16 | My Trophy

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Blaizen gently scooted up to where the pillows could support his back, trying not to wake Messiah

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Blaizen gently scooted up to where the pillows could support his back, trying not to wake Messiah.

It hadn't been long since Blaizen had woken up, he just watched Messiah sleep for a while admiring his relaxed features.

After they sat in the tub together last night they got out and went straight to sleep. Messiah fell asleep laying on Blaizen's chest and to his surprise, he was still laying there only his leg was over his now.

Blaizen placed his left hand on Messiah's back and his right hand on his face. He couldn't get enough of touching him.

Blaizen was beginning to get attached to Messiah. He didn't like getting attached to people because after he would, they'd leave. That's why he hadn't allowed himself to start a relationship with someone beyond sex.

And after what happened between him and the last guy he tried being in a relationship with, he steered clear of men. Blaizen might've had a hood personality but on the inside, he had a big heart and he'd patched it up as best he could since then.

But he felt different this time around, ever since he first met Messiah he found himself drawn to him in a way. He couldn't describe it but he didn't wanna let him go. He wanted to be with him.

Blaizen was even starting to feel like this was meant to be.

He never believed in love finding a person so he always looked for it, especially after he and Tori's break up. But when Emerlyn was born, he stopped looking. He kept his focus on his daughter and getting his life together. Which allowed him to have that time to heal from his past failed relationships and situation-ships.

Everything was going well for him now, Messiah got his case closed and kept him from putting Emmy and his family through the pain of seeing him behind bars. Blaizen was starting to think Messiah was his trophy and he wanted to officially claim his trophy.

Blaizen had been in such deep thought he didn't even realize Messiah was staring up at him.

"You okay?" Messiah asked with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine and I was just thinking." Blazien gave him a reassuring smile as he rubbed his back.

"You wanna talk about it?" Messiah questioned sitting up so he could look at his face.

"It's nothin'. Just thinking bout how good everything been goin' fa me lately. Ian in jail, I'm physically and mentally aight for the most part, Emerlyn and my momma good- fuck my hoe ass siblings and I gotchu so I'm happy." Blaizen replied smiling reaching up and rubbing Messiah's face.

"Well, I'm glad you happy." Messiah smiled grabbing the remote off the nightstand going to Netflix and clicking on The Walking Dead.

"You happy? Like you aight? I know you be havin' a lot going on so I just wanna make sure you good." Blaizen questioned licking his lips at the sight of Messiah's naked body.

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