chapter 50: Ireland.

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The dream world is a funny thing. It allows you to trade your reality for an even better one. One where you can have more money, more fame...more love.
But it also exposes you to the truth. I was caught between two lives. One with my teacher, and one with my friend. I couldn't have both...
"Hey, sleeping beauty." I heard Connor's sweet voice whisper. I blinked my eyes open and saw a sky blanketed in clouds.
Connor smiled down at me and said,
"We're here." I frowned and looked at him. Then, I turned and looked out of my window.
I saw hills covered in coats upon coats of unrealistically green grass. Hills sprung up everywhere.
"Its beautiful." I whispered. He smiled and slipped his hand under mine.
"Glad you think so." The heat radiating from his hands made me smile and lean my head against his shoulder. He laid his head on top of mine and we felt the air plane descending down to earth.
When the plane landed, I walked off the plane right behind Connor. The cool air surrounded us in one great rush, sending chills through me. I smiled and welcomed the breeze openly. Connor and I walked into the transport bus and went straight to baggage claim.
"That one's mine." I said, pointing to the big purple suitcase on the belt. He reached down and hoisted it off the belt and onto the ground.
"Ready?" He questioned. I pulled up the handle on my bag and nodded.
"Yes." He smiled and led me out of the airport. As we walked down the street, I marveled at the beautiful cobblestone streets. They had grass growing in between the cracks, but it was still a beautiful sight.
Connor smiled and pointed ahead of us to a black limo.
"That'll be Taffy."
"Ey, welcome home Connor!" A husky man with a scruffy black beard and cherry red nose belted out. His voice seemed to shake the ground, but I managed to keep myself from toppling over.
The Santa-like charactor lumbered towards us with tree trunk arms out stretched towards Connor. Connor smiled and openly embraced the man, seeming to disappear into the stomach of 'Taffy.' When they pulled away, he turned, more like orbited, to me.
"And who's this pretty lass of yours?" He asked in a sing song voice. I blushed and stuck out my hand.
"Alice chain. It's nice to meet you, sir."
"Sir? Great Mary! You can call me Taffy. A pleasure to meet you!" He clasped his mammoth hand around mine, enveloping it in a strong grip. His accent reminded me of a pirate, except less, er....pirate-y.
Connor patted his back.
"Well, shall we?"
"Indeed! Hop in the back, lovebirds." He opened the door and stepped aside, allowing us into the backseat. Once the door closed, I turned and looked skeptically at Connor.
"Lovebirds?" He shrugged at me.
"Why not?" Fair point.
We started off down the street in the limo.
This is really nice.
The seats were black leather and they vibrated. There was a mini fridge and a TV. I reached into the little fridge and grabbed a coke. Connor switched the tv onto Guy's grocery games. I smiled and scooted closer to Connor.
"What time is it?" I asked, eyes glued to the screen. He smiled and said,
"3:00. Don't worry, we have time to do stuff." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him. I closed my eyes and sighed.
We arrived at the gates of a road at 3:45. After a short talk on the intercom, the gates slid slowly open, letting the limo cruise inside. Trees lined either side of the road, but not like the hills. They rose up everywhere and seemed to scream, 'here we are! Come run! Come enjoy!
They were so dang green.
After another couple minutes, we pulled out into a clearing. In front of us was a ginormus, brick mansion, five stories high and twice as long. My mouth hung open with awe.
Connor smirked and set his hand under my chin, lifting it up and closing it.
"Just wait until you go inside." He remarked. I smiled and waited for the limo to stop in front of it. The car came to a stop in front of two giant oak doors with intricate carvings above it out of stone. Taffy opened the door for us. Connor stepped out and then lowered his hand into the car. I took it and stepped into the sunlight. He smiled and tugged me behind him to the doors and stopped just in front of them.
A cool gush of wind scurried across the flower beds on either side of the building. I smiled.
Connor twisted the silver knob and pushed the doors aside. The sight that I saw was absolutely stunning.
Two gigantic stair cases made out of cherry wood lined either side of the huge open space. The railings were brass and the walls were paneled with a dark red color. Through the opening in the stairs I could see giant picture Windows that let in hoards of light.
I marveled with wide eyes. A woman in a red business suit with matching nails, shoes and gloves walked into view at the top of the stairs. When she saw us standing there, she spread her arms out in a huge, welcoming gesture.
"Connor! What a pleasant surprise!" She walked down the stairs and ran up to Connor. Connor smiled and dug his face into the woman's hair.
"Good to see you, mom." The woman pulled away and set her hands on his cheeks.
"I'm glad you're here." She turned to me and tilted her head. "Who's this?"
"Alice. She'll be staying with us." He replied.
His mother smiled at me, but didn't say anything. Instead, she started studying me. I did likewise. Her hair was light red made into curls that caressed down her back. Her eyes were sea green and she had several freckles all over her face. But other than the surface, her face gave away nothing. I tried to play the unreadable girlfriend, but fell more towards constipated horse.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, Connor's mother smiled and stuck out her petite hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mary, Connor's mother."
"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Alice Chain, Connor's friend." Connor looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and stared at Mary. She clasped her hands together and said,
"Well, I'm supposen that you'll be here a while?"
"Yes." I replied. She nodded and turned to Connor.
"Alright, then. You know where the guest bedrooms are. Off you go." She shooed us off. Connor tugged on my hand, signaling me to follow. I obliged and we hiked up the stairs. Once at the top, Connor smirked and asked,
"Right or left?"
"I have to choose?"
"Left it is, then." Connor stated, pulling me along. I shrugged it off and walked behind him.
None of the doors in the hallways were symmetrical. How many doors can there be?
He turned down another hallway and stopped at a door at the end of the hallway.
"Your room, madam." He said in a funny voice. I frowned at him and twisted the knob. When the heavy oak door creaked open, my eyes dialated at the room.
There was a giant picture window adorned with heavy, red drapes that were tied aside. The scenery showed beautiful hills and cliffs next to a grey ocean.
The interior of the room was red painted walls and dark wooden floors. The bed was huge and fat with silk. I saw a door to a bathroom on the right of the bed.
Nothing could stop me from saying something, but I found myself speechless. After what seemed like an hour, I felt Connor wrap his arms around my waist, pulling my back flat against him. He lowered his head, used two fingers to brush some hair behind my ear, and whispered to me,
"I assume the room is to your liking?"
"Indeed." I giggled back, spinning around.
He smiled when our eyes connected, but as soon as they did, I felt an invisible spell on me. No matter what I tried, I couldn't move from my spot. I couldn't say anything. Time seemed to stop, and for a brief moment, everything was perfect.
Connor broke the spell by reaching out and setting his left hand on my right cheek, gently carressing it. I smiled at the contact. My left hand found it's way up to his right cheek. His slight stubble sent chills through me.
He took a few steps closer, I took a few steps back. And that's all it took for me to go falling back on the bed. Connor leaned down and connected our lips, not too hurriedly. He crawled on top of me and lowered himself down, but still propped himself up using his elbow so he didn't crush me under his weight. Although because I'm a fat ass, I don't think he could.
I let my fingers gently carress the ivory skin on his neck, then entangled them in his luscious hair. He smiled in the kiss and gently stroked my cheek with his hand. The rays of afternoon sun came pooring in the window, surrounding us in glory.
Heaven can't be much better than this, I surmised.
Connor slowly let his hand trail down my face, then my neck, and let it settle on my right breast. I moaned softly when he squeezed it.
Suddenly, there came a loud knock on the door.
Knock knock knock!
Connor and I quickly broke apart and glued our eyes to the door. Connor sighed and crawled off of me, walking to the door. I sat up on the bed and touched my bottom lip. When Connor opened the door, he didn't sound very happy.
"What do you want, Peter?"
"I heard that we have a guest, I though I might come meet her." A man in a wine colored cashmere sweater with khaki pants on strolled into the room. His wrinkled features and parrot eyes synched up when he saw me, and he stuck out a hand.
"Hello, I am Connor's stepfather, Peter. And you are?"
"Alice. Alice Chain. Pleased to meet you."
"And you, my dear. Well, I am going to make this short, we are having a party tonight to celebrate 50 years of investment for my company."
"Congratulations." I stated, keeping my polite smile on a wattage of 7. He nodded.
"Thank you. Anyways, my wife and I would be delighted if you and Connor would attend."
"I would love to, sir, but-"
"Please, call me Peter." He interrupted, smiling with white teeth. I smiled back and said,
"I would love to...but I don't have a proper dress-"
"It's already taken care of," he started, "my wife and I have made you an appointment at the finest dress store in Belfast. You'll leave in half an hour, that is, if you would like to attend?" He stated by way of question. I smiled gently and bit my lip. I looked to Connor for approvement. He stared back for a moment, clearly a little uncomfortable. Finally, he shrugged and nodded a go ahead.
"Sure, I would like that very much." I stated at Peter. Peter smiled and stood up taller.
"Very good, then. Taffy will come get you when you are ready."
"Thank you, Peter."
"It's our pleasure, Miss. Chain."
"Please, call me Alice." I called behind him.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :).

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