chapter 47: What to do?

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My breathing was shallow in the quiet room. The sheets were softer than they were before. The little bit of light pouring through the swaying curtains had a diffrent hue to it than before. I laid, alone in the bed, and replayed last night's events over and over in my mind.
Did I really sleep with him?
I giggled into he pillow and looked up at the wall in front of me. But something on the bedside table caught my attention;
A framed picture. It had all the coaches, assistant coaches, and members, of the cheerleading team. Standing on the side, next to Heather, Chloe and Aubrey, was Mr. Marsh. His face was sunkissed and beautiful. But in that moment as the dots connected, I felt sudden horror.
I quickly reached onto the table where I left my phone and dialed up their numbers, and after ten minutes, my suspicions had been confirmed. I gripped the phone tightly in my white hand as I nodded numbly into the receiver,
"Thanks Libby." I hung up and let the phone fall into the bed. My head felt light.
"Good morning," it was Mr. Marsh. He leaned down on the bed beside me and placed a gentle, sweet kiss on my lips. He pulled away and smiled.
"Breakfast is ready." He smelled of fresh roses and chocolate. His voice was smooth, calming.
But I couldn't respond. The only thing I could do was stare and look into his eyes. My stomach felt queasy and too small.
He frowned back at me and tilted his head,
"Alice, what's wrong?"
"It's you." I whispered, barely audible. He chuckled slightly in confusion and set a hand on my shoulder.
"What's me-"
"You're the rapist." I said coldly, looking into his blue eyes. His smile slowly faded and his eyes lost color.
"I..." I wriggled away from him and walked hurriedly towards the door, phone in hand. He leapt up from his place on the bed and took a step towards me.
"Alice wait-"
"Am I right?!" I asked sharply and turned on my heel quickly to face him. He stopped in his tracks.
"No, I don't want to hear any false comforts or lies. Tell me now, the truth; am I right?" My voice left no room for arguments. He stood there, looking for the slightest comfort in my eyes, then slowly nodded.
" are." We stood in silence. The whole world stopped. Then, I shook my head and sighed in disgust, walking hurriedly to the kitchen. He followed closely behind me.
"Wait, let me explain-"
"No!" I turned my screen on and dialed 911. He grabbed the phone from my hand in one swift movement and ended the call before anyone could answer. I whipped around and reached for it while clasping the blanket around my body, covering it up.
"Give it back!"
"Alice!" He shouted, pushing me back away from the phone in his hand. I stopped, shocked by his voice. He stared back and stated,
"Just sit down and hear me out. After I tell you my part of the story, if you still want to call the police, I won't stop you. But please, for our sake, please listen to me." His eyes stared at me, begging me to comply. After a moment's hesitation, I nodded and sat down at the bar stool. I crossed my arms and stared up at him.
He nodded and sat down at the stool next to me, but he faced the window. He stared out of it, a suddenly lost expression swept across his face. His eyes became lighter. My heart couldn't help but soften when I looked at him. He waited a few beats, then started.
"When my mother died, my life was never the same. Every school I went to, every person I met, knew how she died. Kids used to point and say,
'That's him. The boy whose mom was a whore.' They didn't care that she died, they only focused on that part of her. I eventually started believing them. I hated not only my mother, but all of the so called 'whores' of the world." He paused, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Then he continued on;
"I wanted vengeance, because I believed every girl could be like that. I mean, my mother was not even the slightest bit of a slut when my parents were still married, but then she transformed into someone I didn't know. Didn't want to first victim was Jessica Wilbur. She had been hinting at me since the beginning of sophmore year that she was single. I asked her out, she said yes. The night ended at her parents house. She was fine with kissing, but I knew what she was..." He trailed off and stared at me. I was looking down at my hands.
"That's it? That's your explanation?" I asked, tears escaping my eye. He nodded and looked down. I shook my head and yelled through my tears,
"You should be ashamed of yourself!"
"I am, Alice-"
"Why would you ever think that was ok? Why wouldn't you tell me?!" I was crying hysterically into my hands now. My body quavered uncontrollably. He set his hands on mine, tears now falling down his face too.
"I know, Alice. And I'm sorry...But I never have to do it again." He said it in a small, soothing voice. I managed to calm myself down, but tears still came out as my chest heaved. I looked him in the eyes and asked,
"Why?" He smiled reassuringly at me and placed his left hand on my cheek. He wiped some tears away and whispered,
"Because I have you. I'm sorry, and I promise you, it will never happen again." I sniffled through the silence for a few moments. My head pulsed thoughts.
Don't believe him, stupid! Call the cops!
But he says he loves you...
No! Hit him in that head and run!
He's crying too...
Probably because he's afraid of jail!
He got off the stool and stood next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me right against his chest. The sudden warmth and comfort I got from his arms made all my doubtful thoughts flee, if only for a moment. I closed my eyes and hugged him back, my tears slowly trickling away.
He pulled away after a few minutes and laid his forehead on mine. He breathed in slowly and said,
"I love you." That's when a smarter person would have thought through their situation. A smarter person, if there was such a thing, would not have said what I said then;
"I love you too." I looked up at his eyes. He smiled back and wrapped his hands loosely around my waist. We swayed back and forth for a minute, then he slowly breathed in.
"You know're the first girl that didn't resist."
"And how does it feel?" I heard myself ask him. He smiled and whispered,
"It feels great." Then, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips. I kissed back, enjoying the comfort of his soft lips against mine. His hands pulled me tighter against him, and I placed my hands against his chest, balling his fresh shirt up. He smiled in the kiss and pulled away. Then, he bit his lip and whispered,
"You'd better get some clothes on before I change my mind."

(Sunday at 12:00...:)

I sat criss crossed on my bed, thinking. It was mostly about Mr. Marsh, and if I really meant when I said I loved him. It was stupid to say in the heat of the moment, but was it false? Do I care for him in that way?
What would Clark say....
My phone started playing, 'bad boys,' Oliver. I cleared my throat and picked up.
"Alice! Where are you?!" His voice sounded strained. I frowned and said,
"In my dorm. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Can you meet me in the parking lot? It's urgent."
"Sure, I'll be right there." His end went dead. I hopped out and threw a white sweatshirt over my tank top and plopped down the stairs to the parking lot. Oliver pulled up alongside me in a dark red car. He rolled his window down and said,
"Get in. We need to talk."
"Ok." I opened the door and slid into the backseat. Terence was sitting like a stone in the passenger seat. Oliver started the car and we silently drove off. I sighed and smiled at them.
"So, what's wrong?" Terence looked down and Oliver spoke up.
"Alice...I need you to be completely and totally honest with me...what happened at the cabin?" He didn't turn back to see me. My face felt white and I stammered,
"H-how did you-"
"Kendall never turned off your tracking device. He sent Terence and me to keep an eye on you, but you spotted me in the window." His explanation made me feel queasy. Then, he sighed and said,
"I'll ask again, Alice; what happened that night?"
I took a second to gather myself.
Oh no, this is not good....
I folded my hands in my lap and looked down. When I spoke up, my voice was soft.
"He made love to me." When I glanced up, Terence was shaking his head and Oliver wasn't moving. Then, he bit his lip and said,
"Yeah?" I whispered back. He cleared his throat and looked at Terence. Terence nodded and turned back to look at me.
"Kendall also had us tape all of your conversations." My heart stopped and I felt cold.
"Did you hear..."
"Yes, we know about him." He said quietly. I sniffled, my eyes searching for refuge, but not finding any.
"Y-you can't say anything...please!" I was flailing. Oliver looked at Terence, then looked down.
"'s our duty-"
"But you can't just-"
"But," he interrupted, "we can hold off for a few days. Warn him so he can get away." His voice told me not to argue. I stared ahead of me and nodded.
"Ok." I felt numb. Terence looked down and said,
"That's not all we came to tell you, Alice."
Now what?!
"Yes?" I asked, still dazed. He looked at Oliver, then to me.
"This won't be easy to say..."
"It's ok, Terence." I assured him. He nodded and cleared his throat.
"We just received orders regarding the bomb...and it isn't experimental." This news made me look up out of my daze.
"What? That can't be."
"It is."
"But that means..." I trailed off.
Oh no. Please god, no...
"The UN wants to work on the population control of the planet. They've decided to take out the 'expendables.'"
"Meaning what?" I asked, my voice in panic. Oliver looked down and said,
"They're gonna drop it on the Pacific islands."
My body went numb. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. My vision seemed blurry. Only one thought came through my head.
My parents...
Terence and Oliver waited for my reaction for several minutes. After a while, Oliver said quietly,
"Alice? You ok?"
"I have to talk to my parents." I said, my voice frantic. Terence shook his head,
"No, Alice. You know we can't-"
"Terence, please? There must be something you can do?" My thoughts were everywhere. They looked at each other, then Oliver nodded at Terence. Terence nodded back and pulled out a cell phone. He hit a dial button and talked to a man for ten minutes. Then, he pulled the phone away from his ear and handed it to me.
"Robert will connect you."
"What? Now?" I asked, a little shocked. He gave me a funny look and nodded.
"Yes, take the phone." I stared at it, then slowly took it and held the phone to my ear.
What am I going to say?
Stay cool, stay cool...
But then, I heard the other end pick up, and the sweetest, most beautiful voice in the whole wide world said to me,
"Hello?" My heart fell and my stomach got butterflies. I gripped the receiver tightly and asked quietly,
"Mom?" There was a long pause. Then, I heard a the voice ask back,
She remembers me!
"Yes, it's me." I felt a hot tear sting my eye. I heard her gasp for air.
"Oh, my baby girl! How are you? Are you alright?"
"Everything's fine, mom." I sobbed back to her. My heart swelled with joy and I was smiling.
"Sweetheart, why are you crying?" She asked, her voice filled with concern only a mother can register. I nodded into the phone and said,
"I-I'm just really glad to hear from you."
"I'm glad to, sweetie. I love you so much-" but then her end went dead. My eyes widened and I asked,
"Hello?! Mom?!"
"Give me the phone, Alice." Terence said, holding out his hand. I frowned and said,
"The line went dead-"
"I know. They only have limited electricity there. It won't be up for a while." He still held out his hand. I bit my lip and handed it back to him. Then, I sat back and crossed my arms.
"We have to stop the bomb, no matter what."
"We know, Alice. But we'll need some serious help," Oliver replied.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :P.

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