chapter 11: Clothesline.

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The lights of the following morning brought me a headache. And not the sun's light. A boy with brown curly hair and red cheeks came into the room at 4:00 in the morning. I had been far off in a dream when I heard a voice crack through it;
"Whoa." I peeled open my eyes and stared back up into his wide eyes. I smiled and sat up in the bed.
"Hi." He looked as though he couldn't believe his eyes.
"H-hi. What are you doing in my bed?"
"I'm a friend of Norman's. I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep while we worked on homework."
"Oh, ha, don't be sorry. It's ok." He stammered. He looked over at Norman with something like envy. I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
"Well, I suppose I'll be going, then."
"Ok, bye!" He waved as I exited the room.
The campus was incredibly cold this early in the morning. I shivered in my sweater and walked on the sidewalk towards the dorm. But I stopped dead in my tracks when I came across a telephone pole. Oh, please tell me this isn't happening, please.
All I could see hanging from the electrical lines, were bras and underwear. My bras and underwear. This means that he was in my dorm room. Oh dear god, what am I going to do!!! A million thoughts raced through my head, several of them involving the untimely death of Connor. Just walk away, Alice. Don't let anyone know that these are yours. Yes, good plan. I walked as nonchalantly as I could past them, not that anyone was around to see me. I sighed and rubbed my temples. Now I have to run to Wal-Mart to buy a new pair before school starts. Ugh, Alice:2, Connor:3.
I checked my bag for any money to buy a new bra and some underwear with. $5.00, that's cutting it close. I sighed and ran off down the street to Wal-Mart, which thankfully wasn't all that crowded. I ran inside to the woman's section and grabbed some underwear that were my size. I checked the price tag; $3.45. Shit, I'm cutting it super close. I looked around for a cheap bra, but had no luck. The only one I could afford was two sizes too small. Oh well, just cope with it. I sighed and took them to the cashier, who looked oh so happy to be there. She typed something in and sighed,
"That'll be $4.87, please." Phew, perfect. I handed her the five and bolted out the door and back down the street to our dorm.
Libby sat up in bed once she heard me enter the room. She yawned and stretched forward.
"Hey, where were you last night?" She smiled and rubbed her eyes. I set the bag on the bed and slipped off my sweater.
"I fell asleep at Norman's dorm." I unclipped my dirty bra and strapped on the other one I got from Wal-Mart. I had to suck in everything just to make it clip. Libby frowned and leaned on her elbows.
"Why are you wearing that if it's too small?"
"It's the only one I could afford on short notice." I replied, sighing and putting on a loose purple tank top with jeggings and a loose black sweater-jacket. I set my hair in a neat ponytail and rubbed my eyes.
Libby frowned and asked,
"Don't you have any other ones?"
"I did, but..." I trailed off, looking out the small window at my clothes that sat on display for the campus. Libby nodded,
"But what?"
"Did you notice anyone in the room last night?"
"No, I had to get Debbie's sister from work, I didn't get back here until an hour or so ago."
"Well...Connor took all my bras and underwear and..." I pointed to the electrical lines. Libby looked outside, then she gasped.
"Oh my god."
"Don't let anyone know that those are mine, k?" I asked her. She nodded and rubbed her eyes. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the cafeteria for some breakfast.
Not many people were out this early, but the few who were stared at my laundry and pointed. They whispered and mumbled to each other. I pretended not to notice and continued walking towards the lunchroom. I grabbed an Apple and some grapes, then left to my classroom.
By now a few teachers had found their way to the electrical lines, and they were staring with confusion. I felt my cheeks getting hotter as I continued to physics.
I couldn't help but feel self conscious at my reflection. The small bra was digging into my breasts and pushing them up, making them more visible than I'm used to.
The devil himself sat in physics, waiting for me to arrive. When I walked in, he smirked knowingly at me. I glared at him as he asked,
"Sorry about the drier short-circuting, thought I'd hang your laundry out to dry." He smirked more. I bit back my profanities and nodded.
"How thoughtful."
"Looks like you had to make a last minute shopping trip, huh? That sucks when it happens, doesn't it?"
"I can live with it." I replied, looking over at him. He smirked and nodded,
"Quite frankly, so can I." He oogled my new cleavage like he just made a discovery. I sat facing away from him, blocking it as much as I could. Just you wait, stone. I'll wipe that smirk right off your face.
The bra was seriously starting to bother me. It dug deep into my back and breasts. The only way that I could ease the pain besides taking it off was to sit unnaturally straight. Libby knew what was going on, but the twins were having fun making fun of my posture.
"Did you become a board over night, Alice? Because that's the only thing as straight as you." Xander teased. I blushed and giggled.
"No. My back just needs to be straight." Connor was enjoying my suffering from across the room. I glared over at him. I will destroy you. I made mental threats to him until class was over. After I had packed up all of my things, I started out the door, but Mr. Marsh grabbed my arm and brought me to the side. Heather and Madeline gave me nasty looks as I watched them leave. When they were gone, Mr. Marsh asked,
"Alice, are those boys disrupting you?" I frowned and shook my head,
"No, sir."
"Are you sure? You're one of my best students, and I can move you if you want?"
"I'm fine Mr....I mean, Simon. Really." He smiled and nodded.
"Alright, then. I have something I have to do quickly before our after school session today, so it's going to be around 8:30. Is that alright?" He explained. I just stared back at his starry eyes. How can eyes sparkle like that? "Alice?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.
"Yes, that's fine." He smiled and nodded.
"Ok, I will see you at 8:30." He smiled and went inside his little office. Ok Mr. Starry eyes.

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