02 | First Case

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Messiah adjusted his tie for what felt like the hundredth time today as he walked inside the law firm building

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Messiah adjusted his tie for what felt like the hundredth time today as he walked inside the law firm building.

He was nervous about taking his first case today. He also took the time to go over what little information about the case he had last night and unfortunately he only got a snippet of it.

He wouldn't even get the client's personnel file or criminal records until today.

"Messiah Scott?" A tall skinny man approached Messiah as he walked through the huge lobby.

"That would be me." Messiah chuckled as he continued walking, he didn't like being late and he was about to be.

"I'm Durrell Smylie. I'll be assisting you since this is your first day working here. Please stop walking for a minute nie!" He said as he followed behind Messiah.

"My fault. I'm not tryna be late on my first day." Messiah laughed as he slowly ceased his steps.

"Honey, you not late. This is a part of your first day. It ain't training because you already went to law school so can't nobody train you to be a lawyer you already know how that goes, I hope." Durrell chuckled handing him a folder.

"What's this?"

"It's your client's files. I know you didn't get them yesterday so I'm giving em to ya now. Okay follow me, I'll show you where your office is." Durrell beamed as he walked off down the hall with Messiah following behind him. "Firstly you'll get a chance to settle in but it's eight-thirty and your client should be arriving at nine. Maybe a little later."

"Alright." Was all Messiah said as he quickly glanced through the pages, stepping onto the elevator.

After going up a few floors they finally got off on the fourth floor. Walking to the end of the hall they eventually stopped.

"This is where you'll be working." Durrell pointed towards an office space.

Messiah noticed the 'M. Scott' that was on the door and he could feel the excitement build up on the inside, this was happening. All his hard work put him here.

Messiah walked inside shocked seeing how it was a very spacious room, he didn't expect to be getting an office as big as this one. Nevertheless, he wasn't complaining at all.

"My office is right across from yours. The front desk will let you know when your client gets here. You go ahead and get settled in." He smiled closing the door behind him as he walked out.

The office was plainly decorated, he made a mental note to spoof it up when he had the free time.

Laying his briefcase on his desk, he took a seat in his chair. He couldn't help but spin around and take a look out of the window. The view was phenomenal.

LA was a beautiful city.

Messiah couldn't stop smiling and for him to not be a morning person he was surprised. He was just so proud of himself, just to think a few years ago he was sure he wouldn't even get a chance to have one job- let alone being an owner of 2 clubs and now a Lawyer.

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