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Changbin's car pulled up outside a familiar house. House? No more like a Mansion.

He looked at his childhood home and sighed.
He parked his car in the garage and walked into the house with take outs and a plastic bag.

He easily walked into the house and locked the doors. ,,He probably left the door open for me?,, Changbin thought to himself.

He made his way into the living room and sends a text to the person he was here for.

Dumbass 😒

Hyung I'm home.


He immediately heard footsteps approaching.

"Binnie. Sup"

The older said taking the take out from Changbin and giving him a kiss on his head before pulling away and ruffling his hair.

"Did you miss me," the older said in a Teasing tone. He set the takeout down and pulled Changbin in by the waist and buried his head into Changbins neck.

Changbin hugged back and stayed that way with his hyung just enjoying each other's presence.

He soon broke the hug and sat down on the couch immediately sinking further into the cushions. He was exhausted and he just needed to clear his head but he shouldn't have come here and do what he wanted to do.

"Minho hyung... I'm sorry I don't wanna do it anymore." Changbin said looking up at the Chandelier.

Minho silently watched the younger as he sat across him on the other couch. He hummed and started sorting out the takeout.

"What happened Binnie-ah?" He said while still fixing up the take out for both of them.

"It's Seungmin isn't it?" Minho said and took a sip of his water that Changbin brought with the takeout.

"Yeah..." Changbin said tiredly.

Minho only hummed in response.

He didn't want to get involved in Changbins love life. But for some reason he couldn't leave Changbin alone.

Maybe it was because Changbin was his bestfriend or maybe it was because they had a secret friends with benefits relationship for four years straight before Minho started dating some guy from his art class.
Maybe it was because they were each others first or maybe it was because of the craving he had that only Changbin could fulfill.

Minho started eating his fried chicken and spaghetti. He ate in silence while Changbin moved from the couch and eventually joined him as well.

They both ate in silence. It wasn't awkward in the slightest and Changbin appreciated that both his hyungs knew how much he didn't like talking about his love life.


After eating they both took separate showers and got comfortable in the cinema room. The cinema room was quite big and had its own popcorn stand and cotton candy machine with Slushy machines and ice cream freezers.

This was literally their favorite room in the house and the only one they would lock aside from their parents room whenever they threw a party.

Minho was sitting down with his arms spread out as Changbin cuddled into him on the double jointed seats of the cinema room.As Changbin was cuddled into Minho he couldn't help but feel kinda bad for even thinking about sleeping with Minho while he was still with Seungmin.

He hated himself for being weak enough to want to cheat for even a second.

He cuddled more into Minho as the movie began but Minho paused the movie and ran out of the room. Changbin groaned as he immediately missed the olders warmth.

Minho then came back into the room with a blanket and two pillows. Changbin stood up and watched as Minho fixed them into place on the joint seats to make it more comfortable for them throughout the movie.

Minho then got back into position and Changbin sat back down and cuddled into Minho again. They stayed like this throughout the movie and Minho would feed himself and Changbin popcorn while they watched their movie.


When the movie ended Changbin was asleep and Minho was on his phone. They had just finished two horror movies and Changbin looked so at peace while he was asleep that Minho couldn't help but smile at how weirdly adorable his Binnie was.

Minho looked at the time in his phone. It was currently 1:30 in the morning. He let out a yawn and carefully stood up as he scooped up Changbin and carried him bridal style into his room.


Minho had laid Changbin down in his bed and took off his shirt and he got back into the bed and cuddled into Changbin basically big spooning him.

Changbin stirred a little in his sleep and held Minhos hand around his waist tighter as he tangled their legs. Minho smiled to himself and kissed Changbin on his head then his neck and shoulder softly before whispering
"I missed you so much Binnie-ah. "

Minho sighed.

"I missed spending time with you. And I missed holding you close."

"Break up with your boyfriend... Before I do something we both would regret."

Minho knew that his facade of being calm and ignorant about Changbins love life would eventually come off. He was scared of scaring Changbin away and he also respected the fact that Changbin hated infidelity.

But he doesn't know how long his respect for that would last.

It was either Changbin broke up with Seungmin or he would make Seungmin leave Changbin whether Changbin liked it or not.

But for now he was happy with the fact that no matter who Changbin dated in the end he was the only one Changbin would turn to and he was the only one ....

For Changbin.


He could not wait for the day he would get to watch Changbin unravel in front of him again.  Watch him cry from overstimulation as he begged Minho...

...to stop? for more?.. to the point that Changbin can't even remember his own name.

He couldn't wait to make Changbin lose his mind again and to know only him and his body.

He was gonna make Changbin so addicted to him that he wouldn't be able to live without him. And he would gladly spend the rest of his life with his precious love, Binnie.


Ummm so if you confused.

Minho and Changbins parents were friends when Minho and Changbin were growing up and when they went to universities their parents got married.  But basically Changbin would practically live in Minhos dads house because his mom was always away for work.


Please be honest. Do you think I have the potential to keep writing or ummm. Yeah idk. 🥲

But please drop some ideas for this book if you can. 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️


Also I've never written smut before but I think I will.

That's if you guys would want to cringe with me through it. T-T 💗

Word count 1134

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