08 | Consequences

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Today, Messiah was gonna check in on Uriah's case

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Today, Messiah was gonna check in on Uriah's case. He'd gotten a few collect calls over the weekend but he never answered. He didn't wanna hear anything he had to say right now.

As he finished getting dressed he found himself thinking about Blaizen.

After their small moment, they just talked and got to know each other a lot better. It went on like that for a while.

Blaizen was a good person at heart. Messiah was starting to adore his personality, he just happened to get himself in a jam with his current situation.

Now that they've learned about each other, Messiah could say confidently that it was possible their bond could continue to grow even after he wasn't Blaizen's lawyer anymore.

Aside from Blaizen's dominant personality, he's a sweetheart- which both mended together well, he would be a sweetheart at the same time as he shows his dominance.

Messiah even woke up to a 'good morning' text from him. Made him smile, which was shocking for him because not many things were making him smile lately.

Speaking of texts, he found himself smiling again seeing another text from Blaizen.


Ik yo ass seen my text Messiah

you do kno im otw to work rn

You work too much
Need to take a damn break
I called yo ass too

😂😂 blaizen

Dpmo Dijonn

dijonn? nigga stfu

Suck my dick
Call me when you get off

Messiah couldn't help but laugh, Blaizen did indeed call him twice. Messiah hadn't had someone wanting his attention this much in years.

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