07 | Chef Blaizen

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"I'm hea to meet with my lawyer, Messiah Scott," Blaizen told the secretary once he approached the front desk

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"I'm hea to meet with my lawyer, Messiah Scott," Blaizen told the secretary once he approached the front desk.

"Alright, you're right on time go on up."

Blaizen was somewhat excited and he didn't know why but ever since that night at the club opening, he wanted to get to know Messiah- outside of his case. He couldn't stop thinking about how aroused Messiah was, how badly Blaizen wanted to further tease him.

Getting off the elevator he walked down the hall, stopping once he got to Messiah's door. He didn't knock, he just turned the knob and went in.

"The door was closed for a reason," Messiah spoke as he looked down at some papers.

"My fault, how you doing though Mr.Scott?" Blaizen smirked as he shut the door.

"Don't 'Mr.Scott' me," Messiah said looking up at him.

"You mad at me? Don't be. Lemme make it up to you?" Blaizen questioned with a smile as he approached Messiah's desk.

"I'm your lawyer, not your friend." Messiah sighed getting up and walking over to his file cabinet.

"Don't piss me off, Messiah. You busy tonight?" Blaizen wondered as he slowly walked over to where he stood.

"Yes, I have a lot of paperwork."

"Fuck that paperwork. I'm inviting you over for dinner." Blaizen spoke wanting to get closer but he decided against it, taking a seat in the chair.

Messiah thought about what Karin said the other day before he answered.

"Inviting me over where?" Messiah chuckled grabbing the file folder labeled 'B.Wright'.

"My house. Tell me what meal you want and I'a make it for you." Blaizen replied watching as Messiah walked back to his chair.

"Didn't know you cooked."

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