Chapter 21: Why Would They Ever

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Kenneth's encouraging words to let our parents down kept ringing in her ear. They were gonna confess or try to but instead her mother had other plans.

"Kenneth, get off my boobs. Wake up!" She smacked his head.

"But why, they're like voluptuous pillows that give me joy. I love them." He said into her bosoms.

"Well I bet you're not gonna love the next thing I say."

"You're not leaving me are you?"

"Shutup! Anyways my mom called this morning and she said tha-" she trailed off and stopped talking.

"She said what? You can't leave me with a cliffhanger."

Sierra eyes raised, her lips tightened and shook her head. "She said that Steven proposed to her last night and they're getting married soon."

"He what?" He sprung up and she quickly covered herself. "Why the fuck would he do that?"

"Because he loves her maybe. I don't know they've been together for a while."

"Sierra he's ruining our plan."

"Like he knew about our plan. Kenneth this is bad, I know that when my mom commits herself she sticks to it. Like her attitude and personality. I can go on for days really."

"I thought you and your mom talked things out." He began to sit up beside her.

"We did but it doesn't mean she's gonna be a saint mom now on. I never really explained to you how our relationship goes. But for years growing up I've always had the sense that my mom was jealous of me in some type of way. For one I was a daddy's girl and my dad loved me so much. To her it kind of made her, I don't know standoffish around me. She wanted me to be like her but I never wanted to. She was too fabulous for me. To be honest I was like a girly tomboy when I was a teenager. Because I did sports and even worked out with my dad sometimes, so when my mom would ask me to go to the mall id rather just take her money so I could buy my clothes and not from her."

"You didn't dress like a boy did you?" He asked with the hope not face.

"Oh no I still dressed up. Honey I was hot I made sure people knew that I was still hot but not easy."

"Oh good girl, good girl." She laughed and slapped his arm.

"But my point is. If we tell them about us, she's gonna think that I'm trying to take what she loves away from her again. Like the way I "took" my dad away from her." Sierra now was feeling bad because she and her mom had finally started to rekindle their relationship.

Kenneth adjusted his position beside her and put her hand in his hands. "Sierra I know you feel bad but let's be honest. I literally have sex with you every day. Now if you're telling me that I have to accept that I have to be your stepbrother than you're crazy. Like what happens if I accidentally knock you up while they're married. They will freak out and that would cause so much drama. And I will be miserable because my dad will give me shit. Your mom will be mad at you but what would happen to us."

Sierra scrunched her face and stared at him trying to understand what he was saying. "I'm not sure I'm getting anything you just said but I guess if you did knock me up they would be stuck between a rock and a hard place."

"Yeah that's what I mean. But I'm not saying that's the plan, I'd want to be married to you first before we do that. But I'm just saying we need to get them to break up."

"Why are you so unbothered about this?"

"Well since we're being honest about our parents. My dad is literally a deadbeat superficial asshole."

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