chapter 10: Thursday Fun.

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Needless to say, I slept soundly that night. I was pleased with myself for going through with the plan.
But I started to worry the next morning as I got ready for the day. What is he going to do for revenge now? I asked my mind. I sighed as I threw on my loose black sweater and a pair of blue jeans with some black things Libby had given me called Uggs. I put my hair in a neat ponytail and left the room, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
As I opened the door of my dormitory, I realized something was amiss. Libby was still sleeping, but the twins stood at the end of a big group of people who stood behind police tape. An ambulance sat on the other side of the police tape, and they were wheeling a girl out on a stretcher. Almost immediately, I recognized her as the girl who had asked Terence for the time. She was also the girl I saw in the ground mural near the science building.
The group of people were murmering and whispering. I walked up behind the twins and asked,
"What happened?" Xavier, I think, turned around and replied,
"Someone raped that girl."
"And then beat the shit out of her."
"Both her arms are broken." They shook their heads and Xander turned to his brother,
"This is going to cause complications for all of us."
"Indeed. I heard that they're having the teachers question everyone today."
"All the teachers?"
"No, just a few. I'm not sure which ones."
"What are they questioning us for?" I asked, watching the ambulance as it pulled off. Xavier shrugged and said,
"Hell if we know. Probably just to see if anyone knows anything significant."
"Doubtful," Xander replied, shaking his head. The policemen ushered everyone away, telling us all to scatter to the winds to our various classes. I sighed to myself and started to physics.
When I entered the room, I noticed that Connor was already in his seat. He wore a hat that covered most of his hair. But the few strings that did stick out had little blobs of blood dried to the tips. I felt a new rush of victory rushing over me. I also noticed that he had new tennis shoes that looked like he ran to K-Mart and bought the first pair he saw. He glared up at me as I walked past him to my seat. Haha, how's it feel, Mr. Stone? I subconsciously asked him.

[In psychology...:]

Everyone waited patiently for our names to be called for questioning. The police had chosen Mr. Marsh and the headmaster to question everyone in the classes. It's been twenty minutes since they began questioning, and I was becoming bored. Luckily, I had Xander and Xavier to entertain me.
"What do they think they'll accomplish by this?" Xavier asked his brother.
"Exactly, it's not like the rapist is going to be like, 'yeah, it was me. Arrest me, please do, I'm a danger to society." They both laughed and high fived each other. I giggled and turned to Libby, who was giggling with Debbie.
"I'm really sorry, babe. I should know better than that," Debbie stated to Libby. She just shook her head.
"No, I should be more open to you." Debbie smiled and leaned in, kissing Libby on the lips. She leaned in closer and wrapped her hands around Debbie's neck. I looked down at my hands.
The last boy to be called into Mr. Marsh's office came out, and Mr. Marsh sighed.
"Alright, next up I have...Miss. Chain." I got out of my seat and walked down the steps. Heather smirked wickidly at me. She seemed pleased that he went back to calling me Miss. Chain. He held open the door for me as I stepped into the tiny office, taking a seat across from the little desk he had in there that took up half the space. Filing cabnits lined the wall behind the desk, along with a spinning chair. Mr.Marsh took a seat in the chair and sighed, folding his hands on the little desk.
"So, how are you today, Alice?" He asked. It's back to Alice again, I told myself. I shrugged and looked down at my hands.
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. Well, let's get started, shall we?" He smiled at me. I nodded and tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear.
"Ok. Now, I don't think you'll know anything significant, but I'll ask the question anyways; did you know this girl?"
"No, we've never spoken." I replied. He nodded.
"Ok, did you notice anything odd yesterday or last night?"
"No." Then I remembered the ground mural. "But I did notice something a little odd a few days ago." He frowned and leaned on his elbows. He smelled like axe and after shave, which made butterflies appear in my stomach.
"What was it?"
"I saw a ground mural of her painted on the side walk near the science building." I looked up at him and shrugged.
"I haven't told anyone because it didn't seem important...but now I think it's a little weird."
"Yes, it does appear that way." He agreed, leaning back on his chair and steepling his fingers. Even that simple motion made me blush. He bit his lip and asked,
"Do you think it's still there?" I shrugged and shook my head.
"I don't know."
"Would you mind going to check?" He asked, staring at me. I nodded.
"Alright, thanks, and Alice?" He asked. I stopped and looked at him.
"Yes Mr. Marsh?" He smiled sweetly at me and stated,
"If you notice anything strange, please be careful. If that person is still out there, you present a marvelous motivation for him to continue doing what he does." He then smiled again and nodded.
"You are excused to see if it is still there." I nodded and left the office. A marvelous motivation? I asked myself. What does he mean by that? But I forgot all about his statement when I opened the door and saw Connor leaning against the lockers outside the classroom, waiting for me. He was smirking in that way that made me want to smack him with everything in me. I frowned and said,
"What do you want?" He smirked some more and stood up.
"I want to propose a truce." A truce? This has to be a trick. I frowned and crossed my arms.
"Very funny, but seriously, what do you want?" I asked him. He smiled and shrugged,
"I just told you, I think it's best if we call a truce."
"And why do you think that?" I asked, crossing my arms and staring at him. He smirked, walked up in front of me, and said,
"Because, Alice, you are forgetting something."
"And what's that?" I asked, feeling self conscious because our bodies were only a short distance apart. He smiled wickedly and leaned down so he could whisper in my ear,
"You can't win against me." This enraged me. How could one person be so pompous and ignorant? I stepped back and scoffed,
"Is that a challenge?"
"No, just the facts. Plain and simple." He smirked like he was the smartest comeback giver in the world. Well, I haven't proven him wrong so far, but still. I smiled at him and replied,
"It was a bold move to try for a truce, but I'd rather die than give you the satisfaction of winning." He smirked one more time and shrugged,
"Suit yourself, just know I'm bringing my hardest now."
"I'm counting on it," I replied as I walked off down the hall towards the science building. Ha, how's that for a snappy comeback, Mr. Stone?
Needless to say, I didn't find the ground mural. The paint had created black smudges on the pavement, but the picture was gone.
But by the time classes had been dismissed, I was hardly concerned with that. Right now, the only thing I cared about was putting Connor Stone in his place. I didn't want him to think for one second that I was even slightly worried about what he might do. He doesn't control you, Alice. He is nothing. Thank you, mind.
I started off to the library once my last class let out, hoping Norman didn't forget.
I went to the lunchroom and around a large auditorium to the staircase that led straight to the library. I walked up the stairs and was greeted by a large wall of blurry glass. You know what I mean, the glass that you can't see past. It held up two giant brown doors that led to the books.
I pushed past them and took a few steps inside. There were only Windows on the other side of the room. Books lined the walls, leaving room for only a desk in the middle and three tables on the edges of the walls. I saw Norman sitting at the table that sat on the right side of the room. He was taping his chin and looking at the screen of a lap top. I sat next to him and set my bags on the floor.
"Good evening, Norman." He looked up with enthusiasm and smiled.
"Hi, Alice. How are you today?" I smiled and shrugged.
"It's been a nice day. Have you found anything?" I asked. His eyes lost a little color and he shook his head.
"Not really, well, maybe. I can't find any records on him before he was 15."
"Nothing?" I asked.
"Absolutely nothing. Then, I searched the name 'Stone' and came up with an article about a Mr. Wendell Stone marrying a woman named Mary O'hara. Then I found two drivers licenses for him. The first one I pulled up said Connor Stone. But the second one said, Connor O'hara. This certainly indicates that his mother married Mr. Stone, therefore..." He trailed off, making sure I could follow along.
"Mr. Stone isn't Connor's biological father."
"Right. So the question, among questions, is what happened to him?" He finished, sitting back. I sighed and rubbed my temples. I had hoped that this could answer a few questions for me, but it only made new ones appear.
"Can we take a break?" I asked, sighing. He nodded,
"Yeah, I have some homework to get done, anyways." He took out his book bag and set it on the counter. Homework, that's a good idea, I told myself. I pulled out the rest of the homework I had and started to work on it.
I had finished most of it during study hall, but I still had a small pile about as thick as my middle finger worth of paper.
Not long after we began working on the homework did the librarian seek us out and told us that the library was closing. I sighed and got up to leave, when Norman stopped me,
"Yeah?" I asked. He stared at me for a moment. Then he scratched his neck and shrugged.
"Well, I, you want to work on the homework we still have together?" His eyes were so hopeful, I didn't want to say no.
"Sure, where should we go?" I asked, smiling. He smiled and shrugged,
"My roommate's gone for a few days, we can go hangout there for a while." He smiled again. I shrugged and nodded my head.
"Ok, let's go." He put his back pack on and we headed to the south side of the campus. We walked up to a brick two-story building with big Windows everywhere. Norman took out a set of keys from his pocket and opened the first door inside the hallway, opening it to his dorm room.
Several Xbox and PlayStation4 games littered the floor. The two beds that were in there sported Mario bros and Pac man blankets.
Norman blushed as he watched me looking around the room.
"Sorry, it's a little messy."
"This room is...interesting." He took it as a compliment and nodded.
"Thanks. What should we work on first?" We worked on our homework until around 12:00. Then I became a little tired.
"I'd better be going back, I guess."
"Oh, well, you don't have to. You could just sleep in his bed for tonight." He smiled and pointed to the Pac man covered bed. I decided to stay because I was tired, and because I wasn't sure if Connor would be sneaking into my dorm tonight. I smiled and laid down in the bed.
"Good night, Norman."
"Good night, Alice." He replied. It wasn't long after that when I slipped into my dream land, away from everything.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :D.

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