13 | You Gone Be Okay

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Messiah sighed as he knocked on Naiari's door

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Messiah sighed as he knocked on Naiari's door. Checking his watch as he waited for it to be opened.

"It's about damn time." His Aunt Rose said once she swung the door open.

"What is it that y'all want?" Messiah questioned as he walked inside.

"Your brother wants to talk to you. It's been long enough, yall need to get this shit together. Now." Rose fussed as she walked into the living room.

"There is nothing to talk about, literally." Messiah chuckled taking a seat on the couch.

It was rare that Messiah got an off day during the week. There was a plumbing issue at the law firm building so everybody got today off. Messiah had originally wanted to spend it with Blaizen but his aunt called him.

He didn't even know she and Uriah were staying at Naiari's house. He didn't care to be honest.

"Uriah, come down here! There is plenty of things to discuss. And y'all are going to sit here and talk it out like adults." She snapped pointing at him.

Messiah loved his aunt but she had a bad habit of forcing things, she did the same thing when Naiari and Uriah would have disagreements when they were younger.

He didn't like to be pushed to do anything, it only made him want to delay whatever the situation was. It was inevitable but he'd avoid it until he was ready.

"TeeTee why is you yelling? Call me down when he gone." Uriah said getting ready to head back upstairs.

"Bring yo ass for I beat you with my damn shoe." Rose gritted out.

"He dropped out of school?" Messiah questioned looking up at his aunt.

"Nah, I stays on his ass bout that college work. Now you gone come in here and talk to yo brother, you tell him what you told me! All the shit he did fa yo ungrateful ass." Rose spat, pushing Uriah as she walked up the stairs.

"You get a court date yet?" Messiah asked as he grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"A court date for what?"

"Well, shit ion know maybe because you got caught with narcotics on you?" Messiah shrugged turning his lips down.

Uriah smacked his lips. "It's not even like that. They weren't mine."

"Oh? I thought this shit wasn't my business?" Messiah chuckled looking over at him.

Messiah was always the type of person to not care for any bullshit. Once he saw that he tried with a person multiple times. He couldn't care less about where they went from there but as much as he wanted to act that way towards Uriah, he just couldn't- not anymore.

"Siah can you stop being petty and listen? TeeTee been on my ass about talking to you for days." He sighed.

"Aight let's talk. I don't appreciate the way you disrespected me. I took care of yo yella ass and that's how you treat me? I kept a roof over yo head and made sure you had any and everything you wanted. I did that, I know I ain't yo daddy but where he at? Aw okay, don't ever in yo life talk to me like that after all the shit I did for you. I didn't and don't deserve that energy from you, Uriah." Messiah expressed looking over at him.

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