𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥

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[lucemond ending]
a/n — I'll probably make another oneshot with wandanat.

the clouds were dark, thunder rumbled through the skies, and lightning flashed everywhere. the dragon rider was beginning to worry for his little dragon but they both managed to arrive at Storms End. the boy climbed off his dragon, giving him a small pet before walking towards the guards. as he was walking a dragon further away roared announcing its and it's riders presences. the boy swallowed thickly as he started panicking. the last thing he wanted was to disappoint his mother by coming back home empty handed.

"my name is Lucerys Velaryon! I have a message for Lord Borris!" he yelled to the guards as the wind started to pick up.

the guards brought the boy inside and took him to Lord Borris, where he sat on his throne. as Luke came to a stop his eyes drifted over to his uncle, Aemond Targaryen. fear and anxiety took root as he looked away from.

"I have a message from the Queen," Luke said holding up a little scroll. the guard grabbed it and gave it to lord Borris. Luke's breathing got heavy as he heard people whisper around him and the maesters reading the letter to Lord Borris.

"you mother thinks I will just do what she says because of an oath my father made! tell me princeling which one of my daughters will you wed? king Aegon has already set up a pact with me to ensure my support for him," lord Borris spoke.

"I'm sorry my lord. I'm not free to marry. I'm already betrothed," Luke replied taking a glance at his uncle.

"so, you have nothing?" he asked.

Lucerys accepted the defeat of unable to get the Baratheon's on their side. "I do not. I will deliver your choice to my mother. let's hope she and her husband, who is her prince Consort, daemon shows mercy," Luke let the words do their own damage. for people might not fear the new queen but daemon had loyalty where some people didn't.

he can see lord Borris take time to swallow before allowing him to leave. "wait, my lord strong," Aemond spoke after him.

this cunt thinks I won't gouge his other eye out. luke thought as he turned around and faced him.

"there's a debt to be settled, nephew," he spoke.

"really? I thought we've moved passed this," Luke pointed out.

"you might have but I haven't," Aemond returned, he unsheathed his blade, took his eye patch off revealing the sapphire taking place in the cavity, and tossed it to the boy. "one will suffice. I will not maime you. I plan to gift it to my mother."

Luke looked down at the blade, dread and a panic attack rising up. he held his ground and looked up at him, "no."

anger took root, "give me your eye or will take it from you bastard!"

the boy stumbled backwards fear ricocheting in his body as he pulled his sword out. "stop! the boy came as a messenger. I will not have blood spilt in my court!" lord Borris yelled.

Luke took his leave and ran back to his dragon. his dragon very much in the same distress as he was. Lucerys looked back at the castle the lightning revealing Aemond and Vhagar were gone. rain poured down on his face as he looked around the sky. he climbed Arrax and maneuvered through the skies when Aemond came out of nowhere with Vhagar.

"Ao enkagon nykeā gēlȳn! Valonqar!" aemond shouted. (you owe a debt! boy!)

Lucerys lost control of Arrax as the dragon could feel his riders fear and shot dragon flames at Vhagar. of course the large dragon wasn't going to let that be. Lucerys did his best to get away as fast he could. he reached above the sky into the clouds. he looked around him, looking for his uncle and dragon. when looked forward the jaws of vhagar's mouth were coming at him. Arrax in fear shook Luke off before Vhagar closed it's jaws around the small dragon. Luke's ears echoed with small roar of pain Arrax let out and blood falling down on him. he could faintly hear his uncle as he fell further down the skies.

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