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Minho stood ontop of the platform as he drank Champaign from his first place Golden trophy. His crew mates and other people surrounded him chanting and cheering for him. He had won the race and like it has always went he was in party mode.

Drinks after drinks and Minho could have sworn people were passing around drugs because everyone was out of it. Despite all that alcohol in his system Minho wasn't drunk yet. He decided that not being drunk right now was not an option so he filled his body up with every single spiked liquid he came across.

The night passed by with Minho having a threesome with two random men. They were both pretty and one kinda reminded him of Jisung because of his chubby cheeks.


Minho woke up and he had the worst head ache. He could feel arms hugging his waist from someone behind him and someone pressed infront of him with their arms interlocked with his hugging themselves with it.

He remembered last night and he groaned as another wave of migraine kicked in.


He finally made it to the kitchen after both his guests left probably in a rush to get back home or to work. In the kitchen was another group of his guests talking, drinking water and other beverages to deal with their headache and some just there after being woken up. This bunch was his crew. Minho groaned loudly and held his head as he made his way towards his crew. They all looked to him and one of the guys gave him water and some medicine for his head.

His crew mates and him cleaned the house and hung out the entire day.


Minho watched the sunset as he drank a glass of Coke with ice cubes inside. He swirled the glass and watched the ice cubes collide with each other before hitting against the glass. He was planning to hang out with Jeongin for that day but the younger made plans to spend the whole day with his older brother. The said older brother so happens to be his ex boyfriend.

After he called Jeongin and the younger could not hang out with him, he called his baby brother but Felix was busy with his restaurant. Minho kinda wished Changbin was here. Sure the younger would have spent most of the time on his laptop but the older did not care one bit. Because he was in the presence of his favourite person, Changbin.

,,Aish why is he always in my head?!,, Minho internally asked himself as he let out a small huff.

The younger was currently with Chan. It's been a while since Minho hung out with the older. He honestly never knew Chan would want to pursue music as a career even tho he was THE DJ in high school. He never even knew the older was that serious about music.

*Ting. He got a notification on his phone. It was from Chans Instagram. ,,Hmm he posted.,, Minho thought as he opened up the app.

"...Fuck." He cursed under his breathe.



Helurrrrrrrr loveless 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
Sorry for the really really late update 😅
I got an ipad and I got distracted 😅
I also apologise for this very short and filler chapter.
I promise to update something longer next update and hopefully not take too long.🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

Anyhoe I hope ya'll are enjoying my book and let me know if you want to know more about the characters separately.


Word count 597 <3

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