26 | Job Well Done

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After attending three separate house viewings, Blaizen and Messiah were not impressed with any of them

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After attending three separate house viewings, Blaizen and Messiah were not impressed with any of them. Blaizen underestimated how difficult house shopping would be.

Going through this process with Messiah made it better; it was simply that every house they'd seen almost had their hearts, but each one was lacking something and the next house had it but it didn't have something the previous one did.

They were at the fourth and last house that Elise, Messiah's real estate agent had listed for them.

"Okay, now I could fuck with this." Messiah grinned as he and Blaizen approached the entrance of the beautiful beige house with miniature palm trees on either side of the driveway.

"Shit is nice as hell." He responded.

"Alright now, so I know you mentioned wanting at least five bedrooms but I had to include this six-bedroom. It has most of the things you looked for when finding your first house." Elise smiled looking at Messiah who nodded.

"Let's get started. Now there are two different garages, one is a two car garage and the other is single and you said you didn't like how the last two houses had large windows? As you can see most of these windows aren't as big the only huge thing you'd have that's able to be seen from outside is the door." She smiled walking towards the front door, grabbing her key and unlocking it.

Walking inside they entered the foyer, the floors were wooden and the walls were painted white. Which excited Messiah, he had a thing for wood floors and white interior walls.

Then the staircase was to the right of them and the dining room to their left.

Shutting the door they began walking to their left ahead.

"Now over here is the dining room. Behind the dining room is the laundry area and the utility room." She spoke as they looked around the section of the house. "Down this hall and to your left is the study room and directly in front of you is the butler's pantry or in your case a second pantry."

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