chapter 27: The good day.

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Libby and I left from campus the next day at 11:00. Debbie had some work to do, so we would be meeting her later. Norman and the twins were already there, so now we only had about half an hour of driving ahead of us. Libby was wearing a black leather jacket with skinny jeans and black boots.
I was wearing my pink sweatshirt that had the adidas logo in the middle in White with black leggings and matching pink Uggs. We were currently talking about her plan and how she thought of it.
"Debbie and I were just shopping at this 'adult toy store' and we were laughing at some of them. Then Debbie said, 'I bet that would mezmorize any guy.' And that's when it hit me. You could seduce him into doing something extremely stupid! Then I remembered the trip to new York, and I figured since he's also going, it would be perfect!"
"And you were right!" I laughed, eating a snickers I had gotten from the last gas station we went to. Libby giggled and kept driving. We pulled off the slightly snow covered road and onto a dirt one that led up a small hill. We didn't have to drive too far before we came to a large clearing, where we saw a big camper and lake Carnegie in the background.
Norman was busy setting everything up while the twins were busy goofing around. Once we got there, Libby parked the car under two trees and turned it off. We both unbuckled ourselves and stepped out of the car. The twins smiled and waved at us.
"Nice to see you!"
"Thanks for coming!" They smiled and waved as we approached them, also smiling. Libby pulled the backpack from her body and swung it in front of the boys.
"Where can I put this?" Xavier gestured to the big silver camper while Xander explained,
"In the camper." Libby smiled and I followed her inside. It was a little messy, but not outrageous. We set our bags on top of a wooden dresser and walked back out. Then, I remembered Aubrey, and I frowned.
"Xavier, did you call Aubrey?" His smile faded and he shook his head.
"Yeah, but she isn't coming."
"Why not?"
"I don't know, she said she was going to be with some friends for a girls night." He shrugged and walked over to his brother, who was currently standing on the picnic table. Libby went to join them while I decided to try and help Norman start a fire. He was currently dousing the pile of twigs and paper with the gasoline we had purchased yesterday.
"Hey, Norman, do you need help?" I asked while I walked behind him. He turned to me and nodded while smiling.
"Yeah, c-can you use the matches over there." He pointed to a chair that was set up next to the stone fire pit. I nodded and picked one up. Then, I ran it across the sand paper and it sparked up, so I threw it on the fire. In an instant, it went from no fire to a mini explosion.
Norman yelled and jumped back, landing on his butt. The twins laughed while Libby called out,
"Norman! Are you ok?!"
"Yeah!" He shouted back to her, blushing. I helped him to his feet and then we both heard a car engine when we looked at the driveway, we saw Debbie pulling up in her black car, blasting some kind of heavy metal music. Libby went to greet her as she stepped out of the car, newly died blue hair on her head.
After their very long embrace, Xander called out,
"Hey, c'mon, we're going to ride four wheelers!" Libby and Debbie ran up to join the rest of us as we walked around the corner behind some bushes and found 5 four wheelers. Two were red, one was grey, one was blue, and one was pink. The twins took the red ones and hopped on as they shouted in unison;
"Last one to the lake is a rotten egg!" They started up their engines and took off. I giggled and took the grey one, speeding off with Debbie and Libby right on my tail in the blue one. Norman crawled into the pink one and gunned it to catch up with us.
We flew down an old beat-up dirt path that led into a ton of bushes and a few pine trees. We didn't pass any hikers, which was a good thing, because we wouldn't have been able to stop if there were any.
I was just behind Xander, who kept looking behind him to see that I was gaining on him. I giggled and tried to go ahead of him, but I almost went off the dirt into a bushel of trees, so I slowed down a little. Libby and Debbie sped past me and Xander, Libby laughing while she held onto Debbie by her waist. Debbie laughed and tried to pass Xavier, but he kept blocking her. Xander went off the trail and sped past everybody, sending snow back into our faces.
In the end, Xavier ended up beating everyone there. Xander and Debbie came in second, I came in third, and Norman came in right behind me. Xander grudgingly handed his brother a $20 bill. Debbie and Libby went to the edge of the water.
"I'll give you $50 if you dive in." Debbie said to Libby. Libby looked back at her girlfriend with wide eyes and a surprised look.
"Hell no! That's the dumbest thing ever-"
"Will you give me $50 if I jump in!?!" Xavier and Xander asked Debbie. She looked up at them and smirked while nodding her head.
"We'll do it!" They stated, taking off their coats, shirts and pants, leaving them with nothing on but their underwear.
Xander looked at Xavier. Xavier looked at Xander. Then, they nodded together and ran for the edge of the water.
They both dove straight in the second they had touched the water, making a big splash! Norman and I cheered while Libby stared wide eyed and Debbie started laughing. Both boys came up, screaming and swearing.
"Holy fuck, this is cold!"
"Shit, this was a bad idea!" They both came out of the water, shivering and scrambling to get their clothes back on.
But Debbie and Libby had already picked them up and were back on the four wheelers with their clothes, driving back to the camp.
They looked at us and yelled,
"Help us get the clothes!" Norman and I hopped onto our four wheelers and followed the boys, who were riding against the wind with bare, wet chests and hair. We caught up to them after about five minutes, then, the twins started shouting out a formation that we needed to get in to get the clothes back.
Xavier got in front of them while Norman and I took the sides and Xander took the rear. We all slowed down to the point where Debbie had to stop. We all stopped and got off our four wheelers. Debbie tried to run, bt Xander tackled her and Xavier got their clothes. After they had on their clothes, they sighed in relief and we all drove back to campus to warm up by the fire.
I parked my four wheeler back in its original spot and walked up to the picnic table where the ground beef was and I started to make the patties for hamburgers. After I had formed them by kneading them back and forth between my hands, I set them in tin foil and threw them directly into the fire. I did the same to the hot dogs and then I sat by Norman on one of the logs that surrounded the fire pit in the middle.
The twins were talking to Libby while Debbie excused herself to use the bathroom in the bushes. Norman spoke to me about how he grew up in a small town in Ohio with a doctor for a father and a lawyer for a mother. After about twenty minutes, Debbie still hadn't come back and the hot dogs were done. Libby smiled at me and whispered,
"Could you please go get her?" She looked at me with her best puppy dog face. I nodded my head and walked off in the direction that I saw her walk in.
Her boots left faint impressions in the snow, so I followed them deeper into the brush. The whole day became silent as I followed her deeper into the forest of mostly bushes and pine trees.
I saw the top of her blue head behind some currant bushes. So I called out to her,
"Fuck!" She screamed. I had apparently startled her. But she fell back, sending a square bag flying into the air. It was full of white stuff. The same white stuff Libby had showed me before.
Yep, you guessed it,
I stood frozen in my place as I watched her scramble to stand up. Her eyes were bloodshot and she was constantly sniffling and touching her nose.
She walked a few steps over to me, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong.
"Hey Alice, what are you doing way out here?" She asked while putting her hands on her hips. I looked from her to the bushes.
"I came to get you, the hot dogs are done-"
"Oh, yeah, ok. I'll be there in a minute." She walked back to the spot she was in last. She knelt down next to the scattered mound and picked some up in her finger, putting it to her nose. "Ahh..." She closed her eyes and sat back. I grabbed her right shoulder and said,
"I think we had better get back." She tried shaking her head and saying no, but I had already helped her to her feet and we were walking back to the campsite.
Libby smiled in relief when she saw us coming out of the brush, but she looked less than thrilled after she realized what Debbie had been up to. The twins handed me a hot dog and we all sat around the camp fire while watching the sun disappear under the horizon.
After about twenty minutes, Libby and Debbie excused themselves to the camper and it became dark out. I sighed as I watched them enter the camper. Now I was alone with the twins and Norman. Luckily for me, the twins had their idea of an interesting night, so they suggested something I had never done before.
"Alright, here's what we're going to do, we're going to all have three shots of vodka and see where the night goes from there!" Xander stated. Xavier cheered, Norman shrugged, and I frowned.
"Uh...I've never had a drink before." I told them. Xavier looked at me like I grew two heads.
"You're kidding. Well, this is going to be interesting for you, then." He smiled and handed me a shot glass filled with vodka. I looked at him, then I shrugged and said,
"Eh, whatever." I put the glass to my lips and set my head back, sending the liquid down my throat.
It tasted extremely bitter, and I gagged. "That was disgusting!" By now the boys had already had their first one, and were on their second.
"Just drink the other two, it will help." Xander said, handing me another one. I nodded and took the other two, then I sat back and stared at the fire.
After a minute, my vision got blurry, but I felt like I could run a mile with a bear chasing me.
The twins had turned on the radio and were now dancing on the picnic table while cheering. Norman was having his fourth shot while I just stared at everything around me. Then, Xavier and Xander yelled out,
"H-hey Norman! C-come an' dunk your head in this bucket of water!"
"Ok!" He shouted back and started stumbling over to where they were standing. Then, he did a hand stand and dunked his head into the water, then he fell over and started cheering.
"Woo! That was amazing!"
"Lets go climb some trees!" Xavier said. We all whooped and followed him into the forest where we found one huge oak tree.
I couldn't keep my eyes focused, but I still took a hold of one branch and started climbing. The boys followed me up.
When we reached the top, I leaned against the trunk and watched the boys cheering. Then, my head could take it anymore, and everything went black.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! C:

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