chapter 51: Party hearty.

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I followed Connor down the steps to the front door. People scurried about everywhere in the huge house. Some people carried tables and chairs while others buisied themselves with dusting. I followed Connor down the flight of wooden stairs and across the room to the doors.
"And just where do you think you're going?" I heard his mother's voice called out above the scurrying. Everywhere people froze and stared at their mistriss, wondering what was the matter. Connor frowned and replied,
"Taking Alice to the dress shop."
"You will do no such thing. I'm taking her. You need a bath, anyways." She walked down the steps and smiled at us. "Go on." She said, pushing Connor back towards the stairs. He looked at me, then to his mother, and walked up the staircase. Everyone continued their previous forms. Connor's mother smiled and said, "shall we?"
"Yes, ma'am." I replied. We walked down the stone steps and hopped in a white Rolls Royce. Taffy was waiting in the front seat. As soon as we had taken our seats and buckled up, Taffy took off down the road. I played with my infinity necklace and sat silently in the backseat.
After a ten minute drive we came to a stop in front of a store called, Dress to Impress.
"I'll call you when we are finished, Taffy."
"Very good, madam." He replied, shutting the door behind her and opening mine. I thanked him and followed her inside the store. The first thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled like expensive perfume. Everything was shiny and clean and all brand new. Rich, to sum it up in one word.
A woman in her forties dressed in a black suit smiled at us and said in a preppy accent,
"Ah, Mary, what a pleasant surprise."
"As always, Brenda. We have reservations?"
"Yes, ma'am. Follow me." She beckoned us with her finger to follow her. I followed and reviewed my surroundings. Gradually white walls gave way to expensive dresses of different lengths and colors. We stopped once we reached a door and Brenda said,
"Please, take your time." Then she disappeared. I smiled and stood akwardly by the door. Mary tilted her head and smiled.
"Well, where shall we begin?"
"I....I guess I'm not sure." I replied, blushing. Mary nodded and gestured to a rack of dresses in the corner.
"Let's start over there." She walked over to the rack, me following. As we started looking through the dresses, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by the silence. Then, Mary stated,
"So, where did you meet Connor?"
"We met at Princeton."
"Hmm." She said. "And how long have you been dating?"
"Huh?" I asked, slightly embarrassed by the question. She looked over at me and smiled.
"Don't play the fool with me. Connor doesn't bring women to our house." She turned back to the dresses. "How long?" She asked again. I bit my lip and thought.
"About three weeks." That caught her attention.
"Wow, he must really fancy you." She semi laughed. I smiled and shrugged.
"I guess." We fell silent. Then, she asked something quite unexpected;
"Has he taken you to bed yet?" My eyes shot up in surprise.
"Excuse me?"
"Has he-"
"No, I mean...why?" I replied, feeling odd. She giggled a little and looked at me.
"I'm just teasing you. I just want to know who I'm dealing with." She pulled off three dresses from the racks. "I'll be trying on these dresses if you need me." And she disappeared inside the dressing room. I shook my head and sighed.
Don't let her get to you.
I searched for three choices and waited patiently outside the doors. The halls were so neat and clean.
It's be a shame if some one got their period on that carpet...
Two girls who just screamed out, "we are rich!" Walked down the hall. One with a pointy nose and cheek bones so high they almost covered her eyes looked down at my choices. She grinned and laughed in her snooty voice, then strolled behind her friend in stiletto heels.
"Alright, Alice. I'm going to go pay for these while you try those on."
"Ok." I went inside the changing room and waited until her footsteps had faded. I turned to face the mirror and tilted my head.
You could stand to lose a few pounds.
I slipped on a silver dress with noodle straps and looked at myself.
I pulled on a green one that flowed down my knees.
Not that one.
My final choice was a dark purple dress with straps that wrapped around my shoulders and left everything from my collarbone and up bare. It had a cream colored belt that had a big, black flower with sparkles on it hanging from the belt. After I put it on, it flowed just beneath my knees and made me feel like I might look half way decent.
Should I get this one?
Ugh, Mary's waiting. Just take it.
I sighed and unlocked the door, walking out to where Mary was talking with Barbra.
"Oh, Connor will be happy to hear that!"
"Indeed! Well, any who, will this be all?" She asked Mary while gesturing to me. Mary turned to look at me and smiled.
"Is that what you're getting?" She questioned.
Oh no...She doesn't like it?"
"I, well...if you don't mind." After a moment of brief hesitation, she smiled and said,
"Now why would I ever mind? Of course you can get that dress." I smiled and gave the dress to Barbra who checked it and handed Mary a bag.
"All right, I'll see you at the party later."
"Till then." Mary said as we exited the store. I followed her down the street to the limo. As we walked, Mary started a conversation.
"So, Alice, where are you from originally?"
"New Jersey."
"Ah, home of Jersey shore. Pray tell, what do your parents do?" Her tone was unreadable. I couldn't tell if she was mocking me or just talking.
"For work?"
"My father is a surgeon and my mother does artwork."
"Oh, I see." Taffy opened the car door for us and I slipped into the seat. Mary sat down and poured some wine into a glass.
"Care for some?"
"No thank you, I don't drink." I replied, smiling politely. Mary smiled back and took a long, slow sip. After her lips pulled away from the glass, she stared at the liquid and swished the glass around.
"I suppose you're wondering why I am asking so many questions?"
"Yes, ma'am." I said. Mary nodded and sighed.
"Well, I am merely concerned for my son's well being. He has never, not even once, brought a girl home. So what I am doing is trying to see, if you will, what is so special about you. So far, I can't tell. So, my dear Alice, enlighten me." She sat back and took another sip of wine.
I cleared my throat and clasped my hands together.
"Well, Mary, my answer is very simple. I am not special. I am no stronger or fatter or thinner than any girl out there. The only thing seperating me from any other girl in his book is this; I care about him. I care if he is not having a good day. I care if he is insecure about anything. I care if he is happy, if I make him happy. And that, Mary, is why he thinks I am special." When I sat back, Mary stared at me. Finally, a small smile crept on her lips, and she lifted the glass to her lips.
"Alright, then."
We rode in silence all the way back to the mansion. By now the sun was beginning to set, coloring the sky in purple and blue. I strolled up the stairs and took a turn down the hallway to my room. Right when I was about to open the door, a hand clasped around my forearm and spun me around. I gasped, but then sighed when I met Connor's emerald sea eyes.
"Connor! You scared me."
"Follow me, I want to show you something." He said, pulling me behind him further down the hallway. We took a right turn and stopped in front of two giant doors with metal knobs. Without preamble, Connor flung the doors aside and took me inside the doors.
I was greeted by a huge, open area that would be dubbed, 'the ballroom.' Windows ran the length of the walls and let in the dimming light that reflected off of the sea. A giant crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, adding more light. The walls were gold pannelled and the floor was masonary tiles all layed out in an intricate pattern.
Paintings of Fox hunts and renaissance women in party dresses adorned the walls and added a feeling of happiness to the room.
Connor smiled and reached over to close my open mouth. He then laughed a little and asked
"Do you like it?"
"Yes. Its beautiful." I barely said as I walked over to a painting of a girl in a red dress picking up an Apple. I stroked my fingers up and down the canvas, caressing over the oil. I heard Connor take a few steps towards me. He rested against the wall beside me, watching me in a trance.
He reached his hand over and took it in his hand. I took my eyes off the painting and locked my eyes to his. He smiled and tilted his head.
"Tell me, how?"
"How what?" I asked, giggling. He smirked and pulled me into his chest, resting his head on mine.
"How could anyone hide you away in a basement?" He hugged me tighter. I smiled and took a deep breath in.
A man in a tux walked in and tapped Connor on the shoulder.
"Sir, your suit is ready."
"Ok. Thank you, Reggie." The man bowed at the waist and walked out of the room. Connor turned back to me and said,
"I'll be waiting down stairs."
"Ok. I'll be down when I'm ready."
"Till then." He kissed my hand and winked. I giggled and watched him leave.
I glanced around the marvelous room one more time before leaving to get ready.

(10 minutes before the party...:)

I stared at myself one last time in the mirror.
Is it good enough?
Aside from the dress, I had my hair in a side braid and chose to wear mascara and some lip stick with light purple eye shadow. For my shoes, I only chose some black flats.
As I walked down the hallway, the echos of my conscious haunted me.
What if he doesn't like it? You should lose some weight. What's wrong with you?'
As I approached the stairs, I started playing with my hands and fidgiting with my dress. My palms felt like Niagara falls, only with sweat. But as I rounded the corner and approached the staircase, I stopped dead in my tracks. A deep pit formed in my stomach, and I held my breath.
Who is she?
A woman stood at the foot of the stairs with Connor. She had all the right curves a woman needs, plus a little extra on the top. Her silky smooth brown hair complimented her unblemished skin and gave her light green eyes depth. She wore a short black dress with one long sleeve and plenty of cleavage room. Her long legs seemed to be hairless at the very roots.
If I were a man, I would feel light-headed around such a beauty. Which worried me even more.
As they broke away from their hug, Connor smiled brightly at the woman. She did likewise.
"It's so nice to see you again, Connor. How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been doing very good."
"That's good to hear." She stated back. Connor nodded and glanced up the stairs, but his eyes stopped when he saw me standing in my dress.
I looked from Connor to the woman, then back to Connor and smiled in a shy way.
Connor walked up the stairs to where I was standing and smiled, still maintaining eye contact.
"You look...amazing, Alice."
"Thanks, so do you." I said in a quiet voice. And indeed he did.
He was dressed in a black suit with a red tie and shiny shoes. His hair was neatly arranged, and his eyes looked, as they always do, beautiful.
I cleared my throat and asked,
"Who's you're friend?"
He turned around, then looked back at me, smiling.
"Let's go meet her, shall we?"


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :).

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