05 | Tough Love

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Messiah groaned opening his eyes- turning to the other side of the bed once the sun shined on his face through the curtains

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Messiah groaned opening his eyes- turning to the other side of the bed once the sun shined on his face through the curtains.

Reaching onto his nightstand he grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen- he'd always leave medicine on his nightstand before going out knowing he'd drink.

Sitting up on the side of the bed, he washed the two pills down with a bottle of water.

"Oh my god, Messiah. Your fucking client?" He groaned out rubbing his temples.

Messiah could only remember bits and pieces of last night's events. But he vividly remembered his and Blaizen's moment. He was irritated at the fact that Blaizen teased him and Messiah was also embarrassed so to speak.

It just came out of nowhere, they'd only had one interaction with each other outside of last night.

Snapping from his thoughts he got up and headed to the bathroom. He could use a steaming hot shower.


Messiah was in the shower for longer than he anticipated. But it was well needed. His headache was slowly but surely dissipating.

The warm water had relaxed him.

As he was getting dressed he heard a noise from downstairs. Which was odd because he had the house to himself, especially since, Naiari confirmed Uriah was at her house through text this morning.

Walking down the stairs he noticed how a pair of heels were in the middle of the floor. Sighing in relief once he realized It was, Karin.

After Blaizen and Messiah's moment, he doubled down on his liquor intake. Everything up from that was a blur. Therefore he didn't even remember Karin staying here last night.

"Girl is you throwing up in my kitchen sink?" Messiah questioned walking into the kitchen seeing her head hanging over into the sink.

"It was either the sink or yo fucking floor," Karin spoke lowly raising her head, revealing her straight-back french braids.

"Where the hell is yo wig, Karin?" Messiah started laughing so hard he was bent over.

"Shut the fuck up! I was hot and I wasn't finna get throw up in my new 613 wig!" Karin fussed, tearing a piece of paper towel off the roll- wiping her mouth.

"That's what happens when you mix dark and clear liquor, let's not forget about the blunt you smoked. Anyway, you want some breakfast?"Messiah laughed walking over to the fridge.

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