chapter 32: Preparation.

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The next morning was a little surreal for me. For a good hour before I actually got out of bed, I was lying there thinking, am I really in Mr. Marsh's room?
When I got out of the bed and saw him sleeping soundly on the couch, I smiled. His face was so calming and smooth, I felt like I wanted to touch it. But then I realized, I should probably get out of here before anyone sees me in here. But then again, I couldn't just leave without letting him know. So I pulled a piece of paper out of my sweatshirt pocket and scribbled down, went back to my room, thanks for last night. Thanks for last night? I erased it and rewrote,
Have a nice day. No...I erased it again and said, I will see you later. Yeah, that's good. With my mind satisfied, I left it on the pillow and walked down the hall to my room.
Leah was asleep with Cody next to her. I sat down on the couch and thought about the previous night. What am I going to tell Clark...
Tell him exactly how it is. I reached into my pocket and walked out into the hallway while I dialed up Clark's number. He answered on the third ring,
"Hi, Clark. It's Alice." He sounded like he was eating something.
"Hey, what's up?"
"I need to talk with you and Kendall about something." I listened to his end for an answer. After a short pause, he sighed and asked,
"As soon as possible. Today, if you can."
"K, where?" He questioned. I took a moment to think.
"Statue of liberty. 12:00."
"Ok, we'll be there."
"K, bye."
"Bye." He hung up, and I walked back to my room. When I did, I saw Cody slipping on his pants and shirt. He smiled at me and picked up his jacket. I half-smiled back and walked to my suitcase. He didn't say anything as he walked out the door. I shook my head and slipped on a different sweatshirt. It was white with pink and blue dots. I didn't feel like changing my jeans, so I put my hair in a messy bun and walked out the door, heading for the statue of liberty.
The walk over took me a whole hour. It seemed like everyone had somewhere they absolutely had to be in the morning. The ferry ride over to the statue of liberty was another ten minutes, but I still had plenty of time before they arrived. There weren't many other people on the island, so I strolled up to the statue of liberty and gaped.
It's been here for over 100 years....yet it's still standing. Just goes to show how you can stand the test of time. Suddenly, I heard a helicopter flying overhead. It landing gently in front of me and the statue, blowing my hair back off of my face. The helicopter kept going while Clark and Kendall stepped off it. Then, the pilot took off. Kendall brushed a leaf from his suit and approached me with slight annoyance in his face. Clark followed behind with more confusion than annoyance.
Kendall stopped a few feet in front of me and crossed his arms.
"What's your malfunction?" He asked me. I looked from him to Clark.
"Hi, Clark."
"Hi. Can you please explain why we're here?" He asked, standing in between Kendall and I. I sighed and crossed my arms.
"Kendall, I'm going to ask for a favor." He looked at Clark, then back to me.
"What kind of favor?" He questioned, glaring at me. I bit my lip and looked down.
"I want you to turn off my tracking device for Christmas vacation." I explained. Kendall stared at me like I was crazy.
"I want you to-"
"No, I heard you, smartass. Why?" He asked, still glaring at me. I sighed and replied,
"It's personal. Please, you owe me this." The moment I said that, his face turned into a lemon and he took another step towards me, pointing a finger at my chest.
"What makes you think I owe you anything!" I felt myself surging with rage. There was so much I wanted to say, but luckily for me, I didn't have to say a single word. Because Clark stepped in and said it for me.
"How about the fact that you've taken away her freedom up until this point in her life?! You've torn her from her parents, made her live in a basement for 15 years, and you've even had the audacity to implant a tracking device in her! And all she's asking for is three days of complete privacy. That's exactly what you're going to give her, so help me god!!!" By now he was in Kendall's surprised face.
I stood in my spot, unable to move. I've never seen him like this before. Kendall looked from him to me. Then, cleared his throat and nodded.
"Alright, three days. But then, you're back on the grid at 12:00pm, got it?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Anything else?" He questioned. I bit my lip and said,
He nodded, then the helicopter landed again. They both headed for the helicopter. Before Clark boarded, he looked back to me. I nodded, he nodded, then they took off. I bit my lip and nodded. Ok...yay.

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