06 | Teenage Crush

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"Tyler? Almost ain't recognize yo ass with that beard

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"Tyler? Almost ain't recognize yo ass with that beard." Messiah chuckled looking over his figure.

"I look sexy I know, yeen gone invite a nigga in?" He uttered holding his arms up.

"I see you still cocky. Come in." Messiah laughed, stepping to the side, allowing him to enter. "What you doing here in LA?"

"My son and his momma just moved here a few weeks ago." He replied returning a smile as he walked inside.

"Son? Congratulations Tyler." Messiah chuckled shutting the door.

"You six years too late but thank you, Mi Corazon." Tyler smiled as he looked around the house. "How you been though? You left Chicago and ain't tell nobody shit."

"That was kind of the point Ty, you saw the shit Drea was putting us through." Messiah walked off into the living room.

"You could've told me. I could've helped you, Siah. You didn't have to just leave like that." He expressed as he followed Messiah.

Messiah didn't respond, he didn't even look at Tyler. Not wanting to spoil their reunion, Tyler decided to put all related questions about him leaving Chicago, on the back burner.

"How you been? You got this big nice ass house, a beautiful truck in your driveway. I see you're coming up in life, yeah?" Tyler questioned with a smile on his face.

"I've been good and yeah I guess you can say that. Went back to high school, and graduated. Then went to college and got my Doctorate. Now I own two clubs and I'm a lawyer." Messiah chuckled taking his previous seat on the couch.

"Damn Siah, I'm happy for you. You getting what you deserve." Tyler smiled, taking a seat not too far from him. "You still taking care of your siblings?"

"Yeah, Naiari moved out at the end of last year but Zakani still lives with me. They doing pretty good for the most part." He replied nodding his head, gabbing the remote- clicking over to Netflix.

"What about Uri?"

"Uriah's in LA County Jail," Messiah replied with a sarcastic smile. "Enough about me though, how are you? How's the dad life?" Messiah wondered, finally looking up at Tyler.

"The fuck he doing up there?" Tyler questioned with a serious look on his face. "Aight, I ain't gone pry. I been good though. Moved out of Chicago and went to Atlanta and became a firefighter. And the dad life? The shit's amazing, my son is the light of my life."

"What is his name?"


"Tyler and Tyree. That's cute, you and your baby momma? Y'all still together?" Messiah wondered.

Tyler hesitated before answering. "Nah, we co-parent. I've been thinking about transferring to the LAFD to be closer to Tyree." He smiled, nodding his head.

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