chapter 14: Blood Drive Illness.

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I started down the stairs to try and find everyone. The music was playing some really loud rap music, and everyone was shouting along with the swear words.
I found Xavier and Xander laughing hysterically while Aubrey and Diana leaned against them, also laughing.
"And then she said-"
"Look, there's Alice!" Xavier shouted to his brother. Xander frowned and said,
"That's not what she said."
"No, Alice is coming! We saw you sing with Eddie Lemon!" Xavier wrapped me in a hug. I patted his back.
"Are you ok?"
"I has never b-been better!" He laughed. Aubrey laughed. I turned to Xander and asked,
"Do you know where Libby is?" He nodded and pointed to the bathroom.
"S-she and Debbie went in there like, like...half an hour ago." I nodded and said,
"Stay here, I'm going to go get them, ok?" He nodded and turned to Diana and kissed her. I walked inside the bathroom, and the only thing I could hear was the sounds of vomit. I called out,
"Debbie, Libby?" After a minute, I heard Libby speak up,
"Yeah." I said. They both came out stumbling. I sighed and said,
"Come on, we're going." Libby smiled and leaned on Debbie as they followed me out of the bathroom. We started towards where I saw Xander and Xavier last, but they had disappeared. I rubbed my forehead and we walked to the bar. I leaned on the sticky counter and asked,
"Excuse me, but have you seen two blonde headed twins and their dates anywhere?" He nodded and pointed to the door.
"They left out the door." I thanked him and took Debbie and Libby out the door with me.
When we reached the sidewalk, we saw Xavier and Xander across the street, splashing in the water. Aubrey and Diana laughed on the sand while drinking their last bottles of beer. Libby and Debbie stumbled behind me as we crossed the street to them.
"Xander, Xavier! Come on, we're leaving!"
"Do we have to?" They asked in unison. I nodded and they came out of the water, walking to Aubrey and Diana.
It was hectic trying to get them all in the car, but we eventually made it back to the campus in one piece. Xander and Xavier persuaded the girls to come up to their dorm room. Libby and Debbie stayed in the car while I went upstairs to try and go to sleep. Debbie and Libby would eventually come in to the room, and I didn't want to be awake when they did.
Dixie was waiting patiently for me to come in and lay next to her. After I was settled in, I hugged her and pulled her against me. We both fell asleep within minutes.
Debbie's snoring woke me up the next morning. It sounded like an elephant snorting the snot back into its nose. I sat up and tried to check the time, but the phone started ringing when I opened the screen. I clicked the answer button and put the receiver to my ear,
"Hey, meet me at Caribu in five minutes, ok?" Clark instructed. I nodded into the phone,
"I'll see you there." We hung up and I went to the bathroom, throwing on some black leggings and a pink t-shirt with a black heart in the middle of it. I put my dark blonde hair in a messy ponytail.
I smiled at Dixie and walked out of the room, heading down the street towards Caribu coffee. It was 9:00 in the morning, and today was very sunny out. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I smiled as I saw flocks of geese flying by me in the sky.
When I arrived at Caribu, I saw Clark sitting at a table by the window, two coffees in front of him. I sat down across from him. He looked up from his paper and smiled at me, setting the newspaper aside.
"Hey, how have you been?" He asked, leaning across the table and hugging me. I hugged him back and then sat back, shrugging.
"I've been pretty good, you?"
"Oh, I've missed you a lot. I ordered you a campfire mocha."
"Great." I replied, taking the cup. He sighed and reached into his brief case that sat next to him on one of the seats. He pulled out a large envelope that was marked, Top secret. Very discreet. He slid it across the table to me and started explaining.
"This is something the boss wants you to figure out."
"What is it?" I asked. He smiled and started explaining,
"Theres a problem with a space crafts chemical properties that NASA is developing now. When it is figured out, they will be able to travel inside planets like Uranus and Neptune." I looked up from the envelope and frowned.
"But that's impossible."
"Not if you can figure out this chemical equation. They think you can do it."
"How do they expect-"
"Can you do it, Alice?" He interrupted me. I stared down at the envelope,
"I can, but it may take a few weeks-"
"That's fine, Alice. They just need you to do it, ok?" He smiled at me. I nodded.
"Ok." He reached across the table and held my hand.
"That's my girl." He gave my hand a slight squeeze. I gave it a slight squeeze back. He sighed and stood up.
"I have to go. I love you, ok?" He kissed my forehead. I smiled and said,
"I love you too." He gave me one last smile before exiting the coffee shop. I sighed and sat at the table, enjoying my campfire mocha. Hmm...the blood drive is today, I thought. Time for my prank.
The blood drive started at 5:00, so I decided to take Dixie on a walk. We strolled down the street towards the sea. She stopped in several places along the way to sniff trees and people, and we also had to stop a lot to let little children pet her. When we got to the beach, I sat down in the sand near the water and let Dixie play in the water. Every time a big wave came, she would jump into it and let it carry her back to my hands.
I stared out at the open ocean. A few sail boats roamed the water, but other than that, it was clear blue. I wonder if my parents see this every day, I thought. I wonder if they live near the water, and go swimming everyday. Dixie wagged her tail and pawed at the water, awed that it would splash back whenever she did. I wonder if they ever think about me...Dixie started tugging at my leggings, wanting me to jump in. I giggled and shook my head,
"No, I didn't bring a swim suit." She whined and pouted. I giggled and picked up a stick. "Want to play fetch, Dixie?" She barked and I giggled, getting up and throwing the stick down the beach a ways. She ran her stubby legs after it and had to drag it back. I giggled and we played for a while.
Dixie and I made our way back at around 4:35. Again, we had to stop at several spots along the way, but luckily Dixie became tired from all the excitement, and she went right to sleep when we got back to the dorm. I sighed and went to look at myself in the mirror.
I tied my hair in a neat bun and took off my glasses, squinting into the mirror. Boy, I look different. I sighed and applied just a touch of lipstick. Show time.
I walked outside towards the stand for the blood drive. I shivered at the thought of needles and looked around for Connor. He sat with a group of friends by a big oak tree that sat in the middle of everything. They were laughing and smiling. You won't be smiling for long...
I snuck behind the white sheets of the tent they had set up. A chair sat in front of a rack of white lab coats that hid me from view. I grabbed one off the rack and slipped it on. Then I grabbed a clipboard and walked to a nearby tree.
Connor was still sitting there, laughing and smiling. For a second, I thought, should I do this? This is cruel. Then, he did it. He smirked. In that jerky, arrogant way, he smirked. I then had no problem proceeding.
I strolled up to him with my most serious face. He saw me coming, and a surprised look came on his face.
"Alice, what are you-"
"Alice? Mr. Stone, you came to see me a few days ago, remember? It's doctor Moore."
"Alice, what are you-"
"Again, Mr. Stone, it's doctor Moore. I'm here to talk about your test results."
"Test results?" He asked, knowing what I was doing. I kept a straight face and said,
"Yes, but I think it might be better of we talk in private." By now his friends were listening. He smirked and replied,
"No, we can talk about it here." I looked at him, then to his friends and asked,
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely, doctor." He smirked in that pompous way of his. He thought I wouldn't have it in me.
I sighed and sat down on the grass next to him.
"Alright, then. The good news is, we know why it's so painful whenever you urinate. The bad news is, we can't cure it." I stared into his face. He lost all color and his eyes were now wide. I tried not to laugh. His friends started to snicker.
"You should probably inform your, special someone, about what's going on." He stood up off the grass and stared down at me.
"Alice, tell them you're joking."
"I'm afraid not, Mr. Stone. And please call me by my name, doctor Moore."
"I'm serious, Alice. Stop now!" His friends started scooting away from him. I sighed and looked up at him.
"Its fine to be upset, Mr. Stone. Everyone who discovers that they have developed an STD usually are. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me." I stood up and started walking calmly away. I snuck back around the tent and threw the clipboard and lab coats back, walking hurriedly to a public place.
But when I turned around, all I saw was Connor speed walking behind me. I tried to remain calm, but as I walked into a part of the campus that had fewer and fewer people, I started to get worried. Run! Sprint! I panicked. Once I was around the corner, I broke out into a fast run. He pursued me. I tried turning another corner, but I came to a dead end. When I turned around, he was at the end of the dead end, nothing but murder crossed his face. My heart raced and I shuffled along the wall. He wouldn't kill me, right? I backed into a corner. Connor closed the gap between us and set either hand on the wall behind my shoulders. In an attempt to not die, I stuttered,
"Look, Connor. You hung my underwear out for the campus, so I embarrassed you-"
"Alice, shut up. I don't want to hear anything but you begging for mercy. We both know I don't like you, in fact, I might hate you a little bit." I thought my heart would explode out of my chest any moment. He pushed his face into mine, roughly kissing my lips. My nerves spiked every time he bit my bottom lip. His sweet hot breath ran down my throat and trailed to my jaw line as he kissed it up to my ear lobe. I set my hands on his chest, balling his shirt in my hands. He kissed my ear lobe and then whispered,
"Told you you liked it." He smirked and set a hand under my chin, lifting it so he was staring into my confused yet terrified eyes. Then he said, "enjoy today, because a shit storm's coming for you." Then he walked off back down the hallway and disappeared around the corner. I felt my heart still in my chest. Well, that was interesting. I'd consider it, Alice:4, Connor:3.


Hope you liked it, please do enjoy the next one, bye! :).

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