04 | The Dijonn Experience

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Messiah sighed in relief as he leaned back in his chair

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Messiah sighed in relief as he leaned back in his chair. Checking his watch the time read 11:55 AM.

The past week had been hectic for Messiah he'd been catching cases back to back- luckily they were mostly misdemeanors.

He was glad they took weekends off at the law firm. He wouldn't even be here on a Friday if he wasn't behind on paperwork, Messiah didn't wanna have to stay after hours on a Monday again.

Aside from work, the grand opening for his club was tonight. He'd been eager about it all week.

He wasn't nervous, he was more so impatiently waiting to finally have some fun. Messiah had been so busy with work, Uriah getting benched temporarily from basketball because of his grades, and Zakani's therapy sessions that he hadn't had time for himself.

Messiah was long overdue for an adult night out or at this point a whole weekend.

And putting all the cases aside again, he and Durrell started a friendship. But they never really hung out, outside of work- that's why Messiah invited him to the club opening tonight.

"Didn't expect you to be here on a Friday," Tucker spoke resulting in Messiah opening his eyes.

"Well, I wanted to minimize the workload I'd have on Monday." He chuckled closing up the file that laid open on his desk.

"What you got planned tonight? Oh never mind you got your club thing tonight." Tucker smiled as he leaned up against the doorframe.

"Yeah, you should come," Messiah suggested returning the smile.

"Clubs aren't my scene but for you, I might come to check it out. Send me the details." He nodded before walking back down the hall.

The interactions between Messiah and Tucker had been a bit peculiar- not in an uncomfortable way though.

Just sometimes Messiah would catch him looking at him or even catch something he said lowly.

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