chapter 8: Study hall.

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To be totally honest, I've been scared out of my wits these past couple days. I was always looking over my shoulder to see if Connor was behind me. I had no clue what he planned to do, but I hoped like hell he wouldn't find out about the puppies. Because I had a sneaking suspicion that if he did find out, he sure as hell wouldn't hesitate to turn me in and have me suspended and/or expelled.
I had basically spent my weekend inside, making sure the door was locked shut so there was no way for him to get in. But, alas, Monday came right on schedule. Libby waved goodbye as I departed for physics. I watched the hallways to make sure he wasn't leaning against the lockers or hanging around with his group of friends.
My head was hurting by the time I opened the door to the classroom, but I was relieved to see Connor was already in his seat, staring down at a book. I stared at him for a few moments, frozen in my spot. What's going on in that microscopic brain of his? He suddenly looked up and slid his eyes in my direction. He smirked when he saw me staring at him. It wasn't a friendly smirk, by an evil one. I shuddered slightly and sat at my desk, which luckily, was on the other side of the room.


I opened my locker to put away the books from my morning classes. Physics had gone by smoothly, which scared me even more. Biology and trigonometry were tough, but I managed to scrap by.
I was a little nervous about meeting with Mr. Marsh. It's not like I wasn't prepared for one on one tutoring, Clark had been doing that with me for most of my life. There's just something about Mr. Marsh that makes me feel...tingly and shy. I'm not exactly sure why, but he does.
But as I reached for my psychology book, I heard a very unsettling voice ring in my ears,
"Hello, Alice." Connor's hot breath ran down my neck, making me shudder. I scowled and turned to face him.
"What do you want?" I asked, holding my books in my hands. He smiled and shrugged.
"Now, why would I want anything?"
"Because you can have anything like that," I snapped my fingers and shut my locker, starting down the hall towards Mr. Marsh's door. He followed me, hands behind his back and still smiling.
"Where are you heading off to?"
"That's not your concern." I replied, picking up my pace a little. He adjusted himself to my speed and kept up with no problem.
"You know I'll just follow you until we get there, right?"
"Leave me alone, Connor." I warned. He just smiled wider as we neared Mr. Marsh's door.
"Because I don't like you." I stated, stopping to face him in front of Mr. Marsh's door. He smirked and stared into my eyes. They were the color of dark green fields that had been sprinkled with water...snap out of it Alice!
"I beg to differ." He challenged. I sighed and went to make a move to the door. He blocked it slightly.
"You're going to make me late," I said, looking up at him. He smirked and took a step towards me. I stepped back. What's wrong with me? He can't control you like this!
I leaned slightly against the doorway. He smirked and set a hand on either side of my waist. He then leaned in so he could whisper in my ear,
"That's the plan, Alice." Just then, the door flew wide open, revealing a stunned girl. I jumped up, landing in Connor's arms. He smirked and wrapped his arms tightly around me. The girl excused herself and hurried past me. When I opened my eyes, I could see Mr. Marsh standing by his counter, staring at Connor and I. I pushed myself away from Connors arms and looked back at him. He arched an eyebrow and asked,
"Might I inquire as to why you are late, Miss. Chain?" He asked me. Connor laughed and set an arm around my shoulder.
"Sorry, that's my bad, Mr. Marsh. We were having too much fun in the car to notice the time." He smirked and walked away, leaving me stunned. Oh my god, he did not just say that! I asked myself. I couldn't believe my ears. My cheeks turned crimson as I saw Heather and Madeline snickering up in the corner.
Great, Alice:1 Connor:2.
Mr. Marsh sighed and beakoned me with his finger.
"Please come in, Alice." I wanted to melt into the tiled floors as I shut the door and made my way slowly to him. Today he wore a white button up shirt with black jeans. His stubble was slightly trimmed and he smelled like aftershave and soap. It made me feel light headed. He brought me to the first row of seats and had me sit down.
"Alice, I wanted to talk to you about something," he stated, setting down a stack of papers. Heather and Madeline scowled at me. They seemed jealous of the fact that he called me Alice, instead of Miss. Chain. I sighed and sat down, looking at him.
"Mr. Marsh, if this is about Connor-"
"Connor? No, this has nothing to do with him." He said, smiling at me. I felt my cheeks becoming red again. He sighed,
"I understand the need for a study hall. I also understand that psychology is not the only class you have, so I'd like to make a proposition." He stopped, looking at me. I nodded.
"I'd like you to come in after classes are finished on the weekdays, so we can focus solely on psychology. If it would be fine with you?" He asked. I can't tell you how extremely akward and self conscious I felt at that moment. The teacher that could make me feel weird and meek wanted to have after class sessions with me.
I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and nodded,
"Yes, alright. But I have arranged something for Thursday, so I can't come this Thursday." He smiled and nodded.
"Ok, so it's settled. I'll be expecting you to be here on Monday through Friday after school."
"Yes." I replied. He nodded,
"Good, now that that's settled, let's turn to page 347 in the book..." We worked on making sure I was caught up. I never knew there was so much more to psychology than what the average person might think. I found myself wondering off and thinking about the way I was going to get Connor back. It had to be good, because there was no way I was going to let him win this.
"And that's the end of study hall. Do you have any questions before I begin class? He asked me. I shook my head.
"No, I think I'm fine." He nodded and left to his little office. I sighed and got up to sit in my seat. I waited for Libby to arrive with the twins. Maybe they'll have ideas about what I should do, I thought to myself. But before they came in, I saw Connor stroll in casually. He looked up at me and smirked. I smiled back. He then frowned and looked at me with curiosity. Yes, Connor Stone, this is not a friendly smile. This is the smile of satisfaction. Victory will be mine! Libby and the twins walked in and sat next to me.
"Hey Alice, how's it going?" Libby asked. I sighed and looked at them,
"Do you guys have any good ideas for a prank to use on Connor?" Xander and Xavier suddenly got develish looks in their eyes and they nodded at the same time.
"Indeed," they said in unison.

(After school...:)

I sat patiently in my chair, waiting for Mr. Marsh to return to the class room. The twins had given me a big list of ideas that I was crossing off and pondering over. Yes Connor Stone. I shall fight fire, with fire! Fire with fire? Darn, college was turning me into a crappy quoter, wasn't it? Who thought of that expression, anyways? Shouldn't you fight fire with water if you want to win? I'm pretty sure firemen don't pull out a hose filled with fire to put out the flames, right? While I was contemplating this silly question in my head, I didn't notice Mr. Marsh had walked in 5 minutes ago and was now standing next to my seat.
"What do you have, there?" He asked, startling me and making me slam the notebook shut.
"Whoa, ok, calm down." He smiled and took the seat next to me. I sighed and rubbed my forehead with the Palm of my hand.
"I'm sorry, you just startled me." I yawned and stretched in my seat.
"I'll be sure to let you know where I am next time," he laughed. I giggled and looked down at my hands.
"Yeah." I looked at the notebook in my lap. I hated how I couldn't get Connor out of my head. The way his smug grin was always planted on his face. His confident walk. His emerald eyes and firey! Remember what he did to you, Alice! My mind screamed at me. And my mind was right. I had never felt vengeful until Connor came into my life...but I didn't know if I hated him.
Mr. Marsh watched me for a few moments. Apparently he could tell I was troubled, because he asked,
"What are you thinking about?" I snapped out of my train of thought the second I heard his soft, yet deep voice.
"Something is bugging you, what is it?" He asked. I shrugged and shook my head, looking down at my hands.
"Nothing." He smiled and tilted his head like a dog hearing a strange noise.
"Alice, I'm a psychology professor, I know when something is wrong. Now, maybe I can help, if you just tell me." He chewed on his bottom lip, making my head swim. I finally smiled and nodded.
"Well, I'm not really sure what to think...."
"Its ok, just tell me what you can." He stated. I sighed and hugged myself.
"Have you ever been unsure of how you feel about a certain person?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.
"Yes, I have." I looked at him,
"Who?" I asked. He smiled again with straight, white teeth.
"You, Alice." This surprised me.
"Me? Why?" I heard myself asking. He chewed on his bottom lip again and leaned on his elbows.
"Most people are easy to read. But I can't seem to figure you out. The only obvious thing about you is that you're shy." He looked at me with his star gleaming eyes.
"Its that obvious?" I asked him. He laughed a little and said,
"Well, you're blushing right now." The words only made me blush more.
"Oh, right." I giggled. He shifted so he was now facing me.
"Ok, your turn, who are you confused about?" He asked. I bit my lip, looked at him, and said,
"Connor. I don't know what to think with him. One minute I hate him, the next I can't stop thinking of him..." I trailed off, rubbing my temples. He nodded and said,
"College relationships can be stressful. But it's completely normal to feel this way," he assured me. Ok, I told myself, it's apparently normal wanting to murder someone. Then I remembered what he said and became shocked, he thinks Connor is my boyfriend! I sighed and rubbed my arm,
"Uh, Mr. Marsh?" He chuckled a little and replied,
"Alice? Remember what I said?" He stared at me. I nodded and sighed,
"Simon, about earlier in study hall..."
"You don't have to explain, Alice," he waved a hand. I shook my head,
"But Connor and I aren't-"
"Its really none of my business, Alice." He interrupted. I finally sighed and nodded.
"Ok, well, what now?" He smiled.
"Lets talk about the packet I handed out today..."


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! C:

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