Chapter 10: Mothers. Ranch.

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4 Months later...

Sierra pulled up into her mother's driveway. She still lived in the house her husband and her bought, so she refused to leave.

She hadn't visited her mom in a while more so because she was out of town for a week and a half.

Sierra let her herself in and walked straight down to the basement.

Her mom had been an artist all her life, selling many of her artworks in galleries and stores. Her mom's art was very abstract with colorful stories of its own kind. Sierra always admired this side of her mom when she was focused. The only thing was she wasn't creative like this at all.

"Is there a story behind this one ma? Sierra asked moving a stool behind her mom.

"Oh hey baby." Her mom turned and kissed her cheek.

Adelina looked back and kept her eyes focused on the canvas, "Well, It's a semblance of my relationship with your father. The two beams in middle represent him and I. Around us is a waterfall, to represent our honeymoon." She sighed for a few seconds then took a deep breath. "I'm currently working on you, our greatest accomplishment." She turned smiling at Sierra.

Just then Sierra felt like she was letting her mother down even without her mother's knowledge.

"Is everything okay with you and Steven?"

"Yeah... It's just that some nights I can't keep your father from my mind. He will also be there in my heart, no matter if I have to move on. But everything is okay, I hope. You know how men are, instead of displaying their feelings they want to hold it in."

Sierra chuckled with her and nodded.
"Yeah, I know."

Adelina continued painting, "So honey are you dating again?"

Sierra's stomach started to churn, "Um no. I'm just enjoying my... Independent life right now."

"Ohhh so you got dudes poking you? Instead." Her mom teased.


"What?" She turned smiling.

"Ugh. And no I have no dudes poking me."

"Sad life honey. There's nothing wrong with a little sexual activity, you know I never made it a big deal for you to be celibate until you married."

"Okay mom lets just leave it at that. I don't even want to think about your sex life right now."

Her mother chuckled and took a sip of water.

"Do you have any food?"

"Yes, I made chicken gravy and check rice last night. Help yourself."

"Thanks mommy!"


Once she left her mothers art studio in the basement, she called Kenneth. He had called her when she was talking to her mom.

"Hey, I'm at my mom's house what's up?" She whispered.

"Oh, um I just wanted to tell you that I got the ranch thing covered. I'm meeting the contractors today to come up with a plan. And I'd really like it if you could come and help out. I think I need some female advice."

"When are you leaving?" She rested her phone between her ear and shoulder, opening the refrigerator.

"In about an hour and a half. It'll just be a day trip but you can bring an extra day worth of clothes."

She laughed into the phone, "That was your plan all along mister."

"Ahh, you caught me. I just didn't know if it'll work."

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