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Minho sat across from Hyunjin in a small café. He kinda felt bad for the younger as he watched him depressingly talk about his situation with Seungmin.

Minho had actually walked in on them while he was retrieving something from Changbin and Seungmins apartment. He was half drunk and too tired to call Changbin or make a scene at that moment.

It had happened the day before Changbin arrived in the country. And Hyunjin had made a visit to his house to try and plead his case to the older.
But because they were not able to have that conversation due to Jeongins sudden visit, now here they were, in a cafe right next to Changbins apartment.


"You and Seungmin accidentally slept together under the influence of alcohol during one of my parties... So how long have you both been fucking?" Minho asked.

"Four months." Hyunjin answered back.

"Who else knows?" Minho interrogated further.

"Just you." Hyunjin lied.

"I don't believe you. You and Seungmin aren't smart enough to get away with fucking each other for this long without someone noticing."

"You only found out recently. Which means you're wrong." Hyunjin crossed his arms and answered back with a frown.

"I meant for someone who actually cares. I only care about Changbin not you and his boyfriend." Minho stated and took a sip of his flat white.

"Chan hyung and probably Jisung too." Hyunjin finally answered.

"And you think Changbin doesn't know?" Minho raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin.

"Of course he doesn't know. He can't know." Hyunjin frowned at Minho.

"It's kinda fucked up that you're sleeping with a taken man." Minho said after a while of just sitting in silence

"So you sleeping with your brother isn't fucked up." Hyunjin retorted with a scoff.

"Step brother. Our parents weren't married when we were fucking tho." Minho corrected with a shrug.

"What does it matter. I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't mean to let Seungmin dick you down?" Minho cut Hyunjin off with a smirk.

"It's even more fucked up that you're sleeping with your bestfriends boyfriend."

"I know hyung..." Hyunjin responded quietly with his head down.

"So what now? You don't want me telling Changbin?" Minho questions the younger with a bored expression. He was already tired of this and he wanted to just get on with it.

"Well... yeah. Please hyung don't. I beg you please don't." Hyunjin pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't keep this from Binnie. Now if you'd excuse me I have to go." Minho said as he stood up from His chair and put back on his black leather jacket.

Hyunjin Rose with him and grabbed on to his hand with a look of desperation and pleading. "Please hyung."

Minho only looked at Hyunjin with a poker face. He watched as Hyunjin started to break down.



Hellurrrrr loveless

This a really short chapter.

I've been extremely sick for the last week. I'm still sick but I pushed myself to try and post something. Half my face is in pain , I can barely sleep, eat, hear or talk, basically half my face is swollen now. 💀

Word count 526

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