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After having a long week Felix decided to bake today. He usually baked every free time he got. It was a good way to relief his stress if he couldn't go clubbing or grab drinks with his friends if they were busy.

After putting his cupcakes into the oven he washed his hands and went to his room to shower and get dressed.

He came out of his room and immediately took out the cupcakes once they were done in the oven. He set them down and let them cool down a bit before decorating. The aroma of freshly baked chocolate cupcakes filled the house as well as Felixs clothes and hair.

Felix decorated the cupcakes with some of his home made coffee icing and chocolate chips. He also put some of his signature brownies and cookies into a pretty lunch box. He set all his baked goods into a picnic basket along with some fruits, yogurts, and pink lemonade.

Today was a special day for Felix since it was the day he get to spend time with his half brother and his favourite hyung.

Felix and Minho had a lovely relationship despite how complex their family dynamic is.

The three 'brothers' always try to make time for each other and would go on punch or spend the whole day together Twice a month at minimum.

Minhos mom was the hiss dads first wife. His parents divorced since the love between them was no longer there. His dad got married again and had Felix. They also got a divorce because again the love wasn't there anymore. Then Minhos dad met Changbins mom who went through a divorce as well and was way more mature then the women he has been with before and he fell hard for her. They got married and are still together.

Minho was only a baby when his parents got a divorce. His mom was very young and felt like it was too soon for her to be married and especially raise a child. She left Minho with his dad but would take him every weekend.

Felix was seven was his parents got a divorce. His mom was very young as well and she only married because she was young and inlove. But young love doesn't age well. She felt neglected during the duration of her marriage because her husband spent more time with his sons then her. They got a divorce but she took custody of Felix. Felix would visit his dad on the weekends and holidays.


Felix left his penthouse and drove to his father's mansion.

Despite his parents divorce felix never felt anything but love for both his parents. He loved his mother and two small sisters and brother to death and his stepdad was a great guy. He also absolutely adored his dad and Minho. Felix was always a happy child. His mom was very supportive and his dad always told him to follow his dreams. And his live became even more lively when he finally met his emo hyung.

Felix could not have asked for a better life but he didn't mind one request.


He parked his car in the garage and walked in the house. "I'm home!" He called out as he walked towards the noise of the television coming from the kitchen.

Minho stood in the kitchen drinking orange juice as he watched his most recent race being played on TV. He was so focused on himself that he did not notice Felix until the younger stood right next to him and cleared his throat.

"Hey Felix. When did you get here?" He asked eyes still glued to the TV as he took a sip of his orange juice.

"Just right now hyung. "

They met up last night cause their dad was in the city and wanted to have dinner together. But felix still gave his hyung a big hug after he set down the baskets he was carrying. Minho so used to the hug gave in and ruffled the shorters hair.

"Binnie hyungy isn't here yet?" Felix asked still hugging Minho.

"Nope. I'm not sure but if he was you would probably scare him away." Minho said

Felix only chuckes and playfully mini punch his shoulder.


A couple minutes went by as Minho and Felix finally finished their little picnic outside at their huge ass backyard garden.

Their dad owned a toy company that had been around since forever so money was never an issue for them. Minho was the heir to the fortune but they didn't think too much when it came to that because their jobs also paid handsomely.

A couple minutes of them waiting and just chatting and Changbin pulled up. He walked into the house with a turtle neck on because of all the hickeys littered across his body. One of the staple clothing in Changbins closet are turtle necks ever since he started dating Seungmin. Everyone has always referred to Seungmin as a puppy since he looked like one but Changbin knew he was far from one. To Changbin Seungmin was a beast that needed to be constantly fed if not from him then from someone else.

Felix and Minho were chatting as they watched Changbin stride towards them with two expensive champagne in a bucket filled with ice.

Felix wanted to scream cause why did Changbin have to wear such a tight shirt and a turtle neck at that. (No but Changbin in a tight turtle neck 😭😫😫😫) Minho stopped chewing and took in Changbins figure. ,,Damn his obsession with the gym is gonna be the death of me!,,

"Yo I brought us some champagne incase we get thirsty." Changbin said with a grin.

,,You make me thirsty!,, Felix thought to himself.

Changbin absently set the bucket down and set down on the picnic math that was set on a rising floor that happened to be the only thing out of place in the enchant forest of flowers and plants called Minhos backyard.
Changbin looked around proud of his garden. Yes it may be Minhos backyard but it was Changbin who turned into its full glory.

As Changbin was checking out the garden his two 'brothers' were busy checking him out.



Sorry for the late update.
I got involved in some traditional activities for independence day.

This was my not so organised way of showing their relationship and backgrounds.


Word count 1078 <3

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