Chapter 7: Missing You

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The next morning Sierra came to work humming to herself. First thing she did on Monday mornings was do inspections of all the rooms making sure everything was put away neatly. If not there would be repercussions.

Renee was the more relaxed, most of the time, of the two. She had that sassy talkative demeanor but she was still sweet to all the employees and children. Whereas, Sierra was the opposite. She had the quiet sweet demeanor but oozed off a no nonsense aura when she was in her moods. She also was a little OCD, so that may have also contributed to her need for perfection. Luckily, all the kids still respected and loved her. They seemed to love her no nonsense attitude because some of them didn't even have someone to put them in their place. That's why she loved her job so much, she was actually making a positive impact on these kids.

Sierra finally made it to her office, where her grande caramel frappucino awaited her.

Every morning, Renee had her white girl moment and bought Starbucks for her, Sierra and Kellsey. Everyone else had the privilege to use the staff Keurig coffee maker and other edible amenities.

As soon as she sat down, still humming, Renee popped herself in front of her desk. "HEY!"

Sierra gasped in short fear, holding her hand to her heart. "My God, you scared me."

She grabbed her drink and gave her the "uh huh" face. "Only because you got caught. Ya damn deer!" She joked laughing at herself. I'm so funny. She mouthed to herself.

Sierra laughed rolling her eyes. "What did I get caught doing? May I ask?"

"You were humming." She shrugged her shoulder in a matter of fact manner.

Sierra took a sip embracing the beauty of the caramel and coffee drink. "I was humming, So?"

Renee stared at her and raised her eyebrow shaking her head in a smirk.

Sierra watched her waiting for her to say something but she kept making that face, now using her whole body.

"OH MY GOD, spill what you want to say." Sierra shouted getting irritated.

"You, my dear." Renee pointed at Sierra. "Had sex... waaait for it." She paused dramatically.

Sierra dropped her head back, mouth ajar and eyes ready to roll.

If this girl don't stop playing.

"With Kenneth!" She semi screamed.

"Now how would you know that?" Sierra sized her up being a little more defensive.

"Because who else would you be having sex with. It sure hell wouldn't be Kilan and if it were just a booty call he wouldn't have had you humming your way through all the halls in this place. And Sierra." She paused. "You're never happy on Mondays." She finished sternly.

Sierra was about to rebut but that was true. Monday's were always the worst day of the week.

Renee started to smile, lifting her hand up as if she knew what Sierra was going to blurt out.

"Errrghh blah blibity blah, yes you caught me." Sierra crossed her arms in front of her chest in defeat.

Renee gave her the "the fuck face" but still cheered, "Yass!! Was it good?"

"Bitch, I am not giving you any information on my sexual adventures with Kenneth."

"Ah, shit that means it was gold. Finally! How did it happen." She let go a loud breath.

Sierra rolled her eyes and turned her computer on. She knew that if she didn't say anything, Renee was going to grill and annoy her for eternity.

"He got mad at me for referring to him as my stepbrother, so he wanted to show me in every way how he couldn't and would never be."

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