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"Remind me why I am here. " Minho rolled his eyes as Jeongin and him waited outside Changbin's office building.

"Because I have a feeling my brother is dating someone at his work. " Jeongin said not sparing Minho a glance as he looked at the ongoers.

"That's great and all but that still doesn't justify why I am here." Minho crossed his arms.

"Because we are besties." Jeongin dismissed.

"Urggg fine lets just go inside and find out then." Minho sighed in defeat.

Minho waks in and greets the security guard infront of the glass door while Jeongin follows after him. Minho makes his way to the elevator with Jeongin behind him.


The elevator stops moving and the doors open. "Hyung I've actually never been here before. I've only seen the outside, the lobby and the basement parking lot. " Jeongin nervously tells Minho suddenly feeling out of place.

"I know IN-ah. What would you fo wihout me" Minho says stepping out the elevator.

Jeongin follows after him but suddenly stops and pulls Minho's hand making him stop in his tracks. There infront of them was Jisung talking to a slightly taller brunette with glasses. The brunette was all shy while Jisung was cooing and and smiling widely.

Minho and Jeongin watched the two males and made eye contact after. Jeongin and Minho both had their eyes wide in shock. They both went back to watching the two.


"I always thought Jisung didn't like younger guys. " Minho amused.

"How do you know he is younger than Jisung, hyung?"

"Well starters if Jisung was younger he would be trying to impress them, secondly he wouldn't be so casually complimenting them and not getting shy, and I heard him call Jisung hyung just as the elevator doors closed." Minho explained.

The two left Jisung's workplace amd fled to a nearby café.

"Oh... I wonder if he is the reason Jisung has been behaving unusual. " Jeongin wonders.

"How has Jisung been behaving unusual?" Minho asked curious about how the later felt about the issue since he already knew about how Hyunjin felt.

"Well some days he'll be in such a good mood like a weirdly good mood then on other days he'll be so down and kinda depressed. I've actually picked him up from work like twice and he looked like he was crying his eyes out and once he had like disappearing bruises on his face it looked like he got them when I was out the country for a race."

"Hmmm so you think they're dating?" Minho raised his eyebrows kind of amused since the younger had no idea what was actually going on with his older brother. ,, I'll wait and let Jisung tell him but for now it's so much fun seeing him so clueless.,,

"I don't know, maybe. Do you think Sung would get upset if I ask him about it? He has been very delicate with his emotions lately." Jeongin pondered.

"Probably not. " Minho shrugged and took a sip of his coffee.


Hellurrrrr loveless 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

I realised that I've never actually written a full smut scene here. 😳

Hmmm nvmd... but I'm really tempted on typing a Binsung smut.

Anyhoe loveless 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

Till next update 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

Word count 546

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