03 | Blaizen

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"Momma, you supposed to be teaching me not doing the shit for me

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"Momma, you supposed to be teaching me not doing the shit for me." Blaizen fussed as she took the knife out of his hand.

"Watch your mouth boy! I'm finna demonstrate the shit so you can see exactly how fine to cut the carrot." His mother, Sabrina snapped before finely chopping up the carrot. "See, now you can try and replicate it."

Blaizen nodded picking up the knife, holding down the carrot before he began to dice it up into thin pieces.

"Ah! That's right! See how demonstrations get yo ass in line?" Sabrina smiled grabbing a piece of the carrot and eating it.

Blaizen was very passionate about food and cooking. Now Blaizen could cook well but he wanted to try and open up his own restaurant one day and he wanted the best of the best to help him get better at all things involving culinary arts. Sabrina was a retired chef, so she gave him cooking lessons a few times a week.

And of course, he needed to beat his case first so he could start the process- which he had a lot of faith that his new lawyer was gonna make that happen for him.

"When you gone bring my grandbaby over? Ain't seen her in a minute." Sabrina asked as she placed the diced carrots into a bowl of lettuce.

"I'm getting her tomorrow so maybe Saturday, her mama finally stopped tripping." Blaizen chuckled as he leaned on the counter.

Blaizen was surprised when his baby mama, Tori called asking if he wanted to keep Emerlyn for the weekend. Tori had been keeping her from him ever since she found out about the incident.

He was able to come and sit with her for a few hours every other day but she wasn't allowing him to keep her. It went on like that for just about two months.

But Blaizen hadn't seen Emerlyn in two weeks because Tori had taken her to Charlotte, NC so she could meet her new cousins.

"She wasn't tripping Monclair she just wanted to protect her child, I understand exactly where she was coming from." Sabrina sternly spoke as she sprinkled some shredded cheese into the bowl. "You stay yo black ass out of trouble so you can stay in that sweet baby life!"

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