chapter 23: Thanksgiving day.

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My meeting with the NASA man was set to take place at 1:00 thanksgiving day, so I figured that if I got up early enough, I would have time to visit the first victim of the ground mural man. She lived about half an hour away from Oliver's home, so I got up at 9:00 and took a shower.
Once I had cleansed myself, I threw on some jeans with a blue sweater dress and a black and white striped scarf. I put my hair in a neat bun and pulled some black Uggs on.
Clark had agreed to borrow me the car, so I hopped right in after I had grabbed an Apple and started towards her house.
All I knew thus far about her was that her name is Chloe Baxter and she's 20 years old. Terence had helped me figure that out the previous day. What could have been a motive? I asked myself. My main focus today was to find any connection between her and Heather. Maybe she knwows who did it...hopefully.
I sighed and switched on the radio. It started playing 'Before he cheats,' by Carrie Underwood. I smiled and sang along, getting way too into the lyrics. I arrived at the small town of Auvi at 9:45. Chloe lived in the middle of the town with her parents for the time being. I don't know if she ever planned on returning to Princeton, but I wouldn't blame her if she didn't come back.
I pulled up to the one story brick house she lived in. A white pick-up truck sat in the driveway. The grey sky acted as a back drop for this already gloomy setting. A tire swing swayed lazily in the breeze under a barren tree.
I stepped out of the car and walked up the pathway to the front door. I took one long, deep breath before I rung the doorbell. After two minutes, the door creaked open, revealing a bald man with an egg shaped head and droopy features. He looked me up and down before he asked,
"Who're you?"
"My name is Alice Chain. I'd like to talk with Chloe-"
"We ain't saying nothing more to the police." He interrupted, scowling at me. I smiled politely and said,
"I am not police, sir. I just wanted to talk with her for a few minutes." He stared at me for a few extra seconds before he stepped aside and told me,
"You got five minutes."
"Thank you."
"Shes in her room. Second to the left." He walked off and disappeared out the back door. I took a second to survey my surroundings. The inside of the house was fairly plain. The walls were white and the carpet was grey. A large cross sat over an entertainment system with pictures all around it.
I walked towards the door to Chloe's room. Once I got there, I knockked twice.
"Hello?" A little voice asked through the door. I bit my lip and looked straight into the wood.
"Hi. My name is Alice Chain. May I come in?" I questioned. After a second of silence, I heard the voice say,
"Come in." I grabbed the brass knob and turned it, making it creek. I swung it open and then shut it gently, leaning against the door. The room was white with pink flowers all over it. She had a white dresser with a vanity over it and stickers on the side. Chloe sat in her bed, propped up against the white headboard with pink covers pulled over her. Her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail. Both of her arms were wrapped up in White casts. Her face sported a black eye.
She smiled at me weakly.
"Hello," I said back, smiling. She pointed to a wooden chair that sat next to her bed.
"Care to sit?" She asked. I nodded and sat down, causing the chair to creak. We sat for a moment, not speaking. I smiled finally and said,
"Chloe...I know you wouldn't understand...but I'm trying to find the person who did this. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" I looked at her face for a reaction. It was frozen in a fearful mask. This event hadn't only shattered changed her. She would always be looking behind her for the rest of her life. She smiled and nodded, looking down at her lap.
"Go ahead."
" you have an active dating life?" I questioned, taking out my notebook. She giggled like this was a funny joke.
"My last boyfriend was in junior year of high school."
"So that's a no?" I questioned, looking up at her. She nodded and rubbed her eyes.
"Ok...what are your extra ciricular activities?"
"I like swimming, cheerleading and... Pottery." She explained, still smiling. Well, cheerleading seems to be popular.
"Do you know anyone who would intentionally try to do this sort of thing to you?" This caused instant silent. The air around us became stale as she looked down at the sheets in front of her, thinking of what she could say.
"I..." She trailed off and bit her lip. I frowned and leaned forward.
"If you'd rather not-"
"No...I know who did it." She told me, her eyes becoming glossy. This shocked me. Why hasn't she told anyone!?!
"You...know who did this?" I questioned. She sniffled once and nodded her head.
"Yes, I do."
"Can you tell me-"
"No!" She interrupted, sitting up in the bed. I sat back in my chair, making it creek and moan. I stared at her, waiting for an explanation. She bent her elbow and played with the infinity necklace around her neck. Then, she looked up.
"I...I can't."
"Why not?" I asked her, leaning forward. She sniffled and closed her eyes.
"H-he said th-that if I told anybody...He was gonna kill me and my family..." That's when she completely lost it. Her face collapsed in her casted arms and she let out shrieks of anguish. I got up to put my arms around her, but suddenly the door bursted open, her father stepping inside. He looked from her to me.
"Get out."
"Sir, I didn't mean to-"
"I don't care, I want you to get outta my house and never come back." He shouted, taking me by the arm and pulling me to the door. He threw me outside and slammed the door in my face. Well, I thought, that was interesting...
I decided to start heading back so I could be there in time for the man from NASA. I would be meeting him with Terence at a quaint little coffee shop at the edge of cold spring called, 'Bitter Goodness.'
As I started down the street, my cellphone started to ring. I picked it up and checked the caller ID. I didn't recognize the number, so I looked to see if it was an 800 number. When I saw that it wasn't, I shrugged and answered,
"Hello?" There was a short pause, followed by,
"Hello, Alice. How's your thanksgiving so far?" His voice made my spine tingle and my head swim with thoughts.
"Mr. Marsh? Why are you calling me?" I asked, but then face Palmed myself for asking that. Stupid! Now he's going to feel like a creep! He chuckled from his end and replied,
"Yes, I know it's a bit odd, but I just wanted to see how your doing." My heart warmed at this thought, but I promptly scolded myself for thinking such thoughts. He's your teacher...and he's too good for you.
"I'm doing great, Mr. Marsh. What about you, are you enjoying the holiday?" I asked, smiling.
"Yes, I most definitely am." I started to pull into town, and I could see Terence standing by his car outside of the coffee shop, waiting. I sighed into the phone and said,
"I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm meeting someone at a coffee shop now." That didn't sound the way I thought it would. So I quickly added, "a family member." He chuckled again. I loved the way his voice sounded when he did that. It always made me smile.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow in class, then. Enjoy the rest of thanksgiving."
"You too, Mr. Marsh. Bye."
"Bye." His end went silent and I heard the receiver end. I smiled down at the phone as I unbuckled my seatbelt and headed towards Terence. He looked around for me while muttering,
"Where did she go-oh, hey. Are you ready?" He asked as he turned to face me. I shrugged and nodded.
"Yeah, I suppose." We both walked inside the doors of the shop, making a little ding! I took a moment to look around the shop. The walls were black and purple striped with little shelves of jars filled with coffee beans and flower pots.
A middle aged woman with smile wrinkles around her mouth giggled as we approached the counter.
"Good evening, and what can I do for you today?" She asked, smiling at us. I smiled politely and said,
"I'd like a medium sized mocha, please."
"Ok, and for you, sir?" She asked Terence. He smiled and said,
"Just a regular coffee, please."
"Ok, that will be $5.07, please." I paid and she nodded.
"We'll bring it to your table, thank you." Terence started to a booth on the side of the shop. I scooted to the inside of the booth and Terence sat on the outside. After a few minutes, they brought out our coffee and we waited for the man to come.
He showed up at 1:24. He was wearing a red plad shirt with black pants and a black tie. His hair was dark brown and neatly cut. A pair of thick glasses adorned most of his round face.
Terence waved to him, signaling where we were. He smiled and walked over, taking a seat in the chair across from us. He held out a hand for me to shake. I smiled and took it.
"I'm Richard Grimmy, but you can call me Richard."
"Hello, I'm Alice Chain. It's nice to meet you."
"Yes, nice to meet you, too. Well, now that pleasantries have been exchanged, might I ask you a question?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded while smiling and took my coffee in my hand.
"Yes, please." He nodded and took the packet Clark had taken from me. He flipped to a page that was marked with a neon pink sticky note and pointed to a sentence I had written.
"Why do you think this piece is necessary?" I looked over it and smiled.
"Richard, if you want to be able to shoot the rocket up without leaving the atmosphere and without falling back to earth, helium needs to be present."
"I'm afraid I disagree-"
"Then you should find someone else to help you. There's one thing that you need to remember; your organisation chose me, ok? I did not need you then, and I do not need you now. I'm only helping because I was appointed to you by my superiors whom shall not be named." I told him, leaving him and Terence wide eyed. They stared at me for a few moments before he numbly nodded.
"Ok, Alice, we'll do it your way."
"Good, now, let's talk about page 172..."
We left the coffee shop at 4:56, Terence almost dying from laughter.
"Oh-oh my god! Sweet Jesus, did you see his face!?" He asked, buckling himself in the front seat. I smiled and nodded.
"Yes, Terence, I did."
"Holy Mary, Alice, that was funny. I can't wait to tell Oliver." He started down the street towards Oliver's house. When we arrived, I saw Clark and Jean sitting on the porch swing, her head on his shoulder and their hands intertwined. I smiled at them and walked behind Terence inside. Paisley was sitting on Oliver's lap in the living room, painting his nails with clear paint. He looked like he was dreading every second of it, but he endured it anyway. I smiled softly and walked to the kitchen, where Maria was rolling out a pie crust. She smiled warmly at me and said,
"You came just in time to help me, Alice. I'm making Apple pie!" I smiled and walked up to her, rolling my sleeves up to my elbows.
"What should I do?"
"Please grease that pan over there." She pointed to a pie tin with a jug of Crisco sitting beside it. I opened the lid and smeared Crisco all over the sides and the bottom. Then we mixed the apples with cinnamon and sugar and we set the pie in the oven, taking out the turkey.
Once everything was set up on the table, we all sat around the table, paisley patting the seat next to her. I smiled and sat down on her right side, Oliver on her left. Maria smiled and nodded to Oliver.
"Please say Grace." Everyone bowed their heads and folded their hands. Although it may have been a sin, asking god for something during Grace, but I did anyways. Please, if it isn't too much trouble, I'd love to see my parents again.


Hope you liked it, enjoy the next one, bye! :D.

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