chapter 44: Drug bust.

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I smiled to myself as I walked up the steps to my dorm room door.
Connor was really funny.
And he didn't look like a complete moron. Although, I have to say that there was still a small thread of doubt in my mind that he really wanted my friendship.
Or something more...
Yeah. But my thoughts quickly fled when I flipped the lightswitch and saw a figure standing patiently by the window.
My first reaction was to jump back, away from danger. But my second was to remain calm. I walked back in and sighed to myself.
"What do you want, Pedro?" I questioned him. He wore a grey and black striped suit with a purple undershirt and a black tie with sunglasses. At night. He smiled with teeth that had decayed yellow from tabbacco and clasped his hands together.
"What? Can't a friend just visit another friend."
"We aren't friends, Pedro." I replied hastily. He tilted his head.
"We aren't? It's good to have friends, you know."
"Not if they're a drug dealer, that's illegal." I stated, staring at him. He smiled and took a step closer.
"So is a teacher-student adultery relationship, Alice." He smiled happily. I opened my mouth, closed it, and opened it again.
"We didn't do anything but what's on that tape."
"But no one else knows that." He stated, crossing his arms. "But you're right Alice, this isn't a social call. I just wanted to tell you that your time has been shortened, I need the money in two days." He smirked.
I frowned and exclaimed,
"But, how am I supposed to-"
"Not my problem, sweetheart. But I'd suggest you think of something quick. Have a good day." And he waltzed casually out the door, closing it behind him.
While I stood in shock in the dorm room, still registering what just happened, a very clear thought came through my mind;
Somthing must be done, and it needs to be done now.
I rubbed my eyes, sat down on my bed, and calmly dialed Oliver's number. He picked up on the third ring,
"I need your help."

(Two days later...:)

Our plan was set in motion on the day Libby returned to the campus. Debbie helped her up the stairs and I helped with her bags. After we had all setteled down in the room, I sat down and sighed.
"Did you brief her on the plan?"
"Yeah, she knows what we're doing." Debbie replied, gripping onto Libby's hand tighter. I nodded and checked the time.
"I've got about an hour until Pedro meets me at the alley. Is it ok if I take a quick shower?"
"You don't gotta ask, go ahead." Libby stated, moving her hands in a shooing gesture. I smiled and shut the door to the bathroom behind me. I stepped under the shower head, contemplating life. What if the plan doesn't work? I questioned myself. The chances of it working would only exist if Oliver and Terence showed up on cue. No later, not even by seconds. I sighed and toweled off.
After I had put my hair in a side braid, I put on the bullet proof vest Oliver had sent to me and zipped a pink jacket over it. I slipped into my black jeggings and walked out. Libby was giving Debbie one last hug before we ventured out. After their embrace ended, Debbie looked at me and asked,
"You ready?" I nodded slowly and turned the knob over. Debbie and I made our way down to the parking lot to her black car. Once we were both buckled in, we headed towards Porter street. Porter street had several abandoned buildings surrounding it. We would be meeting up with Pedro in the alley between an old lumber yard and a cement factory. Debbie parked her car a block away and I hopped out, gripping the black suitcase tighter in my hands.
My sneakers squeaked against the pavement as we neared the enterance. Debbie took another deep breath and walked ahead of me. When I rounded the corner right on her heels, we saw Pedro leaning against a black jaguar. He wore, as always, a pair of sunglasses and a suit. Today, it was completely white with a yellow Hawaiian shirt underneath. I tried to look brave as we approached. His two steroid body builders stopped us when we were about ten feet away. Pedro smiled and stated,
"John and Tito are going to search you quick, make sure there's no wires." Debbie and I nodded. I set the suitcase down and put my hands behind my head as the one with brown hair set his meaty hands on me, rubbing them all over to see if I was wired or armed. While doing this, I couldn't help myself from saying,
"Got a cigarette? I'll need a smoke after this." Even Pedro couldn't help but smile. Once they finished with the search, I picked the suitcase back up and walked closer to Pedro. He stood up off the car and clasped his hands.
"So nice to see you Debbie, how's that girlfriend of yours?" He smiled with all his yellow teeth. Debbie looked down. When she didn't answer, he turned to me.
"So, do you have my money?"
"Right here." I said, gesturing to the suitcase. He smiled and reached forward.
"I appreciate this so much-"
"But I don't know if I want to give you it." I stated, standing still. He stopped, then tilted his head.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like black mail." I replied, not moving. He frowned and half yelled,
"I don't care if you don't like it, that's my money!"
"I'm not afraid." I stated. Debbie just stared down. Pedro looked at his bouncers, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a Wesson 36. He pointed it at me and said,
"I want my money, now."
"Give me one good reason why I should." I said, gripping the suitcase harder. He took a step closer and said,
"I'm a drug dealer, Alice. You think I'd think twice about shooting you now?"
"Maybe." I replied, smirking to the side. He pulled back the thumb trigger at the end and asked,
"Because you wouldn't want murder added to your criminal record, would you?" That's when it happened.
Almost out of no where, Oliver stepped out of the shadows of Pedro's car and pointed a rifle at his head.
"FBI, freeze!" Terence and another agent stepped out from the alley way and pointed guns at the muscle heads. They froze and dropped their weapons.
Pedro looked at me with wide eyes. I smirked and unclipped the suitcase, pulling it down. A wire hooked to an outside microphone showed, along with the taped conversation. He stared at me with utter hate as Oliver forced him onto his knees and cuffed his hands behind his back.
Debbie smiled and started back towards her car. Kendall walked towards me from behind Pedro's car and cleared his throat.
"Well, I guess I have to tip my hat to you, Alice. We've been trying to catch Pedro for almost ten years now, and we got him. Thanks." I smiled at Kendall's compliment and said,
"And?..." He cleared his throat and replied,
"Take the weekend off." Then, he walked off behind Oliver, who was shoving Pedro into the back of his car. I smiled at the thought of a break and joined Debbie in the car. She smiled and leaned across the center counsel, engulfing me in a big bear hug. I patted her back while she cried,
"Thank you, Alice!" When she pulled away, I sat back and checked my phone. I had four new text messages,

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