21 | Dirty Thirty

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Blaizen leaned up on his elbows, looking over at a sleeping Messiah

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Blaizen leaned up on his elbows, looking over at a sleeping Messiah. He sometimes caught himself watching as Messiah slept. He just got lost in the amount of peace he felt in his presence.

He was convinced Messiah was the love of his life. Of course, they were only a month into their relationship but that wasn't the point. Blaizen liked to look at it as if they'd been together since their first date. Only because it didn't feel any different from before they made their relationship official.

They never fought or argued and most importantly their relationship wasn't built from sex. He was proud of himself for allowing their bond to grow from just learning about one another because Blaizen was used to sex-initiated relationships.

In his eyes, it was worth the wait anyway. He was becoming more and more obsessed with Messiah's existence every day. He truly loved him, every bit of him.

Blaizen slowly looked over Messiah's naked body as he lay on his stomach. He didn't understand how Messiah claimed to get hot at night even being naked and with the fan on. He found it cute though so he never offered to turn the air on.

He contemplated waking him up, just so they could have some alone time before all the chaos started. Lately, both of them had a bad habit of waking each other up in the middle of the night to have sex. It was never a problem though, they enjoyed it.

Today was Blaizen's thirtieth birthday.

Blaizen wasn't much of a party person nor did he care to even acknowledge his birthday but he knew once his mother told Messiah about it- he'd never hear the end of it. He knew they had to be planning something, whatever it was neither of them would tell him.

Finally getting out of his head he started focusing all of his attention on Messiah.

Blaizen leaned over and began kissing Messiah's back- placing his hand on his ass, gently rubbing both sides in a circular motion. He loved how soft his skin was and the way his body gave off a rich shea butter scent, Blaizen loved it.

He also noticed how Messiah was a light sleeper- well mostly. On days where he'd work and have errands and things of that sort or when Blaizen wore him out he'd sleep a bit deeper than usual. Blaizen loved how if he thought about it, he could point out even the smallest details about Messiah.

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