19 | My Man

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"Karin you workin' my nerves

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"Karin you workin' my nerves. The hell is you dragging me to all these stores fa?" Messiah complained as they walked into Target.

"Shut up I already told you that you was gone run errands wit me after we left the shop so stop complaining," Karin said as she grabbed a cart.

"The hell you need from here anyways? Ian going nowhere else. Taking my ass home." He fussed following behind her.

"Boy boo. They got that new popcorn I been seeing all over TikTok. I hope the greedy bitches ain't got it all though." She sighed as they went down an aisle.

Messiah and Karin had been out having a little self-care day. They did this at least twice a month. They'd go to the nail salon and while Karin got her acrylics, Messiah would get a massage and a cleaning manicure and pedicure. He liked to keep himself up to par.

It was almost four o'clock and they had been out since ten this morning.

"That's yo problem now. Always trying some shit you seen on TikTok." Messiah shook his head spotting the toy aisle.

"Stepdeddy Messiah for the win!" Karin yelled watching as he walked to the toy section.

Messiah laughed walking down the first aisle. Emerlyn told him that her favorite color was purple and she liked Toy Story and Barbie's.

So every time Messiah would go to the store he'd always check and see if he saw anything that fit the description. If not he still wouldn't leave without getting her something.

He did this with his siblings a lot when they were younger. It was just something he wanted to do because when they were kids they barely had enough money to eat so having money now- enough to splurge on a few toys, he'd buy them.

Messiah was cheap but when it came to the people he cared about, the price never mattered.

"Now Messiah, why the hell you got all that?" Karin asked as she came down the aisle he was in.

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