29 | I, Me, Messiah

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"Uriah! Got damnit you gone break some shit!" Messiah shouted as he shoved Uriah out of the way, picking up the box he'd dropped

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"Uriah! Got damnit you gone break some shit!" Messiah shouted as he shoved Uriah out of the way, picking up the box he'd dropped.

"See yeen even have to push me like that." Uriah mugged the back of his brothers head watching as he put the things that fell from the box back inside it.

"Yeen have to try n text and walk like that either jack ass. Put that down and help foreal." He responded once he stood upright.

It had been three days since the crew returned from their Costa Rica trip, a vacation Messiah had savored. He already dreamed of more trips and more adventures in the future. San Jose had been his favorite, though La Fortuna held its own charm. His 27th birthday trip was a highlight, surpassing all his previous celebrations.

Today, they started packing some of Messiah's small belongings. Blaizen's house had been fully cleared out-at least the items and furniture he wanted to keep had been moved to their new home. Although they weren't planning to completely vacate Messiah's house this week, the act of packing was stirring deep emotions within him.

This house held a special place in his heart- it was the first place he'd lived on his own while taking care of his siblings. It wasn't quite the same as moving out of a house filled with a child's firsts, but it still tugged at Messiah's heartstrings. The memories here were heavy with responsibility, growth, and the bonds that had strengthened through shared struggles and triumphs.

Messiah stood in the living room, a wave of nostalgia washing over him as he took in his surroundings. Every corner of each room held a memory, a fragment of the life he and his siblings had built together. Almost eight years of memories were embedded in this house, each one a testament to their journey.

He recalled the countless movie nights held in the living room, the late-night talks that stretched into the early hours, and the laughter that echoed through the halls. Each room told a story, from the small victories to the moments of solace.

Now, as he prepared to make new memories with Blaizen in their new house, it all felt surreal. The excitement of a fresh start mingled with the bittersweet feeling of leaving behind a place that had been his sanctuary. Yet, amidst the swirl of emotions, Messiah felt ready. He was ready to embrace this next chapter with Blaizen, to create new moments of joy and love in a new space. The future beckoned, full of promise and possibility, and he was ready to step into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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