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Changbin watched the rain drops from the veranda. It had had just started raining a few minutes after Changbin arrived to the picnic.
The rain seems to get progressively more heavy and the sky got darker. Changbin took a sip of his coffee as he walked towards the railing from the pool table. He could hear Felix playing the piano and the mumbled sound of Minho on the phone. Changbin keeps sipping his warm coffee at the edge of the railing not caring for the harsh rain that managed to hit his face thanks to the winds shifting directions.

Changbin had always loved the rain. He had made so many memories in the rain. His dad was also fond of rain so whenever it would rain his dad would excuse himself from work and Changbin from school and they would use that time to bond.


A Seventeen year old Changbin walked with his soccer ball in hand as he left his classroom running towards the front of the school. His knee kinda stinged with each movement due to him scraping it during recess but Changbin couldn't carry less. The school nurse managed to cover it up nicely and even put a spongebob sticker on it according to Changbins choosing.

"Mr. Seo stop running in the halls!" A teacher called out and Changbin only sped up and smirked to himself.

He made it to the front door of the school and it was already opened by two security guards . "Going home Mr. Seo?" One of the guards asked Changbin. "Yep." Changbin said fist bumping and hugging the two before going out the door and down the 'longest staircase known to mankind'.

He made it down and got into a Neon purple ferrari. "Bro you better win tonight or else I would be skipping school for nothing. " Changbin said relaxing more into the seat laughing.

The driver just rolled their eyes. "Why do you have to bring your soccer ball? You're not gonna be playing soccer at a racing event." They said clearly annoyed.

"Because I can." Changbin stated making them shake their head.

"What Binnie wants Binnie gets." They chuckled driving off.


Changbin and the person arrived at the venue. It was an junk yard filled with both beat up old cars and brand new race cars in Bright and flashy colors. It was decorated with fairy lights hung on the pile of old cars and colorful confetti sprinkled here and there.

Changbin spotted Minhos car but not the older. Changbin looked towards the other cars and sees Minho talking with one of the drivers.

His companion parked his car next to Minhos and opens the door for Changbin. Changbin and him then found a less crowded area. They had to wait for some of the other racers to arrive. So Changbin and them chatted while they both (more so Changbin) chugged down shots and other colorful drinks that they got their hands on.

Finally the race was to begin and the steamy night air was buzzing with anticipation. Changbin looked around and saw some people fucking in cars and others flirting with the racers. He spotted Minho pinning Jisung down on one of the benches. They were shamelessly making out.

He watched as Chan pulled Minho off of Jisung and dragged him to his car. Changbin then felt hands interlocking with his and leading him towards the bright Neon race car.

Changbin looked at the guy he came with. He had a buzz cut and he was really hot. He pulled Changbin into a hug and pecked his lips before ruffling his hair and getting into his car. Changbin blushed and went to give him a proper kiss through the open window. He was startled from the kiss by Minhos car horn. He accidentally got his lips bit and it bled a little from the cut. He licked the blood and turned to glare at the older.

"Hyungggg!" Changbin whined rolling his eyes at Minho before giving his buzz cut boyfriend an even deeper and sloppier kiss before pulling away leaving both of them breathless. He walked to the sides and cheered along with the rest of the crowd as the race begins.

The race ended and Minho came second. He wasn't happy about it one bit and left early with Jisung probably to take his frustration out on the poor boy.

"Congrats bro on your win. You're a new racer right?" Felix asks the winner. Felix spent the rest of the night with him.




Sorry for the late update 😅

My Cat died. <//3

Anyhoe this is a short one.

Word count 778

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