chapter 30: I give up, come over?

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The musical, urinetown, ended at 8:00. Libby and I rushed off the bus the second it stopped in front of the hotel. I ran to my hotel room and grabbed my revenge clothes and my lap top. After I had done that, I ran down to Libby and Debbie's room, which was also on the third floor. She ushered me in and said,
"Ok, clean off the make up and take a shower, we'll hack into his email while you do that."
"Ok." I went to the bathroom and wiped off all my make up, then I showered with some rose field shampoo and dried my hair the best I could. After I had on the white panties and bra covered in blue lace, I slipped a robe that cut off just below my butt on and walked out.
Debbie was typing on my computer on her bed. I frowned and asked,
"Where's Libby?"
"Shes making sure Mrs. Haggle's door is open."
"Oh." I nodded and walked over to sit on the other side of the bed. Libby walked in and nodded.
"Ok, it's open. Alice, let me do your hair." She grabbed a brush and brushed it all to one side so it was swept over my head. It looked surprisingly stunning with the bra and panties. Libby said to me,
"Ok, let me see your clothes."
"What!? Why?!"
"Just do it, will you?" She giggled. I rolled my eyes and took off my robe so she could see. She tilted her head and said,
"We need to clip it closer, turn around." I turned around, then she unclipped my bra and reclipped it one spot smaller. It pushed my breasts up slightly more. She smiled and nodded.
"Ok, put the robe back on, it's almost show time." I slipped it back on right before Debbie said,
"Ok, I have it. Just click that button and wait for his response. Libby and I are going to sit over there, out of sight."
"K, let's prop the lap top up." Libby took a chair and a box and stacked them so the person on the other end could see from my breasts up. I smiled and looked at them.
"Ready?" They both nodded and stood on the other side of the room. I took a deep breath and pressed the 'request' button. It took about five minutes, but then a little spinning wheel came on with the words under it that said, 'server is connecting...'
After a few moments, Connor's face popped up on the screen. He frowned when he saw me. I just smiled back.
"Alice? Hi."
"H-how'd you get my email?" I crossed my legs and said,
"Oh, your friend gave it to me."
"Oh, well, what's up?" He asked. He still had the dress shirt on from earlier. I tilted my head to the side.
"Connor, I've come to realize that the pranks we've been pulling on each other are just....silly. don't you agree?" He seemed a little eager to agree.
"Yeah, I do."
"And...I also realized that you were right when you said I couldn't win against you, so this is me saying I give up." A mixture of victory and confusion came onto his face.
"You do?"
"Yeah, I'm finished trying to beat you." He seemed a little curious about that, so he asked,
"What else is this about?" This is where the conversation was really set in my favor.
"'s silly, actually."
"No, I want to know." He said, beginning to get suspicious. I hugged myself and said,
"I'm just...lonely. and...I thought you might want to be my friend tonight?" I bit my lip in my most seductive way. Libby and Debbie were dying on the other side of the room.
His eyes dialated and he looked very eager.
"Yes, I'd like that."
"Well, can you come over?"
"Yeah, what room are you at?" He asked quickly. I smiled and said,
"311, but be really careful. Mrs. Haggle is watching out for people."
"Mrs. Haggle? I don't know..." He trailed off and started thinking about it. This was my cue to lose the robe. I sighed and said,
"Well, I was really hoping that you'd come over and be my friend," by now my robe was on the bed behind me, and Connor was staring with his eyes almost out of his sockets. I then stretched and faked a yawn.
"But, it is getting late, and I am getting tired-"
"No! I'm on my way now." He stated, smiling at me. I smiled back and sat back with my arms behind my back.
"Great, I'll see you in a minute."
"K," he clicked his end off. I turned my end off and put the robe back on. Libby and Debbie were dying by now, Debbie pulling us to the door.
"Guys, we have to see this!" We all walked out into the hall way and waited.

(Connor's P.O.V.;)

We just got back to the hotel room. My roommate Jackson was out with his girlfriend, so I decided to watch some tree house masters. But right before my second episode started, my computer made a loud ding! I frowned. Who the hell's requesting face time at this hour? I opened it to see who it was, unknown. Hmm.
I hit the 'accept' button, wondering who was trying to contact me. Then, after I was finished connecting, I saw Alice's smiling face staring back at me. What does she want?
"Alice? Hi." I said that because I wasn't sure what else to say. She smiled sweetly at me and replied,
"H-how did you get my email?" I asked her. Why did I stutter? Probably because we don't know what's under that robe, dumbass. She crossed her legs slowly and said,
"Oh, your friend gave it to me."
"Oh, what's up?" This is kind of weird.
"Connor, I've come to realize that the pranks we've been pulling on each other are just...silly, don't you agree?" She asked. God, she says my name right. She says my name right? What the fuck? I didn't want to take too long to respond, so I quickly nodded my head.
"Yeah, I do."
"And...I also realized that you were right when you said I couldn't win against you, so this is me saying I give up." She gives up!? Awesome! Wait, what? This is getting weirder...
"You do?"
"Yeah, I'm finished trying to beat you." She said, still smiling. This was getting too fishy for my liking.
"What else is this about?" I questioned her. She bit her lip and stated,
"'s silly, actually."
"No, I want to know." I said, knowing I've just caught her in the act. Ha, think you can trick me?
"I'm just...lonely. and...I thought you might wanna be my friend tonight?"then, she bit her lip. Not like she was thinking, more like a signal. I couldn't help but find myself a little short of breath.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Well, can you come over?" She asked. What!?! Is this really what I think it is?! Does she really want us to...
"Yeah, what room are you at?" I asked quicker than I had wanted to.
"311, but be really careful, Mrs. Haggle is watching out for people."
"Mrs. Haggle? I don't know..." Is she really worth it? Gosh, what the hell should I do....
"Well, I was really hoping you'd come over and be my friend..." She loosened the belt around her robe and let it fall behind her. My eyes widened when I saw what she was wearing underneath.
The white bra with blue lace covering it looked absolutely perfect against her silky skin and it pushed her breasts up.
My heart rate grew....among other things. Then, she stretched her arms above her head and yawned slightly.
"But, it is getting late, and I am getting tired-"
"No!," I interrupted,"I'm on my way now." She smiled and said,
"Great, I'll see you in a minute."
"K," I quickly clicked off my computer and ran to the bathroom. I quickly took a shower, using extra axe. Then I stepped out and put on just some grey boxers and sprayed more axe onto my chest. Tonight's the night, Connor. I dried out my hair and threw a robe on. Then, I stepped out into the hallway and looked both ways. No Mrs. Haggle, that's good. I started down the hallway, looking for room 311. Then, I saw it.
When I opened the door, the room was completely dark, the bathroom door was closed. She must be freshening up. I sighed and looked around the room. I decided to prop myself in the bed and lay on my side, waiting for her to come out. I threw my robe to the side and then waited. Show her who's boss, Connor. Then, the door opened. And I thought I'd be clever and say,
"Your friend is here." But then, the figure turned around, and I came face to face with the make up smeared face of Mrs. Haggle. She screamed bloody murder, and I quickly grabbed my robe. She came and took hold of my right ear lobe, dragging me out into the hallway, where a crowd had gathered.
I looked up and saw Alice standing by her friends I saw earlier, smiling wickidly at me. My head filled with rage as she said,
"Oh, my bad. I meant room 312, sorry." Mrs. Haggle dragged me down to my room and threw me in. I sat on my bed, thinking of ways to kill Alice with my next plan of action.

(Back to Alice's P.O.V.:)

"Oh, my bad. I meant room 312, sorry." I said as he was dragged off by Mrs. Haggle in her bath robe. Libby and I high fived each other while the twins came over to us and said,
"Was this your evil doing?"
"Yes." We all said. They both broke out laughing and Xander said,
"Holy crap, that's amazing!"
"Yeah it was!" Xavier said. I smiled. Tonight, victory is yours! Connor; 5, Alice; 5. Hell yeah it is! I gave Libby a hug and said,
"Thank you so much, Libby. I never would have thought of that!"
"You're welcome, Alice." I looked over to Debbie and said,
"Thanks for hacking into his computer."
"Yeah, he deserved it. Well, if you don't mind Alice, Libby and I would like some alone time..."
"Yeah, no problem. Have fun, you guys." They smirked at each other and disappeared into their room. Xander and Xavier congradulated me one more time before they went back to their room. I sighed and decided to try and go to sleep. I started up the stairs, because I didn't want to end up in just my robe with people who I barely knew. You know how judgemental people are. I did not need a sixty six year old lady thinking I was a slut who couldn't keep her legs shut. No, because that is bullshit.
So I finally got to my room, and when I opened the door, I saw the boy from the room next door in our room, talking with Leah. I just grabbed my old navy black sweatshirt with my black skinny jeans and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and slipped the clothes on. Then, I put my hair in a ponytail and walked back out into the room.
Leah looked over at me and said,
"Yeah, Alice. Uh, would you mind going somewhere else for a while? Cody and I want some alone time." She smiled and kissed the man's neck. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, sure. No problem."
"Ok, thanks." I smiled and grabbed $20 on my way out the door. I took a minute and thought, where should I go? I can't go to Libby's room, can't go to the twins room...
I've always wanted to see the tree in times square.
Then that's where I shall go.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :D.

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