Chapter 12: April & Lena

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"Okay, what do you need help with?" Marco answered.

"Well, for one Sierra is mad at me and two I need to give her something she'd really appreciate for Christmas." I told him, I was sitting on my couch searching through the Internet for stuff.

"I'm not gonna ask what you did but what kind of stuff does she not like?"

"Oh well that's easy, she doesn't like a lot of girly cliche stuff unless she really wants it. But I know that she's not that into chocolates, flowers especially flowers, she says they would probably die before a week. She doesn't like lovey dovey stuff like romantic dates, she also says that if we want to talk we can talk at home. She doesn't even like lingerie-." I started to babble off quickly because I was freaking out. All the gifts I've given women or done for them she hated them only unless it's jewelry.

"Wow, she's an interesting woman." He said surprised. "Then what if you give her something living, like a pet or if she doesn't already have one." Marco suggested, I knew he'd think of something different from what I would.

"Oh yeah, she doesn't, she likes dogs, I could give her a puppy, she's always cooing over them."

"Then my job is done, you literally could of thought about it yourself stupid."

I sighed, "I guess. You're the one that's married."

He chuckled shortly "Anyways, when are you picking up the girls, they keep nagging me about going to their Uncle Kenny to go to Chuck E Cheeses."

Every once in a while, I take my goddaughters out somewhere fun or educational, if I find a place as so. I usually do that when Marco and Naisha, need their alone time together.

"All-right, I'll come and get them now."

"Thanks bro. I'm outchea."

"Yeah bye."

After getting off the phone with Marco, I typed in the address to JustPuppies into my notes. You know just in case I decided to go over there.
4 pm

Kenneth arrived to his friends house, ready to save the anniversary lovebirds from their children. They were going to stay the whole day with him until their parents decided to get them. Maybe he'll invite Sierra to help babysit the girls for the night, especially if their parents didn't show up.

"Uncle Kenny!!" The twin girls squealed. They dropped their bags and darted out to their driveway where he stood. His heart always swelled with admiration and warmness when he saw these two girls and every time he babysitted, he really tested his abilities of being a father. He loved it, no matter how obnoxious they could be.

He raised his arms up, then waved them around catching their little bodies. "MONSTER! Ahhh." They scuffled in his arms.

"I miss you babies." He said securing them in his arms.

"We miss you too!" They said together then kissed his cheek.

Naisha came out with their car seats and set them on the pavement.

"You're going to be a great dad one day, Kenneth." She said to him smiling genuinely.

He friendly kissed her on the cheek while setting the girls down. They eventually ran back to their dad who was still in the house.

"I really hope it happens soon, I feel like fatherhood is forever away."

"Well that's just because you have some things to handle first before you start thinking about kids." She looked at him in way that he should remember his situations.

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