcome to Victoria's secret, and what are you desiring today?" Her smile was on full wattage. Her teeth almost blinded me. I smiled back and crossed my arms.
"Well, it's my boyfriend's birthday...and he really likes two pieces."
"Alright, well follow me and I'll show you our selection." She smiled again as she took me to the right side of the store where all the matching bra and panty sets were. Kate turned to me once we had stopped in front of a large rack and smiled.
"I'll give you a moment to look over everything, and if you need help, please don't hesitate to ask." With that, she smiled and strolled to the front counter. I turned to the sets and picked out three things that I liked.
The first was a pair of white bra and panties that were covered over with light blue lace. The bra was strapless. The second was a blue dress that cut off just below my butt and was see through from the bottom of the breasts down and came with a dark blue underwear and built in bra. The last one was a simple pair of black bra and panties with green lace on the brims. After I had picked out my size, I took them to the dressing room and started trying them on. The blue dress flowed freely, but I couldn't see it fitting my plan. I got it anyway, because it made me feel good, which is always important.
The green and black ones didn't look good on me, so I decided not to get them. But the blue and whites ones were...almost too perfect. Like they were made for my plan.
I never thought I could look like that. To be frank, sexy. I smirked and nodded to myself as I left the green and black ones on the hangers, carrying the other two out with me. I walked to the front desk and set them down in front of Kate. She smiled and said,
"Do you want the bow that comes with these ones?"
"What bow?" I inquired. She smiled and pulled out a light blue bow.
"Some guys like the 'little princess' look. If he's like that, you just tie it in your hair. It'll really get him going." The words that came out of her mouth didn't match her. She seemed so sweet and innocent. I smiled and thought, eh, why not?
"Sure, I'll take it."
"Ok, that will be $46.37, please." Holy shit!
I handed her a fifty and left after I received my change. I started to where I had seen Norman last, but I paused when he wasn't there. Where did he run off to? I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted him, 'where r u?' He texted back ten seconds later,
'By Starbucks.' I sighed and walked towards the food court with my bright pink Victoria's secret bag. People gave me funny looks, but I did my best to ignore them.
I found Norman sitting at a corner table by himself with a coffee, looking around for me. He looked very uncomfortable and akward, but I didn't mind. Everyone is different, and nobody is perfect. That's the way I see things.
When I sat down, his eyes went straight to my bag.
"I thought you were getting feminine products?" He said in a question way. I giggled and said,
"Have you ever seen a man wear lacy bras with matching panties?" He blushed and chuckled.
"I guess I can't say that I have." We both laughed a little and then I sighed.
"Well, should we get going?"
"I guess." We got out of our seats and made our way to his car. After we had both buckled in, Norman sat up suddenly. I tilted my head and asked,
"Whats wrong?"
"I was just thinking, do you think Mr. Marsh could change your grades because of the fight?" Norman's suggestion made my heart stop. Oh my god, would he do that?
I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and went online to skyward so I could check my grades. And I was relieved to see my psychology grade was still at an A. Phew.
I sighed in relief and shook my head.
"No, my grade is fine." I smiled and Norman started the car, driving us back to campus.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :).

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