15 | Talk To Me

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"Please?" Messiah mumbled looking up at Blaizen

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"Please?" Messiah mumbled looking up at Blaizen.

"You see today you were being a brat and purposely trying to get a rise out of me. Don't get up. Ima give you what you asking for." Blaizen smirked walking into the the kitchen.

"What'd I tell you before we left? Hm?" Blaizen asked as he put up all the cold groceries they'd bought up. "Speak when spoken to Messiah, it ain't that hard."

"You told me to be good. I think I was a good boy if we being real." Messiah spoke lowly and hesitantly.

"That's five."

"Five what?"

"You giving me five nuts tonight handsome." Blaizen smiled walking back over to him.

"That's a lot, Blaizen." Messiah was beginning to regret all the slick shit he was saying earlier today.

"Who? You tryna make that six?" Blaizen questioned as he took his jacket off.

"No, sir," Messiah answered feeling his hardened dick push against his pants.

"All you had to do was wait and be patient but no you wanna have it yo way, it don't work like that daddy," Blaizen explained as he removed the rest of his clothes, throwing them onto the couch.

"I'm sorry." Messiah pouted looking up at him.

"I bet you are now. But apologizing ain't gone work, come on." Blaizen said grabbing Messiah up by his neck. "Go upstairs, take the rest of your clothes off, and be on your knees waiting for me aight? Go." He spoke lowly letting Messiah's neck go roughly.

Messiah nodded and turned around unbuttoning his jeans as he walked up the stairs. He didn't know if he was overly turned on or if he should be scared. Either way, he brought it on himself so he was gonna hold out for as long as he could.

Messiah stayed on his knees for about five minutes before Blaizen came into the room, with two bags in his hands. One was a store bag and the other was obviously brought from his house.

Messiah wanted to ask what was in the plastic bag but he figured it'd be best not to talk until he was asked.

"Mm look at you. You look so pretty on your knees for me." Blaizen smiled dropping the bags to the floor next to the dresser before walking over to Messiah, cupping the side of his face into his hand.

"You get one pass tonight. After that pass is used if you nut without permission that's one more you owe me. Understand?" Blaizen tilted his head to the side waiting for his response.

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