Chapter 4: The Rundown

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3 months later


So that day Kenneth visited S and R and told me that he wanted to be with me, I rejected him.

Yup, I felt terrible afterwards of course.

It hurt to see his face drop from a smile to a deep deep sad frown. I can still see that image to that day.

"Umm...I... I can't, I'm sorry"

Kenneth's face dropped eyes still watching me but this time in disappointment.

He was mad at me.

He adjusted his body away from me and licked his lips together. He nodded slowly as his nose flared. After standing up and taking a deep breath he turned to me, eyes still burning with sadness. He looked defeated and as if he could give up on everything at once.

"I'll see you around I guess." He said looking at me once more then walked out the front doors.

I could feel my breath quickening and my chest rising up and down. I already knew that this was a mistake when I felt my eyes watering again.

A large tear dropped on my cheek but I quickly wiped it away and made eye contact with Kells and Renee, who were not doing their jobs the whole time.

I stood up and completely ignored their calls of my name and closed my office door, luckily for me I had a private room in the back of my office.

I closed the door and dropped to the floor.

If I was afraid of getting into this relationship for the wrong reasons, then why did this hurt so bad.

Knock knock knock.

"Sierra open up." She heard Kellsey shout through the door.

I took a deep breath wiping any excess tears away and opened the door for them to walk in and turned away from them.

"Sierra, what happened?" Renee asked.

I covered my eyes with my left hand and shook my head.

"I... I told him no."

They both looked at me like I was crazy.

"But why Si?" Kells asked.

Renee's eyes widened and shook her in defiance. "No, no, no you didn't Sierra. Please tell me you didn't reject him because you're still hurt from 'someone who should not be named'?... Sierra I know men can be terrible people sometimes but we all could see that Kenneth didn't want you to steer you wrong. He looked like genuinely wanted to get to know you better and it showed. You can't keep using excuses to get out of stuff like this."

"I know, I already feel terrible about it thank you Renee." I thought to myself really wanting to slap her.

"Renee, take it easy on her, I think she knows what's she's done. Don't worry about it Sierra, he's gonna come back and you're going to see each other again. Everything will be alright." Kells reminded me.

And everything did come out alright, except Kenneth and I aren't together. He eventually got over being mad at me because he still couldn't keep himself away. Although, he hasn't tried to bring up the subject of getting together again. Which I appreciate it, I think I like getting to know him a little better than the way he was rushing me just because he felt like it was meant to be. Another reason why he hasn't brought it up is that our parents were talking about getting married, so it's just getting harder to do that anyways.

However, we've been hanging out a lot and he really likes taking care of me. And by taking care of me, I mean letting me stay at his apartment some nights because it's closer to the center. He doesn't live on the ranch anymore, so it's okay.

I'm currently at his apartment waiting for him to bring our pizza and wings. Since he wasn't home when I got here, I made him bring some food because I didn't feel like cooking for him and also tonight is movie night. Also because I chose to choose a day for us to just relax and do something before the weekend started. It's Friday, so it's really the best day.

I heard the jingle of keys by his front door, so I figured it was him.

"I got it." I opened the door and smiled at him trying to hold the pizza and other stuff he had with him.

So I grabbed the pizza and walked away.

"Oh, okay thanks for your help." He said sarcastically.

"Hey...." I paused staring at him.


Still looking at him, "You're the gentleman here." I shrugged.

I laughed as he rolled his eyes and dropped the other stuff he hand in his hand.

"So did you find a movie you want to watch?" He asked taking his shoes and jacket off. It's pretty cool out here in October.

"Shark Tales?"

"No, I'm not watching no kid movie?"

"But it's such a good movie." I whined smiling.

"What else?" He said sitting on the breakfast table chair.

"Um, we can watch a scary movie... Like The Grudge."

"Now that's more like it." He said getting the comforter he always put on the floor for when they watched movies. Let us just say, this turned out to be sleepover parties every time I came. He didn't mind.

I opened the DVD case for The Grudge, took out the disc and plugged it into the DVD player.

Kenneth was placing the pizza box and the soda bottles from the fridge on the coffee table in front of us.

He had a 52" flat screen TV mounted on his wall with tall bookshelves on either side.

"You want your piece?"

"Oh yeah." I grabbed the pizza from him and put it on a plate.

This is the kind of stuff I like.
Sierra didn't even make it through the first half of the movie. At some point during the movie she said that her butt was hurting so she laid on the couch.

And that was the same place she fell asleep. On a different note, it was a fun night for the both of them. They ate the whole box of pizza, laughed and cried a billion times (well Sierra did) and their bodies inched closer and closer to each other.

She would lay her head on his left shoulder and squeezed his arm every time she got scared. His body was a symbol of protection in her mind, which he didn't mind either because he liked when she touched him.

"Sierra?" He whispered softly. "Sierra." He shook her a little but she didn't move.

He stood there watching her contemplating whether or not he should let her sleep on the couch and him go to his room or move her to his bed and him sleep on the couch. He chose the latter because that sounded more gentlemanly of him.

So Kenneth gently picked her up making sure he got her head too and walked over to his bedroom.

He softly sat her on his bed and pulled the neatly made covers from beneath her on top of her. He smiled at her sweet, peaceful, quiet face and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight SiSi."

Finally, he made it back to his living room and cleaned the mess they made from the table and on the floor.

Once that was done he found a big blanket and covered himself, then finally drifted off to sleep.

And he went to sleep happy.

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