chapter 46: The chase.

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All traces of anger and frustration had fled from his face now. It had been completely replaced with regret. He took a step forward with his hand stretched out to me.
"Alice, I-I'm sorry-"
"Don't, just...don't." I scrambled to my feet and faced him, still holding my face. He took a step forward.
"Can we please just talk about this-"
"No." I took another step back. His eyes lost color and he took a couple more steps,
"Alice, please-"
"Stay away from me!" I bolted out the door and ran up the driveway as fast as I could. He followed closely behind.
"Alice, wait! Come back!" But I was already flailing my arms at an oncoming taxi.
"Alice!" He kept running towards me. I hopped in the cab and said,
"Drive to Wal-Mart."
"K." He drove off, leaving Mr. Marsh in the dust. But he wasn't going to give up that easily. I saw him heading back towards his Yukon. Uh oh.
"Drive faster!"
"No can do, ma'am." He replied, stopping at a red light. I sighed and looked back. He had gotten into his car and was hot on our trail, now. I took a deep breath and thought of a plan.
There were only two buildings next to the Wal-Mart. A pet co and a gas station.
The gas station is a better way to lose him...but how?
The taxi pulled up to the front of the Wal-Mart, and the man said,
"$7:50, please." I threw a ten at him and flew out the door and into the store. Mr. Marsh parked at the back of the lot and was now sprinting towards me.
Think fast!!!
I turned down the toy isle and found a worker. She was black and had long Dred locks hanging from her shoulders. I ran up to her and said,
"You gotta help me!"
"What's wrong, honey?"
"M-my ex husband is chasing me, can you please stall him?!"
"Sure thing, sweetie. What's he look like?"
"Blonde hair, Brown t-shirt."
"Ok, you run out that way, I'll stop him."
"Thank you," I fled down the isle just as Mr. Marsh turned the corner. He yelled out,
"Alice-" but the black woman got in his way and blocked him while I turned down another isle and out to the gardening section. I jumped over a fence and ran to the gas station, then I went to the clerk.
"I-I need a bathroom!" I said, breathlessly. The boy lazily gave me a key and said,
"Second door to the left."
"Thanks." I ran down the hallway and got in, locking the door behind me. Then, I sat down on the toilet lid and let my head fall into my hands, breathing. My lungs gasped for air, begging for it. Once they had caught up to my heart rate, my eyes let the tears flow. I sniffled as quietly as I possibly could, but my tears made my vission blurry.
How could he do that to me? Why would you ever think he cared about you!
My chest couldn't hold me up, and my legs bunched up against my chest. I rolled onto the cold, grey tiles and cried my heart out. It seemed like the sobs were endless. Then, I heard a knock, followed by,
"Alice?!" His voice was desperate, clinging to the hope that I was in there, even though he knew I was. I didn't respond, I just kept sobbing. He knocked again,
"Alice, let me in! I'm sorry, please, let me in!" I shook my head and cried. A few moments passed, then I heard some random scuffling, and I saw something gleaming through the crack of the door; a debit card.
The door swung open, and Mr. Marsh quickly pushed past it.
"L-leave me a:-alone!" I exclaimed, going to the paper towels and ripping some off to put to my face. He walked right behind me.
"I didn't mean to-"
"A-Alice, I'm sorry." He stammered, setting both hands on my shoulders. I stopped, clenching my eyes tightly shut. My whole body quiverd like Jello. Then, I covered my face with my hands and sobbed into them. He quickly turned me around so I was facing him and pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around me. One arm was across my back, the other hand was entangling my hair while his head rested on top of mine. I could hear his heart beating. He hugged me tightly and whispered,
"I'm so sorry, Alice. I would never hurt you..." He gently kissed my head and looked down at my face. I was still crying, but it was better now. He wiped a few tears away with the pad of his thumb and said,
"Let's get out of here, huh?" I nodded and sniffled. He held my left hand in his and wrapped the other arm around my waist, pulling me along with him. I kept sniffling as the last few tears rolled down my cheeks. We walked back to his Yukon and hopped in.
As he drove down the road, I leaned my head so I could look out the window and let the tears fall, although the sniffling was almost gone. He looked over at me and asked,
"Are you ok?" When I didn't reply, he reached across the center counsel.
"Alice..." He tried to hold my hand, but I pulled it away at his touch. He sighed ad said,
"Don't be like that, Alice. I'm sorry." He stared back for a minute, then sighed and turned to the road.
He pulled up to the house and turned the engine off. I slipped out of the car and walked inside the house, hugging myself. He followed closely behind me. It was 7:34.
I shivered when I saw the Jack Daniels bottle and grabbed a tissue from the coffee table. Mr. Marsh stood by the counter for a minute, then he asked,
"You're not mad at me, are you?" He waited. I sniffled again and shook my head.
"No," I said in a quiet voice. He nodded, then asked me,
"What do you want for supper?" I shook my head and said,
"I'm not hungry." I sat down on the couch. His voice was soft when he spoke up,
"Oh, o-ok. I'll be taking a shower, if you need me."
"K." I nodded, but didn't look at him. I heard his footsteps grow softer until the door closed. I let loose a breath and leaned my head on my palm. Then, I looked at my reflection in the TV screen.
God, you're ugly...
I sniffled again and got up for some water. I let the faucet run so the water was cold, and I closed my eyes. Then, I looked out onto the lake. The sun was setting, making the sky purple. The birds were flying everywhere.
I took a drink from my glass and dumped the rest out. I tried to watch something, but my mind kept nagging me.
Why did he hit you?
I finally heard the shower stop, and after another five minutes, Mr. Marsh walked out. He smelled like axe and was dressed in blue shorts with a black tank top. He stopped at the counter and asked,
"Are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Yeah. I think I'll just take a quick shower and go to bed."
"Ok. I put some towels in the closet." He stated. I nodded and disappeared inside the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I sighed and went to my bag. I debated wether or not if I should wear the blue mini dress with blue underwear, then thought, why not?
After I grabbed two big towels, I turned on the warm jets and stepped inside, letting the shower rinse my troubles away. I rubbed myself with juicy Apple shampoo and lathered my hair. When I stepped out, I shaved my armpits in the sink and brushed my teeth. Then I brushed all my hair so it was swept onto one side and threw the lingerie on.
I walked out into the cold room and looked at the unmade bed.
Might as well do that.
I leaned over it and straightened out the sheets and covers. When I looked up, I saw myself in the mirror above the dresser. A small, almost unrecognizable bruise, had formed on my left cheek. I got up and went to the mirror, softlly brushing my fingers over it.
The door opened all the way, revealing Mr. Marsh's figure in the door way. He didn't say anything until I turned to look at him. I couldn't see his face in the dim lighting. He said,
"I wanted to make sure you have enough blankets and such." His voice was soft and comforting. I turned back to the mirror and looked down.
"Yes, I'm fine." He stood there silently, unmoving. Then, he took a few soft steps over to me, standing directly behind me.
"Yes?" I asked, still looking down. He set one hand on my shoulder.
"You know I would never hurt you, right?" When he asked that, I stood silent for a moment. Then, I turned slightly and asked,
"Then why did you hit me?" A small tear left my eye. He took another step closer and set his other hand onto my other shoulder.
"Oh, Alice. Can't you see I want you for myself? It wasn't right to do that, but I only did it because I was afraid. Afraid that you'd make the wrong decision. I know I can treat you so much better than anyone you'll ever meet. I know that doesn't justify anything, and I'm sorry." He took another step in and stood behind me, wrapping both arms so they rested on my stomch and hugged me from behind. He pulled me so my back was flat up against his chest. Then, he whispered in my ear,
"Do you forgive me?" I set my hands on top of his and smiled.
"Yes, I do forgive you." He smiled and looked at me. Then, he used his right hand to lift my chin up so we were both looking into the mirror. He stroked my chin and said,
"You're beautiful." I smiled and looked down again. He leaned his head next to my ear and said,
"Dont ever forget that." Then, he kissed my cheek and started to leave. But before he closed the door, he looked back at me.
"Alice?" I looked up from the mirror and bit my lip.
"Yes?" He smiled sweetly, looked down, then looked back up and said,
"I love you." And shut the door.
I stood there, baffled and frozen.
I laid down in the bed and stared at the ceiling.
How am I going to sleep now!?!
But luckily for me, I didn't have to wait that long. But when I fell asleep, I had a very...forbidden dream.

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