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"Uri it doesn't matter what you wear

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"Uri it doesn't matter what you wear. Just put on something nice." Messiah laughed watching as Uriah looked through his drawers.

"It do matter, can't go out looking like a bum." Uriah waved his brother off as he continued looking through his clothes.

"You overthinking it." Messiah shook his head.

"Wassup with you? You been too happy lately, you know some ion know?" Uriah questioned looking over at Messiah.

"I can't just be a happy person?"


"Well, shit that was harsh dick face." Messiah mugged him. "Stay out of grown folks bidness."

"Nigga shut the fuck up tell me, what's got you so happy?" Uriah wondered as he put his dreads up into a ponytail.

"You really wanna know?"

"Stop bullshittin' and tell me."

"My man that ain't my man but he man fucked the shit outta me this weekend," Messiah said smiling from ear to ear.

"Get out."

"No, you wanted to be in grown folks' business so there you go." Messiah laughed at the look Uriah gave him.

"You could've been discreet, what man though? What's his name?" Uriah asked as he put his diamond stud earrings in.

"Now you just being nosy. You still on thin ice too, I'm just in a good mood right now." Messiah explained grabbing his phone that vibrated, it was a text from Karin letting him know she was outside.

Tonight Messiah, Uriah, Karin, and Durrell were going out. What better way to go about figuring your sexuality out with three people who could relate?

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